Review Of The Red Lantern
Number of words: 425 - Number of pages: 2.... lifestyle and his utter dominance over his wives. When one mistress was good to him, he would decide to sleep with her that night. At the beginning of the film you get the notion that the forth mistress doesn’t want to sleep with the master, but that changes as the film goes on. Sleeping with the master that night meant the lanterns outside your room were lit up and, an added incentive, was being able to get a foot massage that night. The massage seemed to be the most rewarding part of being at the estate. The master’s decision of who to sleep with that night evoked jea .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist
Number of words: 1346 - Number of pages: 5.... from the mother figure, to that of the whore, and finally to the representation of freedom itself. As a child, the image of the mother figure is strong. It is nurturing and supportive, that of "a woman standing at the half-door of a cottage with a child in her arms . . ." (10) who shelters and protects and makes Stephen afraid to "think of how it was" to be without a mother. As Stephen grows, however, like any child his dependency of him mother begins to dwindle, as does his awe for her. He begins to question his relationship with her and she is suddenly seen as a dirty figure, beginning t .....
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White Noise
Number of words: 1222 - Number of pages: 5.... I'd been looking for all my life. It brought me a sense of peace and security I'd never experience (55)." The weather is something that is universally tangible in the sense that one can feel its effects. Heinrich may disagree much like he did on page 24. Howard became more sociable because of the discussion of the weather. Jack's focus on Hitler also dwells on the idea of tangible objects. On page 63 he states that, "Some people put on a uniform and feel bigger, stronger, and safer. It's in this area that my obsessions dwell." One of the bigger points to my argument comes in chapter .....
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A Clockwork Orange - Calculated Captivity
Number of words: 1873 - Number of pages: 7.... acceptable or not. In the end however it is obvious that Alex has become a true "Clockwork Orange’ and despite the previous opinion of the reader, Burgess reveals the outcome in a way that causes a sense of relief and is pleased to see Alex back to ‘normal’.
It is fascinating to consider that Burgess may have written A Clockwork Orange as a prophetic view of warning to future societies. He was a peaceful person who didn’t want the stark consequences of the fictional Alex to become a grim reality. Through the first of three parts in the novel Burgess displays Alex as the em .....
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Chaucers The Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 956 - Number of pages: 4.... with men but she nowhere does she actually advocate sex outside marriage. Her prologue starts by boasting of her experience of men, "Experience, though noon auctoritee Were in this world, is right ynogh for me, To speke of wo that is in mariage." (Chaucer, ll. 1).
Chaucer begins his description of the wife by telling us she is somewhat deaf. By being deaf she can not hear what other say about her. He says this deafness is a pity and this sympathy from Chaucer may be because if she could hear what others might say about her then she might change her ways. He goes on and tells that s .....
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A Separate Peace - Analysis
Number of words: 2231 - Number of pages: 9.... his people skills and, of course, his good looks.
Early in the story Finny demonstrated his openness by when asked for his height, he said 5 foot, 8½ inches, while Gene replies 5 foot, 9 inches. Finny pointed out that they were the same height and you shouldn't be ashamed to tell anybody your real height. Later that day, they skip dinner to go swimming in the river,by Finny'schoice,
and are asked where they were on return. Finny quickly replied that they were swimming in the river, something that is forbidden, right down to the last detail, and they got away with it. Gene said th .....
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The Pencil Box
Number of words: 2192 - Number of pages: 8.... have these conversations while Jane sat outside the door wit ha garage sale, dog eared copy of Gone With the Wind—a five-hundred-page-long book! —swinging her patent leather Mary Jane shoes because they didn’t reach the ground and she had to do something to keep her attention through the first twenty pages, pages she always found sub-standard to an otherwise exhilarating book. Yes, supposedly teachers just loved Jane. That’s what all the other children accused them of, love, favoritism, unfair grading, and things like that. They just loved Jane, even though they s .....
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Hamlet 10
Number of words: 1023 - Number of pages: 4.... involvement with the royal family resulting to his death can be found at the beginning of Act III, scene iv, when Hamlet stabs him while he is hiding behind the Curtained Wall in Gertrude’s chamber. This is a great example of how Polonius, a man unknowing of the true nature of the situation that he was in, is killed by a member of the royalty during the execution of one (Hamlet) of their schemes. This makes Polonius’ death a tragedy. But he was asking for it, come on.
The next member of the Polonius clan to die is his daughter Ophelia. Ophelia’s death is also tragic, bec .....
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The Death Of Ivan Ilych
Number of words: 1204 - Number of pages: 5.... pain, and the doctors were left without agreeing knowledge on what he had. Close to the end of his life he began to wonder if his life was really what it should have been and whether or not he achieved all he was supposed to. He questioned death as if to ask "What is this? Can it be death?......Why these sufferings?"
(Arp, 553) The reader is now left with the question did he die from physical pain or from mental anguish also? It could be said that when he was dealing with his impending death he went through five psychological stages. First he went through denial and ignored the fact tha .....
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The Changes Which Occurred Whi
Number of words: 499 - Number of pages: 2.... the characters thoughts into words, which is not that difficult to do.
Another change that happened when developing the novel into a movie, was that the Zoo of Death was not shown in the movie. In the book, the Zoo of Death was one of the main places where the characters interacted. This is when we found out how good friends Inigo and Fezzik were. It was a great part in the book, because our imagination seemed to picture the Zoo of Death, quite easily. Also the Zoo of Death proved to us how Prince Humperdinck was so obsessed with killing and hunting animals. It showed how the Prince had .....
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