Brave New World 5
Number of words: 900 - Number of pages: 4.... existed. People must face their problems and overcome them, and love requires commitment and is greatly appreciated. John was rather a Renaissance man trapped in a world where none of his necessities in life existed. He was disgusted at their orgy-porgies, their belief of take, take, take not give, give, give. Total happiness did not exist to John in a world which lacked expression of the arts. It was rather total torment. Throughout the novel John continues to fight and believe for what he believes in while the surrounding environment continues to pressure him and submerge him into U .....
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The Devils Of Loudun, By Aldou
Number of words: 2345 - Number of pages: 9.... episode in French history, as many of the events described exemplify themes that dominated his polemical novels and celebrated essays: present is the issue of man’s ‘ongoing obsession’ with self-transcendence which was so pertinent in the excellent, infamous ‘Doors of perception’; the dilemma that recurs throughout his fiction, that of the cloistered and suppressed mind dealing with passionate human emotion, is here in extremis. On a functional level, ‘The Devils of Loudun’ seeks to oppose humankind’s tendency towards hypocrisy, malice and .....
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Harrison Bergeron
Number of words: 1487 - Number of pages: 6.... America along with the competition level that America has with the rest of the world. Besides, there is no possible way to make everyone equal in everyday life. Without individuality, there would not be any free thinkers and no dreams to accomplish anything special. Vonnegut uses satire to mock the American political system.
The idea of the American political system being compared to that of the China’s and Soviet Union’s is meaning how the system is much like that of a dictatorship. This is true since there is a head person, this person being the Handicapper General, Diana .....
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Time And Fate In Romeo And Jul
Number of words: 911 - Number of pages: 4.... maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne’er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time.
Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the quarrelsome weather. Benvolio declares, "The day is ho .....
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The Circle Of Souls In John Donne’s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Number of words: 1287 - Number of pages: 5.... is attained by parting at the beginning of the circle and reuniting at the point where the curves reconnect. Donne’s monologue is unique because he uses metaphysical comparisons to show the union of the lovers during their period of separation.
The poem begins with a metaphysical comparison between virtuous dying men whispering to their souls to leave their bodies and the two lovers saying goodbye before a journey. The poet states, “Let us melt and make no noise… ‘Twere profanation of our joys/To tell the laity of our love” (lines 5-8). The word “melt” implies a change in .....
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The Scarlet Letter - Individua
Number of words: 1520 - Number of pages: 6.... They almost took a delight in her punishment, having thought they cleansed the town, and therefore only leaving a "pure" society. They thought that if they treated her so horrible that no one would ever even think of breaking the law again. As the story begins the townspeople do not see her as a necessity but as a nuisance to get rid of. They do not realize the need for which they have of her. And that she is just as much a part of the community as they all are. So in a sense when the banish Hester they are banishing a part of themselves. After this she is given more punishment by having to .....
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Eveline: Fear Of Happiness
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... sees that having respect in hopeless, because she sees her mother within her self. Eveline wants to be like her mother, even though its going to hold her back, from happiness and respect. With all the aspects Eveline feels respect in unattainable.
Eveline, a woman who wants only to please her family, is unhappy with her life, however she promised her mother she would keep the family together. “Strange that it should come that very night to remind her of the very promise to her mother, her promise to keep the home together as long as she could.” Eveline struggles to keep the fa .....
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Dante’s Influence On Italian Culture
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... and politics. He influenced Italian society and culture through his poetry and his prose (Dante Internet). His writings helped to unify the Italian language. His opinions on politics were new and many of his ideas are seen in today’s politics (Holmes 23). These are the three key areas in which Dante was so influential.
Dante’s writings had a great impact on Italian literature, both in the nature of the topics and the style of the prose. His writings have been hailed “the pillars on which the European literary tradition has been built” (Dante: The Divine… Internet). The Div .....
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Alicia My Story, Book Summary
Number of words: 1345 - Number of pages: 5.... family
found out later that he had been taken to a work camp, but that they could send food
packages to him. Shortly after this, Alicia was taken into custody by German officials and
put on a train to another work camp. Alicia managed to escape from this train by jumping
through a small window. She found her way to a river which led her back to the ghetto.
By this time several people in the ghetto had been feeling the effects of the impoverished
conditions. Starvation, Typhoid, and other diseases, were beginning to take its toll on the
people who lived in the ghetto. Then one da .....
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Beloved 2
Number of words: 1353 - Number of pages: 5.... see them have to experience the same evils that
she and her husband had experienced at the hands of her former owner Schoolteacher.
Sethe knew that the beatings, raping, and abuse of her and her people was wrong and she
would have rather killed her children than to let them return to that inhumane form of
life. This book also shows how one man's desire to do right by another man only hinders
the already strained relationship he is involved in with Sethe. This book shows the reality
and the inner workings of the Underground Railroad. Sethe's home was a way point for
that railroad until Bab .....
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