Robert Frost
Number of words: 589 - Number of pages: 3.... flowers, which the mower chose to leave intact. The patch of beauty left by his fellow worker causes the speaker to feel that he is no longer alone. There is a sense of understanding between the speaker and the mower, because an appreciation of beauty unites them.
Frost uses peaceful images to relate the feeling of his poem. The setting is in a grassy field with a brook running through it. The tranquil feeling is added to by a silent butterfly, who searches for a flower upon which to land. In keeping with the peaceful surroundings, Frost speaks of a long scythe ³whispering to the ground,² .....
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Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Co
Number of words: 1452 - Number of pages: 6.... each ivory station should stand like a beacon light, offering a better way of life to the natives. He was considered to be a "universal genius": he was an orator, writer, poet, musician, artist, politician, ivory producer, and chief agent of the ivory company's Inner Station. yet, he was also a "hollow man," a man without basic integrity or any sense of social responsibility. "Kurtz issues the feeble cry, 'The horror! The horror!' and the man of vision, of poetry, the 'emissary of pity, and science, and progress' is gone. The jungle closes' round" (Labrasca 290). Kurtz being cut off from civ .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 2003 - Number of pages: 8.... from Wuppertal, about twenty miles east of the German city of Düsseldorf. During summers he worked as a hired hand on nearby ranches, "nourishing" his impression of the California countryside and its people (Lisca 32). He made occasional exciting trips to San Francisco with his family and more frequent trips to the Monterey peninsula (Fontenrose 2). In 1918, he became ill with pneumonia and almost died, but he was able to recover. After graduating from Salinas High School in 1919, Steinbeck enrolled at Stanford University, taking courses in English and Marine Science (Bloom 11). He .....
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The Cask Of Amontillado
Number of words: 1588 - Number of pages: 6.... lined with human remains, and the insufferably damp atmosphere cause a feeling of terror to escalate for the reader. The descent down into the vaults is reminiscent of Dante's "Inferno," going down into the depths of hell. Through Poe's descriptions, the reader can feel the dripping dampness, smell the "foulness" of the air" (Poe, 114), see the eerie glow of the flambeaux, touch the crusty nitre which "hangs like moss upon the vaults (Poe, 1148), and hear the "loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form" (Poe, 1150). Through the setting, Poe is very succe .....
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Aristotle Virtue Theory
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... Virtue is not a capacity either, because virtue involves choice, not abilities. Therefore, virtue is a characteristic of a person that "renders good the thing itself of which it is the excellence and causes it to perform its function well." In other words, a person with a good character has virtue. The aim of all human action is for good, and any virtuous act is good. A virtuous act must be based on rationality and only acted on after careful deliberation by the individual. Therefore, a virtuous individual must be knowledgeable about what is good, must only make choices after careful deli .....
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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5.... racial discrimination. Walter Lee feels that with money he can change the hegemony’s view of him as a poor, stupid, black servant. The hegemony’s social construction of reality about blacks as being lesser and the hegemony’s ethnocentric perception of being superior, is corroborated in an article titled "The Colour Bar of Beauty" from The Peak. Cristina Rodrigues, a member of the black cultural and social activist group Olodum, says " In Brazil, nobody wants to be black because the mass media equates black with poor and stupid" (Aujla 2).
Walter has a lo .....
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Oliver Twist
Number of words: 1362 - Number of pages: 5.... Artful Dodger, who tells him "I knows a respectable old gentleman as lives there wot'll give you lodging for nothink." (51). The "respectable old gentleman" is none other than Fagin, a crafty, old, shriveled scoundrel who enriches himself by teaching outcast boys how to steal. It's unsettling to witness the calculated manipulation of the trusting and impressionable Oliver into the world of petty crime. And, it isn't only Fagin who spreads evil among the cast-off waifs of London. There is someone viler, someone even Fagin fears; Bill Sikes, a brute and a murderer. He has his own crimin .....
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Fallen Souls In "The Inferno"
Number of words: 772 - Number of pages: 3.... soul in the Inferno
will live forever in eternal suffering.
Our first soul to discuss is eternally locked in Canto V, Circle
Two: The Carnal. This man, Jason, became king of Cornith by committing
adultery against his wife, Medea, with the king of Cornith's daughter,
Glauce. Jason returns to Medea and tells her that she and their three
children are to leave his home immediately so he and Glauce can move in.
The following day Medea sends Glauce a poisoned robe which kills her. This
causes Jason to come to Medea for revenge, where he finds his three
children murdered by their mother's .....
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What Is Literature 2
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... in the late 1800's - 1950's. The topic is a pressing issue today in Australian society and poems such as these help everyone understand about the issue of Aboriginal treatment by white people.
A good use of the resource of language is essential for a text to be defined as literary. A good use of the resource of language would include use of syntax, structure, literal and metaphorical levels and imaginative, descriptive and complex language.
An example of well crafted language and also a strong value judgement is in the poem Beauty by Grace Nichols. It emphasises the point that beauty i .....
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Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... of the house to mourn the dead man in unrestrained sorrow, sing his praises, wash his body, and consign him to the earth. This enormous sense of loyalty leads to her simultaneous violation and abidement to the duty of women at the time. In order for her to properly mourn her brother, like every sister should, was forced to boldly challenge the law set forth by her uncle and king, Creon.
Unlike her sister, Ismene refuses to challenge the male authority, even if it means to (not fulfill) her duties as a sister. "Remember we are women, we're not born to contend with men. Then too we're .....
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