A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... a middle-aged man. He does not say much, but it seems as though that this is because he does not want to get in a fight with the younger waiter. All he does is ask the young waiter questions, as if the middle-aged waiter was sort of stuck in a catch twenty-two. The middle aged man felt for the old man but could not express his feelings to the younger waiter.
Lastly, there is the old waiter. He is some where around the age of the old man that sat at the table. He definitely feels for the man at the table because he knows what it is like to be old and lonely. The waiter says, “I am of .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... ; but in some indescribable way they were tied by the last remnants of mystique that surrounded her. They found it impossible to directly confront her - to evict her for not paying taxes - to approach her about the awful stench coming from her house. Moreover, when she went to the drugstore and requested the best poison that exist, arsenic, the druggist asked her why she wanted this poison because " the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for "(417). She did not answer to his question, but the druggist let her go even so because she dominated him. Once again she succeeded i .....
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Greek Gods
Number of words: 1061 - Number of pages: 4.... him as he had all of Zeus's siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Hera. But Rhea hid the newborn in a cave on Mount Dicte in Crete. (To this day, the guides at the "cave of Zeus" use their flashlights to cast shadow puppets in the cave, creating images of baby Zeus from the myth.)
When he had grown up, Zeus caused Cronus to vomit up his sisters and brothers, and these gods joined him in fighting to wrest control of the universe from the Titans and Cronus, their king. Having deposed his father and the other Titans, Zeus imprisoned most of them in the underworld of Tartarus. .....
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The Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 1675 - Number of pages: 7.... their truck, and once again sending them on the run.
There are many characters who played a vital role in the development of . Each and every character has something to add to the book as a whole.
For example, chapter 3 expresses the struggle of a turtle trying to get across the highway. An ignorant reader might take the chapter literally, missing the underlying message that Steinbeck is trying to reveal. As the turtle attempts to cross the road, he is twice nearly crushed by passing motorists, and is flung off the road by a motorist who tried unsuccessfully to purposefully squash the turtl .....
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Bridge To Terabithia
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... he doesn't give up. He wakes up at the same time ever morning to go to the unemployment office. Jesse's two older sisters are Brenda and Ellie. All they do is whine to get off of doing their chores and criticize Jesse for anything. His younger sister May Belle, looks up to him but he tries to act like an older, tougher brother and doesn't give her much thought, even though he loves her. The youngest sister, Joyce Ann isn't really mentioned except when Jesse tries to push May Belle to her so she'll leave him alone and when Jesse's mother yells at him because of her. Jesse's hobbies are his ar .....
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Jack Kerouac
Number of words: 2189 - Number of pages: 8.... "The Duluoz Legend." This was the name Kerouac had intended the novels to take on when he would assemble them in chronological order before he died. Unfortunately he died earlier than he expected and was unable to formally assemble them. However, the legend remains.
Kerouac undoubtedly made his mark on the literary world with his prose. And his prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writing as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks, saw himself as a modern day sage or bodhisatva, discov .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 2176 - Number of pages: 8.... as being a man who had a chance at success, but misses it and then tries to grasp at something which he can't reach. At first, he is presented as two different people. The first impression is that he is an angry man who blames the world for his faults, he has tried to mould his children into images of himself and often contradicts himself (as shown in Act 1 where he talks about Biff being a 'lazy bum' and then saying 'there's one thing about Biff-he's not lazy'). Willy is an insecure man who has cheated his loving wife, lied to his sons, and has taught them that cheating and stealing is .....
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Pea Paragraphs --
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... the story “Sugar Days” by Taylor, Elma Rae’s and Lornie’s eating habits are a result of Dever’s accident. Two girls Elma Rae and Lornie have eating disorders from a past accident. First, the narrator was describing the two girls. “They made a strange pair, with Elma Rae so large, almost fat, and Lornie all bone. Elma Rae was fat because she ate so much, and Lornie didn’t eat at all. Second, Elma Rae just got a cupcake and offered Lornie a bite. “I’ll just watch you eat, she said. Elma Rae turned murmuring something under her breath about g .....
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The Western Formula
Number of words: 1326 - Number of pages: 5.... assumption that men are assertive and women are insignificant. He is standardizing the black and white of the West. There is an unequivocal struggle between good and evil—and guns and violence can only solve that. Jane Tompkins standpoint on a Western seems to be a middle ground between Cawelti and Crane. She recognizes that violence is a central theme to a Western, but as well explains how we think of violence. In this day of age, we as a society have prohibited violence as a means of solving problems—Crane does not directly follow this in his stories, but definitely quest .....
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E. E. Cummings
Number of words: 1518 - Number of pages: 6.... and if by yes.
Women and men(both dong and ding)
summer autumn winter spring
reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moon stars rain
up into the silence the green
up into the silence the green
silence with a white earth in it
you will (kiss me) go
out into the morning the young
morning with a warm world in it
(kiss me) you will go
on into the sunlight the fine
sunlight with a firm day in it
you will go (kiss me
down into your memory and
a memory and memory
i) kiss me (will go)
once like a spark
(once like a spark)
if strangers meet
life b .....
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