Pigeon Feather
Number of words: 2290 - Number of pages: 9.... itself" -- not entirely unaided, of course, by wide margins, Devonshire-cream paper, and clear type.
Speaking of which, I am happy to report that his publisher felicitously chimes Mr. Updike's Pennsylvania-Dutch tones with a Linotype contribution named for Janson, a Dutchman. And paper made at Spring Grove, Pa.
Over Territory and Time
The stories in "Pigeon Feathers" float from Pennsylvania to England, to New England, to New York, and always back to Pennsylvania. In general outline and under various names the characters are repeated as frequently as characters are repeated when you are .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... the t. Crooks is a crippled blackman who envies Lennie and George. He"too/ would like to invest in their farm. The men are always picking on Crooks and Curley's wife threatens to have him hung all the time. The boss is always taking his anger out on him. Curley's wife is young, beautiful and very lonely. She is the only female on the ranch and she teases the men to amuse herself. Her husband considers her nothing more than an object. Her dreams were one day to become an actress; instead she manied Curley because she had no way to support herself. I believe the most important character in the .....
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A Book Report On Jack Shaeffer
Number of words: 292 - Number of pages: 2.... learned from Joe that the previous hand had been run off by Fletcher, the powerful and unscrupulous rancher vying for land with the homesteaders in the area. The trust Joe places in Shane helps to forge an uncommon bond of friendship between the two men, which inevitably embroils Shane in the escalating conflict.
Several subplots lend added depth to the story. The most important involves the growing attraction Marian Starrett and Shane feel for each other, notwithstanding her deep love for Joe and Shane's loyalty toward him. In the end, however, it is Bob's unwavering love and admiration fo .....
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The Women Of Shakespear
Number of words: 1911 - Number of pages: 7.... based on gender in this scene, since they both spoke their mind in the company of men.
Act I, Scene III, between Juliet, her mother and the nurse shows the formality that Juliet has with her mother. Juliet calls her mother Madam and behaves very submissive and obediently. Lady Capulet is very detached from Juliet’s upbringing, which is obvious by the lack of knowledge regarding her child’s age. The nurse raised Juliet and breast-fed her as an infant. This fact helps explain the close relationship shared between the nurse and Juliet. The nurse was Juliet’s emotio .....
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Little Girl Lost
Number of words: 1014 - Number of pages: 4.... passion only to find that her father has a negative view on the very love she has just been introduced to. "A " seems to be much deeper in thought than "The ." This depth in content begins with the title, which gives the poem an aura of uneasiness. A feeling that it is dangerous or sinful stems from word "Little" in the title, which implies that the girl addressed in the poem is quite young. Other signs such as the fact that the prologue is addressed to "children" and that the "maiden" is still clearly under parental guardianship create .....
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The Martian Chronicles (isolat
Number of words: 201 - Number of pages: 1.... and laughing, because he cannot deal with his feeling of loneliness and isolation. And third, he is trying to put the Martian in a lower standing and trying to put himself on a pedestal. Thus, the interaction between the Martians and Humans, proves that Humans feel insignificant compared to the apparently more superior race.
In the novel The Martian Chronicles, author Ray Bradbury uses setting and characterization to show the reader that a human will try to ignore their feelings of isolation and insignificance which can be caused by science advancing so quickly that the human can't compr .....
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Great Gatsby 16
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... a paragraph saturated with words of strength and authority: sturdy, supercilious, enormous, and aggressive, to name a few. Tom’s physical body is described as “cruel” and this describes more than just his body, but his demeanor as well. His voice, “…a gruff husky tenor…” (11), added to his rough image. Every one of his actions is completed with unnecessary force. Tom has the tendency to manhandle Nick, manipulating nearly all of his movements. “…wedging his tense arm imperatively under mine, Tom Buchanan compelled me from the room as thou .....
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Summary Of The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... lawn, a swimming pool
and an exclusive garden. Despite all his money, he wasn’t a
very happy man. There was no woman in his life, just
servants. His way of getting in touch with people was
through his parties. He had parties in his home all the
time. The house always got messed up, so the servants had a
lot to do the day after the party.
Nick got to know a lot of people, some better than
others. One of the people he met was a man called Tom
Buchanan. He was the kind of man nobody likes. When he got
angry, he would take it out on his wife, Daisy. He would
beat her, once he .....
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A Raisin In The Sun
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... messing ‘round with sick people - then go be a nurse like other women - or just get married an be quiet" (38). This passage shows that Walter is clearly a chauvinist, and does not believe in his sister’s desire to be a doctor. Similarly, Beneatha does not believe in Walters aspirations of becoming a rich entrepreneur, and thinks he is rather foolish, incapable, and will resort to any means to make money. "Oh, God! Where is the bottom! Where is the real honest-to-God bottom so he can’t go any further!" (142). Beneatha is referring to the fact that Walter plots and schemes get more ridic .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1283 - Number of pages: 5.... what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind - as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves...” (Conrad, 10).
With the unfolding of his journey Marlow starts his “enlightenment.” We can observe his evolution from “everyday European” to someone who realizes his own naiveness and begins to see the surr .....
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