The Narrative Structure
Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4.... 'Structure is what holds the story in place.’
2. Typical elements in a narrative structure
Reverse engineering; take something apart, see how it works and copy it. This is exactly what Syd Field did. What did all great scripts have in common? What made them work, where others failed? The answer is 'great structure'. I am going to go in details what some of these elements are.
a) Abstract
Abstract is a clause that summarizes the whole story. It is usually at the beginning of the story and is optional. Some of the writers choose to reveal the end in the beginning. In short it i .....
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Macbeth - Characters In The First Three Acts
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... ambition, she rids of herself of any kindness that might stand in the way. However, she runs out of energy to supress her conscience and commits suicide.
A foundation reputation for Macbeth is fashioned before he comes on to the stage. The Sergeant who has fought on his side harps about Macbeth’s valour in war, "But all’s too weak | For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name"(Act I, scene II). We then hear from Ross, who consistently speaks of Macbeth’s courage in battle, "The Thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict | …Point against point, rebellious arm ‘gain .....
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Blakes The Chimney Sweeper
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... felt and how they were deprived of their childhood.
Blake also uses symbolism to express the evils of exploiting these small boys. Most of this symbolism appears to be about death. This gives the poem a dark mood. For example, Blake writes “So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep” (554). Most of the boys who were sold into chimney sweeping died very young because the soot inhalation destroyed their lungs. In this quote sleeping in soot symbolizes dying in soot, or from the soot. Blake also symbolizes these boys’ fate with the lines “That thousands of sweepers .....
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Swimming Alone
Number of words: 1026 - Number of pages: 4.... the film. Muriel's siblings are unemployed and show no desire for a better future and the father, Bill reinforces his families' low self esteem by constant negativity. Muriel's desire to get married is at some level her opportunity to escape this environment.
Throughout the film, Muriel demonstrates avoidance behaviour. Music plays a large part of this process and becomes a symbol of freedom from her environment. She allies herself with a group of "trendy" and popular girls in an effort to disassociate from her lower class, dysfunctional family. Her motivation to improve herself and .....
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The Crying Of Lot 49
Number of words: 384 - Number of pages: 2.... what he has done, he blinds himself and becomes a wandering beggar.
Sigmund Freud took the legend of Oedipus as a metaphor for the wish of every small boy to get his father out of the way so he could have his mother all to himself. Most men resolve this dilemma by the time they reach adulthood; some do not, and are therefore unable to cope with the stresses of adult life. Men do not want to recognize this tendency in themselves, but -- like Oedipus -- once they are aware of this, it intrudes itself on their consciousness at every move, until they begin to doubt their own sanity. This is very .....
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Active Intellect In Aristotle,
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... of essence and existence, it naturally follows that we grasp the universal through our encounter with the particular. What follows is a series of events which leads to knowledge.
The passive intellect receives the image from the sense data and it is stamped upon the passive intellect from the material impression. From this stamp the active intellect is to draw out of it and somehow make a universal concept from this particular experience. But there is something more at work here. There is something in the mind ( more specifically in the soul) that
somehow comprehends and makes universals .....
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America Is In The Heart
Number of words: 2377 - Number of pages: 9.... serving the United States. They all worked so hard for his brother Macario, who was attending high school at the province capital. They needed money for Macario’s education so his father sold a hectare of their four-hectare land. When they needed more, they sold more land. They gave up almost everything they owned just to make their son Macario go to school. One day when his father and his brother Amado were farming, Amado started beating up the carabao. His father stopped him and Amado told his father that he couldn’t live like this anymore. So he ran away from home, leaving Allos as hi .....
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Study Skills
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... to get my work done. There are too many distractions and it is impossible to get my work done with friends coming in and out of my room. I realized that I needed to go to the library where it is quiet and there are no distractions. I get much more of my work done now that I actually go to the library and concentrate.
I am glad that we covered the subject of giving oral presentations. This is a skill that is difficult for almost any one to master. During our years here at Bentley College we will need to give many presentations. We will also continue to use this skill in the work force .....
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Great Expectations - Mrs. Joe
Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5.... a torrent of such inquiries, she threw a candlestick at Joe, burst into a loud sobbing, got out the dustpan -- which was always a very bad sign -- put on her coarse apron, and began cleaning up to a terrible extent. Not satisfied with a dry cleaning, she took to a pail and scrubbing-brush, and cleaned us out of house and home,..." Truly, a frightening creature is that that may destroy a household by cleaning when anger besets her. Third, the comedy also has a serious side, though, as we remember our mothers exerting their great frustrations upon the household tasks of cleanliness. So .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage -x
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... and of what it would be like to fight in those glorious
battles. He didn^t want to stay on the farm with nothing to do, so he
made his final decision to enlist.
After enlisting he finds himself in a similar situation, with
nothing to do. While there he becomes friends with two other
soldiers, John Wilson, ^the loud soldier / ^the friend^ and Jim
Conklin, ^the tall soldier^. Wilson was a loud spoken and obnoxious
soldier who becomes one of Henry^s best friends. Jim was a tall
soldier and was a childhood friend of Henry^s. He was always calm and
matter-of-fact like. He also lov .....
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