Huckleberry Finn - Freedom
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... on account of my clothes." This in part why Huck wants his freedom, of doing what he likes, because they want to civilize him. Chap.4: pg.16 "At first I hated school, but by and by I got so I could stand it. Whenever I got uncommonly tired I played hooky…" Huck doesn’t like being caged in school, but begins to like it because when he gets tired of it he can take a break anyway. Ch.5: pg.19-23 Huck confronts his father who spends some time with the judge and stops drinking, but begins again. So, as his freedom isn’t taken. Ch.: 24 "So he watched out for me one day and catc .....
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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Number of words: 589 - Number of pages: 3.... go gentile into that good night" I thin what the poet is trying to say is even though you’re getting older and you know the time is coming you haven’t shown a sign of death you ‘re still have life so fight against death. Then in third stanza the poet describes someone who lived a good life but doesn’t want to let go "Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their deed might have danced in a green bay, rage rage against the dying of the light." It was as if he was saying had he lived longer things could haven been better. In the fourth stanza " Wild men who caught and sang the s .....
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Fahrenheit 451
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... Without their own king Scotland would just be a meaningless province that is guarded by soldiers at all times. Why should you live in constant fear when you can have freedom and live in relative peace and you don't have to worry about what you say or do about the English because they have no rule there?
The consequences for all of Wallace's actions led to the deaths of many people, but it also led to freedom. The negatives of the war were starvation, torture, and deaths of your friends and companions. They all fought and many died fighting for freedom and the ones that lived got to enjoy t .....
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Fallen Souls In "The Inferno"
Number of words: 772 - Number of pages: 3.... soul in the Inferno will live forever in eternal
Our first soul to discuss is eternally locked in Canto V, Circle Two:
The Carnal. This man, Jason, became king of Cornith by committing adultery
against his wife, Medea, with the king of Cornith's daughter, Glauce. Jason
returns to Medea and tells her that she and their three children are to leave
his home immediately so he and Glauce can move in. The following day Medea
sends Glauce a poisoned robe which kills her. This causes Jason to come to
Medea for revenge, where he finds his three children murdered by their mother' .....
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Death Of A Sales Man
Number of words: 1015 - Number of pages: 4.... it to his children. When Willy was young, he had met a man named Dave Singleman who was so well liked that he was able to make a living simply by staying in his hotel room and telephoning buyers. When Dave Singleman died, buyers and salesmen from all over the country came to his funeral. This is what Willy has been trying to emulate his entire life. Willy's need to feel well-liked is so strong that he often makes up lies about his popularity and success. At times, Willy even believes these lies himself. At one point in the play, Willy tells his family of how well-liked he is in all .....
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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... her doorstep, she is somewhat defensive, but curious. "I ain’t late, am I?" is the first thing he says to her when she opens the screen door. Connie replies by saying, "Who the hell do you think you are?", a typical response of someone in that situation. If a complete stranger showed up at my house and talked to me as though we were best friends I would respond the same way.
Throughout the story Oates continues to use vulgar language to illustrate the story and show how much Arnold Friend knows about Connie. The more Arnold talks, the more he reveals about his knowledge .....
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Dulce Et Decorum Est 3
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... so graphic that it could make readers feel sick. For example, in these lines: "If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood/ Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs/ Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud,"(21-23) shows us that so many men were brutally killed during this war. Also, when the gas bomb was dropped, "[s]omeone still yelling out and stumbling/ [a]nd flound'ring like a man in fire or lime.../ [h]e plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."(11-12,16) These compelling lines indicate that men drowned helplessly in the toxic gasses. These graphic images are very disturbing .....
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The Once And Future King - Mig
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... obtain. As we often find, the former prevails.
The novel is divided into four sections that represent periods of time in Arthur’s life. The novel begins with The Sword in the Stone, the tale of Arthur’s childhood. At this time, he is not referred to as Arthur but Wart. His foster brother gave him this name and it was his childhood nemesis. Early in the book, Wart finds Merlyn who becomes his tutor. One of the earliest indications of the theme occurs when Merlyn and Wart are discussing knighthood. Wart tells of his desire to “encounter all the evil in the world…s .....
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Hemingway's "In Our Time": Lost Generation
Number of words: 1402 - Number of pages: 6.... to each story.
One could even speculate that In Our Time's main character Nick, is in fact,
Hemingway himself. It seems as though no matter what age this novel is read
at, it could be discussed as a representation of the "lost generation."
What is meant by the phrase "lost generation?" Possibly it means the loss
of a kindlier, friendlier, period of time. Maybe it means a loss of
familiarity, closeness and strength of relationships; everyday things like
the lost art of conversation. But at the same time, the characters in the
stories appear to be part of a "lost generation" themselves. In .....
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Twelfth Night - The Changing Role In Viola/Cesario
Number of words: 1032 - Number of pages: 4.... to get a better feeling for his inner self, not the self that he shows to the public, or would reveal and share with Viola in her true female self, but rather his secret self, as he believes he shares with a peer. So, she grows to love him. But, Orsino's motivation is actually not love for Viola, but rather he seems to be in love with love itself. His entire world is filled with love but he knows that there might be a turning point for him, like when he says:
If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die. 1. (I,I,I-III)
Thi .....
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