Les Miserables
Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4.... fled into the night. This act again can be blamed on society for Valjean, realizing that because of his criminal record he would probably never again be able to obtain a job and support himself, saw stealing the silverware as his only choice.
Had he not been caught and returned to the Bishop, Valjean probably would have been forced into a life of corruption. However, to his surprise, the priest told the police he had made a present of the silver to Valjean. He even gave Valjean the two silver candlesticks he had not taken. When the police left, the Bishop explained his action, saying that w .....
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Comparison Anthem Vs. By The W
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3.... more than to share it with his people. He felt that it
would help their society tremendously. The scholars were angry because he challenged
their ways of thinking and tried to alter the system that they had created. They talked of
destroying his invention and Equality listened no more. He ran away from the city to the
uncharted forest, where it was said that no man ever survived. Waking up in the forest
unharmed, Equality finds that he is more happy than he has even been. He learns that it is
possible to survive on his own without the help and structure of his society. When
E .....
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Battle Royal
Number of words: 1784 - Number of pages: 7.... Live with your head in the lion's mouth. I want you to overcome'em with yeses, undermine'em with grins, agree'em to death and destruction, let'em swoller you till they vomit or burst wide open Learn it to the younguns" These last words that his grand father speaks are the chain-breakers that set the young boy's mind free. What hit's him the hardest is finding out that his people are in an ongoing fight, a war for freedom and equality. And it is these words that guide him on the right path to the realization of who he is, and how he needs to start thinking and acting. However this pat .....
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The Client
Number of words: 1220 - Number of pages: 5.... name was Reggie Love, a woman. Mark despised Reggie at first, knowing that a woman was not capable of fullfilling his needs, like a man could. Then something happened where Reggie grew on him, he got more used too her, and he found himself telling her personal things, spending tons of time with her, and starting to care for her. She was like the mother figure he never had. Mark and Reggie were in the tangle of mess together. Mark realized through the whole ordeal he could not do everything by himself, he also realized how vulnerable he was by being independent. Mark and Reggie becam .....
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Hamlet - The Tragedy Of Hamlet
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4.... was evil, yet he was a tragic hero, because he had free will. He also had only one flaw, and that was pride. He had many good traits such as bravery, but his one bad trait made him evil. Also a tragic hero doesn't have to die. While in all Shakespearean tragedies, the hero dies, in others he may live but suffer "Moral Destruction". In Oedipus Rex, the proud yet morally blind king plucks out his eyes, and has to spend his remaining days as a wandering, sightless beggar, guided at every painful step by his daughter, Antigone. A misconception about tragedies is that nothing good comes out o .....
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Beowulf 10
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... any rhyming, but there is a general flow.
The first sign of alliteration occurs on the first line of the piece extracted from the story. "Then the dangerous dragon…" It goes on to emphasize the burdening problem the dragon, "…scourge of the Geats…" is towards the innocent Geats. When in reality, the Geats were doing as much killing as the dragon, and their killing was probably less justifiable than the dragons, considering the dragon was fighting for his own survival. In this case though the dragon was killing in a rage, over his missing treasure. Nevertheless, the Geat .....
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Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also
Number of words: 1301 - Number of pages: 5.... stories; one of his works is The Sun Also Rises.
Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway was raised with the conservative Midwestern values of strong religion, hard work, physical fitness and self-determination; if one adhered to these parameters, he was taught, he would be ensured of success in whatever field he chose (Wilson 1). As a boy, he was taught by his father to hunt and fish. When he wasn't hunting or fishing his mother taught him the finer points of music. Hemingway never had a knack for music and suffered through choir practices and cello lessons, h .....
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Beloved 2
Number of words: 1664 - Number of pages: 7.... part of who she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder. Throughout Beloved, Sethe's character consistently displays the duplistic nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe's reunion with .....
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1984 8
Number of words: 468 - Number of pages: 2.... the whole empire known as Big Brother.
The men and women have one way that could almost assure themselves of overthrowing the Party; create a revolt against Big Brother itself. The people could all get together, go to Big Brother to demand that they have their rights and that they can live a happy life if they please to do so. They can insist that Big Brother listen to every word that they have to say. If Big Brother does not care to listen to the people’s demands, then the people could be forced to take matters into their own hands.
The number of citizens in the city of London mu .....
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Divine Comedy
Number of words: 1939 - Number of pages: 8.... are most recognized as one of the many perils Odysseus encounters in Homer's Odyssey. As Circe explains to Odysseus before he sets out for home, "You will come first of all to the Sirens, who are enchanters / of all mankind and whoever comes their way…/ They sit in their meadow, but the beach before it is piled with boneheaps / of men now rotted away, and the skins shrivel upon them" (Homer 12.39-50). Odysseus chooses to listen to their sweet song as his boat passes their island, and, were it not that he were bound fast to the mast, would have jumped overboard to seek his death upon the .....
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