Midsummer Nights Dream
Number of words: 2655 - Number of pages: 10.... a more modern vision after reading the
script than did Zeffirelli did only 18 years before. The live
performance at the CalPoly theatre also carried !with it a very
different feel less intense, more child-like and sweet with nearly the
same words. Reading also affects our experience in that without the
text, we would most likely not be able to enjoy Shakespeare at all;
having the text makes Shakespeare widely accessible (available for free
on the web) to all that desire it. Once the script is obtained, anyone
can perform Shakespeare even everyday, non-actor citizens put on
Shakespear .....
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A Fantasy
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... trouble and was sent to my room he always came and rescued me. He would take me to places like Disney World and Six Flags and of course he got to ride the rides to. He would even go with me to school some times. Thank goodness he was just in my imagination or I might have gotten into trouble by the teachers.
He was my bestfriend, up until about third grade. He was always there to play with me, he never had to go home and he always shared. Lighting and I were inseparable up until the third grade when I met my bestfriend Emily. Lighting just kind of went away because I got so busy with my n .....
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Why Write
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... event. In comparison to a journal, the main difference lies in the intended audience. A journal is for the writer only, while a memoir is written with the purpose of communicating the memory to others. In 'Finishing School' by Maya Angelou, she writes a memoir to tell of her upbringing as a black child being taught white female etiquette. Here, her intentions of the piece is to give an understanding of what it was like for her as an underprivileged slave child to interact with her white peers in the 1930's.
Writers write to explore the self. To most, this is the easiest form of self-dis .....
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Catcher In The Rye 4
Number of words: 970 - Number of pages: 4.... please himself. Another way that D.B was on Holden’s mind was how Holden thought about the many stories that D.B. would read him at night. When thinking of this it would remind Holden of the good times at home, this was a time when he felt comfortable and was a memory that made him feel good at almost anytime. And finally D.B. affected Holden by remembering there visits to the movies with Pheobe to watch old movies. "But I didn’t enjoy it much. I just don’t see what’s to marvellous about Sir Laurence Olivier, that’s all" (pg 117). They would go to the movie and .....
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Practicality Vs. Romance: Love Conquers All
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... it will probably make his life happier as well. Shouldn't that be the first reason? This man has taken the practical way out. On the other hand, in Dickens's passage, the man takes the more romantic approach. He quotes, "You know what I am going to say. I love you. ...what I mean is that I am under the influence of some tremendous attraction which I have resisted in vain and which overmasters me. You could draw me to fire... you could draw me to any death... but if you would return a favorable answer to my offer of myself in marriage, you could draw me to any good." This man wants .....
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Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... with “human freedom and moral responsibility,” and Augustine rejects this.
Augustine sees human beings having metaphysical freedom: “the freedom to make decisions and control what to choose with any determination that is outside one’s control.” He points out that with out our metaphysical freedom we would be end up living in a boring and planned world. Our metaphysical freedom exercises the choices that causes evil and causes of genuine good. Which will go back to where he says that we are solely responsible for our actions, whether it is the act of evil or the act of g .....
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Edmund In King Lear
Number of words: 1497 - Number of pages: 6.... is almost immediately dispossessed of the rights to her land, and is cast from the kingdom after she does not profess her love to her father right away. With Cordelia stripped of her heir, her share is cut amongst the remaining daughters to be ruled by them and their husbands.
The Earl of Gloucester has a similar problem to that of Lear, since his two sons were internally battling for right to control his lands at the hands of his death. Edmund, who is the younger of the two sons, is considered to be an illegitimate offspring, taking away any right to become the heir to the estate he i .....
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A Doll's House And Tess Of The D'Urbevilles
Number of words: 487 - Number of pages: 2.... he loves."(71) The author shows the stupidity of Torvald with his misconception of honor. In actuality when a man sacrifices himself for the one he loves it brings him honor. Torvald is viewed as a true hypocrite. Torvald also believes the most important thing is to "save the . . . appearance."(65)
He follows his mind, only interested in what is best for society. Ibsen illustrates him as a truly weak human. In contrast to Ibsen, Hardy takes an intellectually free thinker, Angel, who shows a very close minded perspective on events instead of opening himself to his true inner feelings. When A .....
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The Birthmark 2
Number of words: 388 - Number of pages: 2.... a story that is more than a century old Georgiana and her husband Alymar are searching for physical perfection, much like we do today. In addition they manifested their obsession with physical perfection much like we do today. Georgiana was born with a crimson birthmark in the shape of a hand. This birthmark was on her cheek. One day Georgiana discovers that this birthmark “shocks” her husband and he is deeply bothered by it. Georgiana finally realizes this after Alymar says “Georgiana . . . has it ever occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be .....
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No Sugar
Number of words: 1848 - Number of pages: 7.... white audience, however, endeavours to challenge only the white person's expectations of the aboriginal culture. The play also strives to let the white audience learn of the extreme injustices encountered by the Aborigine's during the white colonization. In doing this it also attempts to let the white audience to experience the inability
faced by the Aborigines in terms of power and freedom by the use of the Nyoongah language
and manipulation of other theatrical and narrative elements.
The opening scene attempts to establish setting by making clear reference to the poverty the Millumara fa .....
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