The Dying Dreams
Number of words: 1295 - Number of pages: 5.... he allowed the people who were defending him and fighting next to his sons to die, thus committing the ultimate sin of murder. In All My Sons Joe Keller immensely influences the lives of many outside his family while caring only about his own. By contrast, in Death of a Salesman Willy Lowman commits adultery, a rather minor sin when compared with murder. His influence is limited only to the lives of his wife and sons, while he desires to impact the lives of those outside his family. Arthur Miller emphasizes the destruction of lives more apparently in All My Sons then in Death if a Sal .....
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Our World Or Brave New World
Number of words: 1888 - Number of pages: 7.... on the subject of cloning. People are trying to determine whether these new realities of life will enhance life, or if they will cause the destruction of society and life as we know it. When thinking of progress, most people think of advances in the scientific fields, believing that most discoveries and technologies are beneficial to society. Are these advances as beneficial as most people think? In the novel Brave New World, the author Aldous Huxley, warns readers that scientific advances can be a threat to society. This is particularly evident in the fields of biology, technolog .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird By Harpe
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... at the same time in [their] life"(23). It is certain that the Cunninghams live a poor life, but that does not stop them from being honest. The Cunninghams do not take anything from anyone if they do not have a way to repay them. In the class when Ms.Caroline was giving Walter a coin, Walter did not take it because he knew that it was impossible to reimburse her. I judged that it is really mature for a child to act that way. I also admired how the Cunninghams were able to endure by giving crops to people as a form of payment. When Atticus helps Sr.Walter with his entailment, Walter does no .....
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Bach; Brandenberg Concertos
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... tendencies and high expectations of other musicians – for example, the church choir – rubbed his colleagues the wrong way, and he was embroiled in a number of hot disputes during his short tenure. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach became fed up with the lousy musical standards of Arnstadt (and the working conditions) and moved on the another organist job, this time at he St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen (1707-1708). The same year, he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach.
Again caught up in a running conflict between factions of his church, Bach fled to Weimar after one year in Muhlhaus .....
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Christian Elements In Beowulf
Number of words: 1525 - Number of pages: 6.... to write the story down on tablets.
The old tale was not first told or invented by the commonly known, Beowulf poet. This is clear from investigations of the folk lore analogues. The manuscript was written by two scribes around AD 1000 in late West Saxon, the literary dialect of that period. It is believed that the scribes who put the old materials together into their present form were Christians and that his poem reflects a Christian tradition. The first scribe copied three prose pieces and the first 1,939 lines of Beowulf while the second scribe copied the rest of Beowulf. In 1731, a .....
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Karl Marx's Teachings And Capitalism
Number of words: 6614 - Number of pages: 25.... societies wrought by the capitalist mode of production.
Précis of Capital: Volume One:
Scientific, logical discourse must begin with definitions and axioms. Since Marx’ investigation of capitalism was intended to be objective and logical, he quite accordingly began with exposition of the key aspects of the capitalist system.
The first chapter of the book is dedicated to the commodity. Marx defines a commodity as “. . . an external object, a thing which through its qualities satisfies human needs of whatever kind.” Because we live in a capitalist society, when we walk through the .....
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Eating Gilbert Grape
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4.... started from wanting for his family, then his mother, Arnie, Ellen and we get the impression the list would have continued 'wanting' for other people, had Becky not interrupted.
Gilbert's good nature is apparent from the very start when he and Arnie are waiting for the caravans to pass through Endora. We can hear Gilbert describe the scene as a 'yearly ritual' in a very tired voice. Yet, we know he is doing it for Arnie. It pleases Arnie so much to see the caravans along the road, and Gilbert feels satisfaction that his brother is happy. To make someone else happy creates a warm feel .....
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Oroonoko, Not An Anti-slavery
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3.... at the time. Behn, being a woman, faced many prejudices from male writers and critics, although she was praised by some. Yet the anthology introduction states that she openly signed her name and talked back to critics. If this is true why would she be afraid to take a more open stance towards the question of slavery. Why does the antislavery perspective have to come from a slave, someone who is obviously going to be antislavery and not that of someone with a higher rank in society whose feelings toward the issue would be more considered.
It is funny that even though the narrator is consid .....
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Penalty Of Death-Analysis
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... this argument is not important enough to abolish the penalty…all it says is that the work of the hangman is unpleasant.
-Goes on by first stressing the unimportance of the statement by saying that other necessary jobs are also unpleasant such as that of the plumber, soldier etc.
-Then he falsifies it by saying that there is no evidence stating that hangmen complain of their work, and he knows many who delight in and are proud of their work
-Second statement he attacks states: "[Capital punishment] is useless, for it does not deter others from the same crime".
-Attacks this by sayin .....
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Home Burial
Number of words: 1355 - Number of pages: 5.... The baby is buried in the family graveyard, which is visible from an upstairs window of their house. Day after day she goes to the stairway window looking out upon the nearby family plot. The sight of the raw mound where her child lies buried reopens her grief. But, another emotion wells up as well – anger and bitterness at her husband, which is at first unexplained. The first hint of the rift between them shows up on lines twelve to thirteen, she "refused him any help, /
Hazelwood 2
with the least stiffening of her neck and silence." T .....
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