Prisoners Dilemma
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... better of if they look out for each other or rather not look out for themselves.
This is a situation that can be used in every day living.. Any time there are peoples' interests that are affected not only by what they do but what other people do, a dilemma may occur. In some situations everyone will end up worse off if they individually pursue their own interests than if they simultaneously do what it not in their own individual interests.
(II). If I myself was in the prisoner’s dilemma, and my goal is to spend as little time in jail, I would act in an egotistic manner to maximize my .....
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Number of words: 1264 - Number of pages: 5.... to the Buddha's teachings with . Buddha had a lot of names like Gotama, the Illustrious one, the Sakyamuni, and he was rumored that he was perfect. agrees with Govinda so they started on a journey to hear the Buddha's teaching.
After they heard the Buddha's teachings, Govinda becomes his follower, but doesn't. and Govinda said goodbye to each other. learned that even from the perfect one, the teachings wouldn't teach him, so he decides to be taught by nobody. He realizes that he was trying to lose the Self because he was afraid of it. From here, he starts to learn from hims .....
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Number of words: 1517 - Number of pages: 6.... psychological alter ego
-Main character's friend who provides opposing ideas and thoughts.
-He cares about his dear friend as he follows him throughout most of his quest.
*Gotoma (Buddha)
-Admired as the distinct holy one and as a great idol among the Hindus.
-Open Govinda's eyes, allowing him to seek his own path of peace which he finds through Buddha.
-Buddha is a peaceful man who is wise in his own teachings.
-Siddhartha's lover and concubine
-Siddhartha's motivation in his new materialistic lifestyle.
-Is the mother of Siddhartha's son.
-She is a seductive women wh .....
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Pride And Prejudice - Marriages And The Age Of Reason
Number of words: 2142 - Number of pages: 8.... Mr.Collins, Lydia’s to Wickham, Jane’s to Mr. Bingley, and Elizabeth’s to Mr.Darcy. Through these marriages, Austen will explain what makes a good marriage and what one must posses in
order to fulfill the requirements of the age.
Mr. Collins will be the inheritor of the Bennet family’s home when Mr. Bennet dies. When Mrs.Bennet hears Mr.Collins may be interested in one of the daughters she is ecstatic because this will ensure that the home stays with one of her girls. Mr. Collins hears that Jane is involved with Mr. Bingley, so he moves on to Elizabeth. Lizzy fl .....
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The Solitary Reaper
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... letter "A" rolls off the tongue and leaves a memorable effect on the reader.
The use of eye rhyme is shown in the first stanza, where in the second and fourth lines the last word is "lass" and "pass" respectively. These two words at first glance look like they should rhyme but actually don't when read over. This causes the reader to stop and think. They may even look over the lines again. This technique sticks in the mind.
Assonance is shown in the fifth line of the last stanza -"I listened, motionless and still". The repetition of the "I" sound in "listened" and "still" creates ass .....
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Julius Caesar -- Character Dev
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... is also shown when all the other conspirators are at his house. Cassius suggests that Cicero should be asked to join the conspiracy because "his silver hairs will purchase us a good opinion". Brutus, however, thinks that "he [Cicero] will never follow anything that other men begin". Later
in the play, it becomes realized that if Brutus would have listened to Cassius and asked Cicero to join them, the citizens of Rome wouldn't have involved themselves in a civil war. Another mistake made by Brutus was to not kill Mark Antony. Even though Cassius suggested many times that Antony shou .....
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A Dolls House
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... shown in the way Torvald spoke down to her saying things like: "worries that you couldn't possibly help me with," and "Nora, Nora, just like a woman." She is almost considered to be property of his: "Mayn't I look at my dearest treasure? At all the beauty that belongs to no one but me -that's all my very own?"
By walking out she takes a position equal to her husband and brakes society's expectations. Nora also brakes society's expectations of staying in a marriage since divorce was frowned upon during that era. Her decision was a secession from all expectations put on a woman and a wife by so .....
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Number of words: 1499 - Number of pages: 6.... depicts a political, conscience led woman who is in an unending struggle over right and wrong with her uncle, Creon, the King. All throughout "Oedipus Rex" Sophocles shows a powerful and righteous King who is on a determined search to find the truth and himself. The difference in key themes during these plays are significant. Sophocles took two different approaches towards these two plays. The structure in the way that these two plays are set up are also completely different. The themes that contrast in "" and "Oedipus Rex" are very different yet help bring the two plays to life. Besi .....
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A Critique Of Charlotte Gilman
Number of words: 1202 - Number of pages: 5.... unable to cope with normal activities. She is not even allowed to write, and says that, "he hates to have me write a word." Throughout the story, he is condescending, referring to her as a "little girl" and insists that she take a room she does not like, as if she were a child. In fact, the room they stay in used to be a nursery, and has child-safe bars on the windows, making her seem even more like a child and a prisoner. It is odd to note that, Charlotte, being the one for whom the vacation is taken, is not allowed to do what she wants. John, in his pragmatic reasoning, believes he .....
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A Scientific Comparison Betwee
Number of words: 1051 - Number of pages: 4.... By mocking and belittling these faults using sarcastic and ironic devices which logically and scientifically support each other, Voltaire’s work allow people to see the incoherence of their own though. He demonstrates this by commenting on the absurdity of war and God:
Those sedentary and slothful barbarians, who,
From their palaces, give orders for murdering
A million of men and then solemnly thank God for
Their success (RABKIN, 67).
At the root of his social criticism is a program of reformation. Voltaire’s greatest tool in Micromegas is his ability to use alienation to .....
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