Nicolet Minerals Company And Wisconsin
Number of words: 1188 - Number of pages: 5.... it the largest toxic waste dump in Wisconsin history. Even if the mine plan were safe, the pond would only hold the waste for 140 years. After that time the lining would dissolve and set twenty-two million tons of toxic waste into the ground (Gedicks).
Many local individuals and organizations are becoming extremely angry with the mining companies. They are upset because they fear that the Wolf River and the surrounding environment will be damaged or destroyed. Authorities on the subject of damage caused by mines obviously agree. In 1988 the Natural Resources Board named the Wolf River a .....
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Huck Fin 2
Number of words: 3280 - Number of pages: 12.... as a newspaper reporter in 1862. The following year he began signing his work ³Mark Twain,² a riverboat term meaning two fathoms deep.
Mark Twain went to Hawaii in 1866. This trip was the beginning of his career as a travel correspondent. The next year he went to Europe and wrote a successful book there titled, The Innocent Abroad. In 1876, he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This book was such a success that he decided immediately to write a sequel. The sequel, which became much more complex than the original was published seven years later in 1883 and titled, The Adventur .....
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Lewis' "Surprise By Joy": Analysis
Number of words: 2750 - Number of pages: 10.... about his personal life. Given
the almost stifling attention that Lewis's private life has received since
his death in 1963, Surprised by Joy stands apart as an astonishingly candid
yet self-effacing volume by one widely-regarded as the premier Christian
apologist of the twentieth century. Lewis proceeds in Surprised by Joy as
one reluctant to reveal specific details of his life but who relents, as he
suggests in the preface, in order both to answer "requests that I would
tell how I passed from Atheism to Christianity" and "to correct one or two
false notions that seem to have got about." Lew .....
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Johnny Got His Gun
Number of words: 1256 - Number of pages: 5.... that the only thing left was a living stump. He could not see, eat, breath, smell, touch, or walk. Only in that state can a person really appreciates life. to fight for a cause, but what was that cause? Was he fighting to make the world safe for democracy, was he fighting for glory, for honor, for patriotism? He was used just like many other foolish young and old men who went to fight. They did not really understand what war was all about until they saw the guts of they guy they lived next to their entire childhood spilled across the muddy trenches. Using Johnny and his experience during .....
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Huckleberry Finn 6
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... their culture, where as the words “African American” and “black” are used today in our culture. If Mark Twain avoided the many racial slurs used during the late eighteen hundreds, the book would have lost some of the intellectual value which it possesses, not to mention the historical value of the era. Besides, if Mark Twain used alternate words, he would be writing from a romantic point of view, instead of a realist point of view. Throughout the whole book, Mark Twain never makes a derogatory comment or statement towards anyone, especially blacks. The only time he .....
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The Grapes Of Wrath 2
Number of words: 897 - Number of pages: 4.... other people that had already been to California
and were now returning. These people, like the ragged man with the
sunburned face from the road-side camp described on page 242. He had
had children that died because wages were too low and work was too
scarce to afford food for his children and wife. His story was one of
pain and despair, also his story showed the cruelty and inhumane
treatment which the California land owners displayed towards the
migrant workers. This grim story of the broken man didn't discourage
the Joad's from parting from the set course. Lat .....
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Number of words: 1276 - Number of pages: 5.... to go out. George told her he would come back for dinner. At this point considered their relationship over. She did not see how she could continue to love a man who did not love his country as much as she did. When George left, that was it for . She decided that if he could not believe the way she did then he did not deserve her. She sat down and wrote him a letter and gathered all the things he had ever given her and put them all in a box. In the letter, she told him that she could not be with a man who was not loyal to his country first of all. She could not be with a man who did no .....
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In The Lake Of The Woods
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... his childhood. John's mother sees this as the beginning of his need to escape from reality, the need to take on a different persona:
John had all kinds of different names. I remember his father used to call him Little Merlin or Little Houdini, and that Jiggling John one. Maybe he got used to it. Maybe he felt- maybe it sort of helped to call himself Sorcerer. I hope so. (p268)
Ultimately, John's feelings of helplessness lead to a hunger for control. As a youngster, John is presented to the reader as a would-be magician who tries desperately to achieve the greatest trick of all - gai .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... backdrops because it brings these seemingly distant events closer to us. This book definitely offers insight into life in the two cities at the time of the French Revolution. I think it does an excellent job of depicting just how totally involved some people became in the revolution.
It shows how people were blinded by the desire for freedom from their
former oppressors, so much so, that they attacked anyone and anything that was
even remotely related to their past rulers. I think this was effectively done by
excellent characterization, using each character to depict a different asp .....
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The Point Of Point Of View In Capote's "My Side Of The Matter" And Cheever's "Five-Forty-Eight"
Number of words: 1718 - Number of pages: 7.... "the truth":
I know what is being said about me and you can take my side
or theirs, that's your own business. It's my word against
Eunice's and Olivia-Ann's, and it should be plain enough to
anyone with two good eye which one of us has their wits
about them. I just want the citizens of the USA to know
the facts that's all (p.189).
Already the reader is aware that this is a one sided story and that the
narrator has certain biases' towards certain characters. Which keeps the
reader interes .....
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