Civil Disobedience Reaction
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... government, because it wouldn’t always go where it needed to schools and businesses. Money would probably go to waste and not to things that would help economy. Without the money businesses need, people would soon lose jobs. Money would be spent very quickly and be gone very fast.
Government is needed so much when you think about it. Henry David Thoreau didn’t really appreciate it, but I bet he would change his mind if he saw life without it. Thearou is very deep and he uses big words and strange analogies to explain his opinions, but sometimes simple is best. Life would be miserab .....
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Good Vs. Evil Miltons Paradise
Number of words: 2075 - Number of pages: 8.... the lead character in the battle against God, Satan. His name means "enemy of God." He was a former high angel from Heaven named Lucifer, meaning, "light bearer" (John). Satan became jealous in Heaven of God's son and formed an allegiance of angels to battle against God, only for God to cast them out of Heaven into Hell (Milton 35). This did not bother Satan at first since he became the leader in Hell rather than a servant in Heaven. Satan believed that it was, "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" ( I-l. 263). Much of Satan's reliance on getting things accomplished came fr .....
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Beowulf- A Noble King
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... he proves by killing numerous times. Beowulf is strong enough to kill Grendel, who has been terrorizing the Danes for a long time, by using only his hands and ripping off Grendels arm. Defeating Grendel, he shows that a man, without armor and weapons, can defeat evil in any form. When Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother, who is seeking revenge on her son's death, he is able to slay her by slashing her neck with a sword that can only be lifted by a person as strong as Beowulf. When Beowulf fights the fire- blowing dragon he knows this will most likely be his last battle, nevertheless he does .....
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Dead Poets Society And Transce
Number of words: 1828 - Number of pages: 7.... well as the creative process, believing that divinity permeated all objects. Director Peter Weir illustrates that the movie Dead Poet’s Society echoes Transcendentalist notions in content in that self-reliance and individualism must outweigh external authority and blind conformity to custom or tradition, intuition is superior to deliberate intellectualism and rationality and in structure through the idea that one can find truth and beauty in nature.
One of the main ideas of Transcendentalism is that one’s own opinions should prevail over deliberate conformity. Emerson wrote conce .....
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Mayor Of Casterbridge 3
Number of words: 1353 - Number of pages: 5.... ride. This motif forms a counterpoint to the dominant theme of work and the novel develops on the basis of a conflict between various images of the isolated, individualistic, egotistical and private forms of 'economic man' (Bakhtin's term) and the collectivity of the workfolk. The many images of festivity - the washout of Henchards' official celebration of a national event, Farfrae's 'opposition randy', the fete carillonnee which Casterbridge mounts to receive the Royal Personage, the public dinner presided over by Henchard where the town worthies drank and ate 'searching for titbits, and sni .....
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The Artificial Nigger: Truths Behind Racism
Number of words: 1491 - Number of pages: 6.... increases. Doing so would not only make his own self feel superior but also satisfy his own dependency needs. He's content with the thought that once Nelson has had the opportunity in experiencing the city. He will "be content to stay at home for the rest of his life"(251).
His only comforting thoughts, as he laid to sleep before the day of the trip, were not of turning Nelson into a racist however, of "thinking how the boy would at last find out that he was not as smart as he thought he was"(251). Degrading anyone, including his own grandson, is another way by which Mr. Head can feel s .....
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An Exemplum
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... his old hat and decided to go back to the Cadillac dealership. When he arrived at the dealership, a new salesman came out to help him. Petros asked him the price of one of the new models in the showroom. The salesman looked at the old man, with his foreign accent, and wearing his old, beat-up hat, and told him that it was very expensive and that he would show him a different one that was much more affordable. Petros told him that he still wanted it. The salesman insisted that the car was much too expensive and that it was not the right car for Petros. At that moment, the owner of the d .....
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Bridge Of San Luis Rey
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... the Abbess's decision to send her to live with the Marquesa. The Marquesa was a crazy woman who made Pepita's life even worse then it already was. As her companion Pepita was ignored constantly and lived a life of solitude.
Pepita is that life in the novel, she is the only good love that exist in a world of those who either love too much or those who love too little. The Marquesa drove her daughter away, because she loved too much. Although she was able to realize this before she died, it was too late. She was not able to show this newfound love to anyone. In the case of Esteban, he was .....
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Japanese Aristocrat
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... be integrated into Japan. The new centralized Japanese government was modeled after China's. Although Japans government was modeled after China's it had some very distinct differences. The Japanese seemed to modify Chinese concepts and make them unique to Japan. They did not only do this with government, but with all things taken from China. Japan was undergoing a great period of development. Aristocrats at this time were shaping an entire nation. It would have been extremely interesting and fulfilling to be one.
The Heian period aristocrats surrounded them selves with wealth and beaut .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God 4
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3.... was happy, hence making Janie peaceful and satisfied.
Janie matures with each life-lesson. She grows mature into a woman, but her soul remains as a child. Janie's light colored skin was contributed by her father, a white teacher who raped Janie's mother as she was a student. Janie's smooth, black hair is kept at a very long length, tied in a rope draped down her back. This symbolizes her life, long and eventful. Her clothing was mainly of overalls, useful to Janie when she was working in the Everglades with Tea Cake. Janie was very good looking. Her figure was slim and men lost their eyes lo .....
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