Don Giovanni
Number of words: 1502 - Number of pages: 6.... gets the impression that he has sour feelings toward his parents. Conrad at this point has just returned from the hospital after trying to kill himself. Ever since the death of Buck he had turned himself into a different person. He always blamed himself for things and kept his distance from others. The only person who seems to show intimacy is Calvin at the beginning of the book. On pg7 Calvin gives Beth a kiss and tells her that he loves her. In return Beth says, "I love you", but in the next breath she is telling Calvin to reprimand Conrad about the type of clothes he wears.
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"Schlesinger's Canon Vs. My High School's Canon"
Number of words: 1042 - Number of pages: 4.... cultures—East Asia,
Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Polynesia." Since we live in a
multicultural society, we should be teaching a multicultural curriculum.
At my high school, I feel as if I received this type of education. The
teachers encourage students to read not only standard English literature, but
also to study the great writers of other ethnicities. My high school is a
private college preparatory institution in San Francisco. Some authors whose
works we read in our English classes consisted of Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Jane
Austen, Ovid, Maya Angelou, Chaim Potok, J .....
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The Great Gatsby A Goal Of Cor
Number of words: 1004 - Number of pages: 4.... be utterly submerged" by the minorities (17). This is probably because he has no friends that are minorities and most if not all of his business associates are white. Tom has arrogance about him, an air of superiority, that he feels gives him control over those around him. Tom also takes great pride in the fact that Daisy is his wife, not only because she is beautiful, but also because she "is the most expensive item on the market" (Fetterly 104). She ads value to his already substantial estate. When Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy is leaving him he is so self-confident that he refuse .....
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Much Ado About Nothing
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3.... change the way Claudio lived. Benedick was also very
stubborn. He never wanted to give into other people's
ideas, and that was why he didn't want to give into the idea
that marriage could be a good thing in a person's life.
Beatrice was a character very similar to Benedick.
She was a very independent person, and didn't want to rely
on anyone for support. She also was very smart. She
enjoyed reading poetry, and thought about things a lot. She
also was against marriage. During one conversation, she
even said that she would rather die than get mar .....
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Oedipus Rex - Tragic Hero
Number of words: 914 - Number of pages: 4.... most dearly loved are wrapped together in a hideous sin, blind to the horror of it" (Sophocles 428). Oedipus still does not care and proceeds with his questioning as if he did not understand what Teiresias was talking about. The tragic hero must learn a lesson from his errors in judgment and become an example to the audience of what happens when great men fall from their lofty social or political positions. According to Miller, a person who is great, who is admired everywhere, and needs this admiration to survive, has one of the extreme forms of narcissism, which is grandiosity. Grandiosity .....
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The Tempest: Caliban
Number of words: 1667 - Number of pages: 7.... lust for Miranda in "seeking to violate the honour" of her, is contrasted with Ferdinand’s true love.
Miranda: Do you love me?
Ferdinand: love, prize, honour you.
There are many suggestions in ‘The Tempest’ that give us clues into the character of Caliban such as being referred to continuously as a tortoise, fish, cat, monster and a misshapen knave, his very name has similarities to Cannibalism.
His mother being a witch does him no favours, but her treatment of Ariel (who we believe to be a "fine apparition" with his beautifully energetic .....
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Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... of
Manhattan/and the heights of Brooklyn" (14-15). He makes his past
and our futher all one.
No matter the time nor the distance, the reader will
experience the same way he experiences at the moment in time
he resides:
Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky,
so I felt,
Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was
one of a crowd,
Just as you are refresh’d by the gladness of the
riv .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... Charlie had dreams of his sister yelling at him and making fun of him. He also had memories of the night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family. After the operation, Charlie also suffered from disillusionment. In the bakery he used to have friends. Friends that would talk to him and care about him. "...Why? Because all of the sudden your a bigshot. You think you are better than the rest of us..." Charlie then realized that he .....
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Huck Finn 2
Number of words: 1338 - Number of pages: 5.... of society we see should make us question the world we live in, and only the journey down the river provides us with that chance. Throughout the book, we see the hypocrisy of society. The first character we come across with that trait is Miss Watson. Miss Watson constantly corrects Huck for his unacceptable behavior, but Huck doesn't understand why, "That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don't know nothing about it" (2). Later when Miss Watson tries to teach Huck about Heaven, he decides against trying to go there, "...she was going to live so as to go .....
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Jumping Off For Freedom
Number of words: 1249 - Number of pages: 5.... he was rude, he never had a smile of approbation, David and his dad had to keep up with his bad jokes, and bombastic comments, he also made inveigh comments to the Leals. David and Miguel were disappointed because he was not supposed to be on the raft, since he did not have the prerogative to be on it and they only had food and water for three persons. They were also scared of the see because they were callow, they did not know much about rafts or the ocean, but they ameliorated later, they learned from their own experience.
The author easily express her great form of writing and a .....
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