Song Of Myself
Number of words: 1230 - Number of pages: 5.... sensualities. The thoroughly intimate encounter with another individual in section five particularly expresses Whitman as a being of desire and libido.
Whitman begins his synthesis of the soul and body through sexuality by establishing a relative equality between the two. He pronounces in previous stanzas, "You shall listen to all sides and filter them from yourself," and, "Not an inch nor a particle of an inch is vile, and none shall be less familiar than the rest." Here, he lays foundation for the basic egalitarianism with which he treats all aspects of his being for the rest of the .....
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Oedipus The King 2
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... anger in this situation, his reaction can be justified. First of all, Teiresias’ allegation that Oedipus is the killer is absurd to him since he would
never murder a king. Also, it seems logical that Creon would be behind such a scheme since he would be next in line to the throne. Therefore, Oedipus’ bad temper cannot be considered his hamartia.
Another characteristic of Oedipus that some people tend to refer to as his hamartia is his murderous temperament. One can see this side of Oedipus when he recounts the story in which he killed the old man in the wagon as wel .....
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Locke's The Second Treatise Of Civil Government: The Significance Of Reason
Number of words: 1357 - Number of pages: 5.... for it is the people, themselves, who
impose the “peace and preservation of mankind” (124). One can have perfect
freedom as long as one does not disturb others in their state of nature; in this
“state of perfect equality ... there is no superiority or jurisdiction of one
over another” (124). Men, thereby, have the power to “preserve the innocent and
restrain offenders” (124) and punish those who transgress against them and
disturb their “state of nature.” Thus, all men are their own “executioner[s] in
the law of nature,” or the Law of Reason.
While all men are i .....
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The Good Earth
Number of words: 1326 - Number of pages: 5.... extreme respect and appreciation for his wife in a time when women were considered to be no more then slaves. In the early chapters of the novel when Wang Lung was poor, he gave O-lan four silver pieces so she may return to the House of Hwang in grand style. He also offered to pay five thousand silver pieces for her recovery after he discovered she had a "fire in her vitals"(170). He then spent the rest of her days by her death bed and bought her the best quality coffin. Furthermore, Wang Lung had a special relationship with his first daughter,
Poor Fool, his mentally retarded offspring. Poo .....
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Number of words: 1932 - Number of pages: 8.... witness to the death of his family, the death of his friends, even the death of his own innocence and his faith in G-d. He saw his family, friends and fellow Jews first severely degraded and then sadistically murdered. He enters the camp a child and leaves a man. At the book’s end, Elie bears little resemblance to the teenage boy who left Sighet almost a year earlier.
is a memoir exquisitely written. Wiesel’s eloquence makes his descriptions seem terrifyingly real and repulsive. It is a book about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but to humanity. People all over .....
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The Story Of The Flood, How Ut
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... not find the life for which you are searching for." (34) After Shamash confronts him, Gilgamesh then runs into the god Siduri. Siduri basically tells him the same answer, saying, "You will never find the life for which you are looking for. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping." (35) Gilgamesh still in a conquest to achieve everlasting life, does not believe any of the previous gods, and still wants to see Utnapishtim, to see how he achieved everlasting life. When Gilgamesh talks to Utnapishtim, the story is no different from the re .....
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Doll House 2
Number of words: 330 - Number of pages: 2.... going to have to stop lying for your husband and be more open to him. You have to talk to him about your problems and explain them to him. Stop hiding your cookies for him and stop lying about them, that just make the “rat wheel” to start and spin again. Tell him that you love these cookies and make him respect that. You should have faith in your husband and believe in his ability to respect you and your actions. He will do this because he loves you very much.
So for the both of you: Have faith in each other and talk about your problems. And the most important thing keep the love .....
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Number of words: 276 - Number of pages: 2.... for the negotiation of an alliance. The more the duke aims to cover his traits the more apparent they became.
The duke did not intend for his arrogance to be shown as much as it was. The poem had an arrogant tone. He made a point to put emphasis on himself or “I.” The extra comment “since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I” was not required. He felt the “gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name” should not be equal to lesser gifts from others.
The one trait that was the most apparent was his possessiveness. The first line sums it up with, “That’s my la .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... of an earlier time, the house has become "an eyesore among eyesores". Through lack of attention, the house has deteriorated from a beautiful estate, to an ugly uninviting shack.
Similarly, Miss Emily has also become an eyesore. For example, she is first described as a "fallen monument" to symbolize her former beauty and her later ugliness. Like the house, she has lost her beauty. Once she had been a beautiful woman, who later became obese and bloated. Both house and occupant have suffered the ravages of time and neglect.
The interior of the house also symbolizes Miss Emily's increasing de .....
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My Personal Experiences With Math
Number of words: 889 - Number of pages: 4.... doing with my time instead of learning but my parents support and persistence kept my nose to the grindstone. Looking back at those days and being where I am now in my life, striving to become this great mathematician, I can say I have done an enormous 360°.
Through my high school career there was one person that really inspired me and gave me this drive that has gotten me here in college today. Everyone else writing this paper is probably saying it was there favorite math teacher or a caring parent but mine was the non-obvious. It was my head football coach. He, Coach Whisman, co .....
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