Symbolism In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... resembles the sun (G205). This suggests a brilliance or beauty about Daisy. Their spacious home is described as having shades of red, white, and cream, and overlooking the bay. This portrays them as a member of an elite upper class. Snobbishly commenting on his house, Tom states, "I've got a nice place here"(GG5). In the beginning of the novel, the green light on Daisy's dock seen by Gatsby symbolized promise, hope, and renewal. But by the end of the novel, the wealth accumulated by Gatsby for the hope of reaching Daisy turns sour and this mutates that very same object into just a bur .....
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The Masque Of Red Death: The Masque Of Poe
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... color as a symbol. He used
the colors red, blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and black. In
the story red stand for the death that comes over everyone in the story.
In Poe's life it stands for the diseases that has killed everyone important
to him, tuberculoses. Blue is the color of the first room, in Poe's life
it is supposed to be him. The second room in the story is the color purple,
this color is for Poe's mother. Then there is a green room, this room is
for his brother. There was also an orange room for Poe's foster mother,
Mrs. Allan. The white room was for his wife V .....
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Paradise Lost
Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... of a garden,
then that is establishing Marías’ systematic view on how California is not a mere paradise but also having a bearing to the Garden of Eden. Furthermore, since
there are wild, untrammeled, and rugged forest lands
in the North Atlantic states; deserts in Arizona and New Mexico.
California is another matter, truly an oasis,
then once again we can see an image of California as being a desert garden. There are numerous accounts of examples across the pages that seem to expose a penetrating contemplation on the author’s part when viewing California as the Ga .....
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Disjunction Vs. Communion In Raymond Carver's Short Stories
Number of words: 3837 - Number of pages: 14.... Communion within the characters of Carver's later writings, as in
his collections in Cathedral, create much more depth and interest in his
stories. It is within this scope of communion that Carver's stories seem
to become more fulfilling with character affirmation.
Communion occurs in Carver's stories when several conditions are
satisfied. The difference in the two criteria; communion and disjunction,
is simply defined. "Communion, n 1. A sharing of thoughts or feelings 2. a
A religious or spiritual fellowship." (Websters, 141) It is a
connection between characters .....
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Tradition Roles
Number of words: 484 - Number of pages: 2.... much that Jack doesn't know the appropriate term for 'African Americans,' and he questions whether or not his father would mind if he didn't hate African Americans. The prejudice in this family is common, and without knowing it, Jack is greatly influenced. One can see that by noticing his language when speaking about races other than his own.
Tradition also decides on apropos behavior and expectations from certain genders. In The Changeling, the mother dissaproves of her daugher dressing as a boy, while that is the only way to catch a father's attention. "To return invisible, as myself, .....
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Crime And Punishment Psycho-An
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... the psyche of Raskolnikov.
Although Raskolnikov's compassion can be classified neatly under superego, morality principal. Intellect does not fit directly into opposition with it under id. Intellect would best be classified under ego, reality principal. The main job being to find a balance between id and superego. A very good example of this mediation, is after Raskolnikov gives money to Sonia. This is an extreme extension of his superego, the ego lets it slide by. But after Raskolnikov's ego or intellect analyzes this action he realizes it has broken the balance too much and he regre .....
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Pride And Prejudice - Jane Aus
Number of words: 8644 - Number of pages: 32.... are very important. It’s been first published in 1813.
My version: Blackbirds 1992
Idea’s and manners can be changed. I don’t know what else to make of it. It’s the only lesson I can find in the novel. I read because I enjoy it, not because I want to be taught life visions.
Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austin
[Chapter 1]
Mrs. Bennet tells her husband, Mr. Bennet, to visit the new owner of Netherfield, Mr. Bingley. He is quite rich and he is single which makes him a wanted man with all the girls in the neighbourhood. Mr. B .....
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Analysis Of Macbeth
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... even considered the consequences. He only knew that he needed power, but not how to acquire it. While speaking of the advancing enemy, Macbeth says to a servant, "I'll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked. Give me my armor." He refuses to acknowledge that his fate may be drawing near. He boldly trods through everything he comes upon, counting on blind luck and arrogance to get him through the day. Macbeth feels that whatever he believes is automatically right or true, despite all facts that oppose it. During his conversation with the triad of witches and after hearing the thi .....
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Is Human Nature Simply The Enjoyment Of Sin?
Number of words: 1735 - Number of pages: 7.... something can be gained out of it. Thucydides embellishes this concept even more, stating "…men were often killed on grounds of personal hatred or else by their debtors because of the money that they owed" (241). This is a direct example of personal wants and greed leading to massive sin. It is exactly this selfish concept which lays the foundation for defining human nature according to Thucydides.
Augustine, much the same, uses his own personal experiences to show the domination of sin in humankind. He starts this account by describing the selfishness and jealousy of infants. "But in .....
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Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... is right. kills Duncan and is wracked with regret, fear, guilt, sorrow. This time he hears voices saying he has murdered sleep. He comes into his own chamber to his wife, bloodied and wailing and falling apart. He cannot believe what he has done. He obviously is not truly evil at heart but this 'milk of human kindness' he is able to push away to achieve his evilly-motivated goal to be king. After this first murder the idea of killing to be able to get what he wants seems less horrific to . He easily kills the king's servants the next day that he and Lady have set up. This time he is a lo .....
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