Humor Helps
Number of words: 703 - Number of pages: 3.... of the ass-head on him – he insults his friend in a very humorous manner. Bottom is a very humorous character utilised to his full potential in this play.
A second, possibly even more humorous character in this play, is the fairy – Puck. One farcical example of Puck’s sense of jocularity is when the fairy and Puck are discussing Puck’s ludicrous pranks: “…sometime for a three-foot stool mistaketh me; then slip I from her and down topples she…” (II, i, 52-53). Here Puck explains one of his many witty pranks. Another demonstration of P .....
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I Am A Man (The Elephant Man)
Number of words: 1902 - Number of pages: 7.... prominent, fame-crazed people come to see him everyday. Mrs. Madge Kendal starts these visits from London's high society, simply with respectable intentions. Mrs. Kendal, as well known as she is, has a group of followers. What John does not know is that "wherever Mrs. Kendal goes, others inevitably follow" (182-183). With all of these ritzy visitors, John believes that people want to see him for who he is, not just to make themselves appear more valuable than their compeers are. John and others alike, excite the English. When Fredrick Treves first hears about John Merrick, an "exciteme .....
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Cold Mountain
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... in relationships busy trying to learn a little bit from each other. In relationships similarities are used as a balance. Similarities keep the relationship from being all disagreement. Having similar goals, hobby, interest keep the relationship healthy. In the novel the author Charles Frazier portraits two characters Ada and Inman, that have both differences and similarities which enhances their relationship in to a balance more interesting one. Ada and Inman are the main characters of the novel. This two characters have many differences in their life. The first difference came in thei .....
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The Condition Of Postmodernity
Number of words: 3476 - Number of pages: 13.... has to understand modernism and modernity, and Harvey provides good accounts of the major sources of modern ideas and the key structural features of modernity. Harvey's basic approach to postmodernism is sound. Rather than rejecting postmodern developments as superficial and merely transitory, he believes they represent a new paradigm of thought and cultural practice that requires serious attention. At the same time, he avoids exaggerating the novelty of postmodern developments and sees both continuities and discontinuies with modern practices. Postmodernism represents not a complete rupture .....
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A Shropshire Lad
Number of words: 1227 - Number of pages: 5.... (Scott-Kilvert 26). In what Housman himself regarded to be one of his best poems, "XXVII: Is my team ploughing," the focus is placed upon a conversation between a dead man and one of his friends from his previous life (Housman 18). "XXII: The street sounds to the soldiers’ tread;" meanwhile, expresses an emotional wonder discovered in the eyes of a passing soldier (Housman 15). Both the ambiguous quality of the dead man’s last question (18 ll. 25-26) in poem XXVII and the nature of the chance encounter in XXII stand to exemplify the subtle undercurrent of Housma .....
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Number of words: 994 - Number of pages: 4.... Charles
Johnson, and Carter Woodson, started a project to collect oral evidence from
former slaves who were still living. Even these interviews could not be viewed
as 100% accurate. One example, is a geographic bias. The people that were
interviewed were only a very small portion of the millions of freed slaves.
Counting the number of slaves interviewed from each state, it was discovered
that there were only 155 interviews from black people living in Virginia,
Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, and Kentucky, which is about 6% of the total
number of published interviews. Twenty-three percent .....
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Stone Angel
Number of words: 857 - Number of pages: 4.... material. Doris on the other hand does not think that it is real silk and not worth buying. Inspite of what Doris thinks she buys the dress anyway. Going against her wishes is what started all the bad occurrences related to the lilac silk dress.
The first occurrence in the novel is when she wears the lilac silk dress at the dinner table with Marvin and Doris. Are living with Hagar in her houseand she notices something is wrong. "What is it ? I want to shout the question impatiently at the face. Instead I fold my hands, as I am meant to do over my silk lilac belly, and wait" (Laurence 35 .....
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Two Books By Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... in Slaughterhouse-Five. The main character, Billy Pilgrim (Vonnnegut himself), a soldier for the Allies during World War II and just like Vonnegut, is captured by the Nazis and held captive in Dresden where he witnesses the same tragedy as Vonnegut did. Pilgrim, however, comes out of the war a crazed lunatic. He has the hallucination that aliens (tralfamadores) abduct him and make him a exhibit in zoo. He greatly admires these trafalmadores because they have no sense of time, the see things from beginning to end, and therefore have the power of seeing destiny and of time travel. According t .....
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Fifth Business Character Foils
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... lack of desire for materialistic things:
Where Boy lived high, I lived - well, not low, but in the way congenial to myself. I thought twenty-four dollars was plenty for a ready-made suit, and four dollars a criminal price for a pair of shoes. I changed my shirt twice a week and my underwear once. I had not yet developed any expensive tastes and saw nothing wrong with a good boarding-house. (Page 113)
This shows us that where as Percy was in pursuit of money and possessions, Dunstan was concerned elsewhere. Dunstan bluntly states that Percy was materialistic:
To him the reality was .....
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Lord Of The Flies Vs. Huck Fin
Number of words: 2536 - Number of pages: 10.... they trust. Although, the ones they trust are already fending for themselves. The characters all go through changes as they adjust to their new world, and become different people because of it. In example to this, Jack seems like a strong willed character at the start of the book, but the other boys never would have imagined he would turn into a cold blooded killer. Therefore, they must learn to take care of themselves for they can not depend on Jack or any of the older boys, to be there for each and every one of them. It is proven that each boy
has this responsibility in the following quot .....
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