Analysis -Compare And Contrast
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... the truth and facing the music, which was harder, to take than when she lied. The old adage which says," What a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive." We humans can't handle the truth. We think we know what is the truth. What that really is just bullshit. It's arrogance-playing tricks on our minds making us think we are in control of our lives. If we really were in control of our lives then why can't we control every little aspect of it that gives discomfort? Because we can't, because we don't know how, and eventually the truth will show that is we don't what the truth really i .....
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Stephen King
Number of words: 2013 - Number of pages: 8.... a Merchant Marine captain, left one day, to go the store to buy a pack of cigarettes, and never returned. His fathers leaving had a big indirect impact on King’s life. In the autobiographical work Danse Macabre, recalls how his family life was altered: “After my father took off, my mother, struggled, and then landed on her feet.” My brother and I didn’t see a great deal of her over the next nine years. She worked a succession of continuous low paying jobs.” Stephen’s first outlooks on life were influenced by his older brother and what he figured out on his own. While young Step .....
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A Doll House
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... authentic identity.
The inferior role of Nora is extremely important to her character. Nora is oppressed by a variety of “tyrannical social conventions.” Ibsen in his "A Doll's House" depicts the role of women as subordinate in order to emphasize their role in society. Nora is oppressed by the manipulation from Torvald. Torvald has a very typical relationship with society. He is a smug bank manager. With his job arrive many responsibilities. He often treats his wife as if she is one of these responsibilities. Torvald is very authoritative and puts his appearance, both social and physi .....
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The Surprising Aspect Of Sex I
Number of words: 882 - Number of pages: 4.... brought this book to whole other level which when I first opened it was not expecting. This level is almost in a way more humanistic than the level I thought it would reach. The typical war story of courage and bravery seem to have disappeared from Heller's depiction. It shows that while there is a traumatic World War, and these soldiers are fighting for their country and more importantly to them, their lives, these soldiers have a life outside of the war to which they want to keep. Most of the soldiers are not there by choice. To be considered sane is to save your life and prevent yourself .....
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Number of words: 1699 - Number of pages: 7.... the elements of greed, deception, and insecurity to change from a Gothic Romance novel into a successful mystery.
"The basic structure of is that of the modern Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). The characters and the setting are similar to other books of the time. The narrator who goes un-named, is the "typical heroine of a Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). Her character is not very developed but the reader is able to relate to and sympathize with her. also has the perfect setting for a Gothic Romance. Manderley is the isolated, beautiful, and mysterious place that is what real .....
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The Catcher In The Rye 2
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... splendor,
yet, much to Holden's despair "seldom yields any occasions of peace,
charity or even genuine merriment."3 Holden is surrounded by what he
views as drunks, perverts, morons and screwballs. These convictions
which Holden holds waver very momentarily during only one particular
scene in the book. The scene is that with Mr. Antolini. After Mr.
Antolini patted Holden on the head while he was sleeping, Holden
jumped up and ran out thinking that Mr. Antolini was a pervert as
well. This is the only time during the novel where Holden thinks twice
about considering so .....
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Tradgedy 2
Number of words: 1820 - Number of pages: 7.... introduced, but are caught in a whirlwind of self-promotion. This windstorm is one that is powered not by weather fronts, but the fronts put up by the tragic heroes to portray themselves as worthy. From this storm of deception, out comes the evil and villainous nature of the reasonably good title characters. This is because even if they were fooling the populace they still doubted their own worthiness, due to the fact they, Oedipus, Macbeth and Gatsby, had not fooled themselves. Their relentless pursuit of perfection corrupted their otherwise good nature. Thus their removal from the .....
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A Christmas Memory Vs. The Gra
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3.... difference. But they are close friends, because they do many things together. They lived in the tree together, as well as dancing with each other. Likewise, Buddy and Cousin have a close relationship and do many things do together. Buddy and Cousin make fruitcakes, find a Christmas tree, and make presents for each other. Buddy describes his relationship with Cousin by stating, “We are each other’s best friends.” Not only are the friendships in “A Christmas Memory” and The Grass Harp parallel, but the main characters lives are quite.
The main character of each story is a young b .....
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Coming Of Age In Mississippi
Number of words: 1537 - Number of pages: 6.... leads to their separation and her father moving in with another woman . This is where her hardships began . Throughout her childhood she is a tmid , poor little girl who is afraid to even ask her mother questions about what is going on around her . Anne tells of their staple diet , beans and bread , which was just enough to keep her alive. I can not possibly imagine what it is like to be on the brink of starvation. Although a timid , shy , little girl , Anne does show a spark of intensity through her schoolwork . She is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel .....
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The Jungle
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... on his wisdom he had gained and relegion. He frequently tried for office but never succeeded. His publications were originally made mostly by publishing them himself.
The story itself takes place in Chicago with a group of immigrants. They come to the U.S. and discover it's a cruel, harsh world. First, though, this group goes through a series of trials. The first is a marr iage which costs much money, and the second is a death. After this, comes a house which is sold to the one couple for three times the value of the house. It's at this time that the parents and other groups move into thi .....
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