Educating Rita
Number of words: 1336 - Number of pages: 5.... interesting. Shaw also uses this technique for his story to attract the reader making one event crucial for the development of the story.
"He opens his umbrella and dashes off Strandwards, but comes into collision with a flower girl who is hurrying in for shelter, knocking her basket out of her hands. A blinding flash lightning, followed instantly by a rattling peal of thunder, orchestrates the incident"
A common example of a popular misconception is when two people accidentally meet in odd circumstances. In this case two people coincidentally bump into each other on the street: a flowe .....
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The Birthmark
Number of words: 406 - Number of pages: 2.... story that is more than a century old Georgiana and her husband Alymar are searching for physical perfection, much like we do today. In addition they manifested their obsession with physical perfection much like we do today. Georgiana was born with a crimson birthmark in the shape of a hand. This birthmark was on her cheek. One day Georgiana discovers that this birthmark "shocks" her husband and he is deeply bothered by it. Georgiana finally realizes this after Alymar says "Georgiana . . . has it ever occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be removed?" After .....
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Hester And Abigail
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3.... to pull off a big witch-hunt with skills probably as great as an actor does. She is also the niece of the town minister, Reverend Samuel Paris.
Both these women do know the feelings of being an adulator though. Even though Hester’s affair is known publicly. Hester fell in love with the minister Aruthur Dimmesdale. They are very much in love but then she gives birth to his child and is ridiculed by the public. Abigail believes she is in love with a farmer named John Proctor. She wants his wife dead. A good example is when John Proctor says “…she thinks to da .....
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A Seprate Peace
Number of words: 1102 - Number of pages: 5.... did was perfect, which just upset Gene all the more. Finny was so perfect that he didn't care what others thought, like when Finny wore a pink shirt as an emblem after the bombing of central Europe. " '...Pink! It makes you look like a fairy!' 'Does it?' He used this preoccupied tone when he was thinking of something more interesting than what you had said." One time Finny and Gene were at the swimming pool when Finny noticed that a boy named A. Hopkins Parker had the record for the 100 yards free style. When Finny realized that A. Hopkins Parker had graduated before they came, he remarked, .....
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Mirror Of Myself
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... a look of fear and hopelessness quickly filled her eyes as she continued on with her explanation of why. She said, "well night is when I feel most alone and desperate for a nurturing protector to comfort my waking nightmares."
At that point I was beginning to feel an overwhelming sense of panic for her recovery,knowing that she has had to live life locking away the hurt,crying little child. The addiction seemed to make her realities easier to cope with, and now she recognizes the reality that the addiction had become a habit- a daily ritual, like brushing her teeth. She realized that the .....
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The Great Gatsby 6
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... becomes a materialistic young woman with a little mind of her own, rediscovering her love with Gatsby while still married to Tom. All of these round and dynamic characteristics add different complications to the plot, and dimension to the meaning Daisy adds to the book.
The previously mentioned characteristics help to understand and create some of the main conflicts. For example the conflict between Daisy and Tom having a mistress. Another example is Daisy's love affair with Gatsby quickly allowing him to fall in love with her because of Daisy's clear sweetness and innocence towards his chara .....
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Comparison Of The Views Of Bonaventure, Beauvoir, And Marx In Their Works
Number of words: 1259 - Number of pages: 5.... is trying to say that humans are being shaped more
and more by society than they are by God. In a sense, humans are being led
astray by all the ongoing imperfections, which bombard our society today.
We tend to immerse ourselves into the problems of the world and forget
about God. Bonaventre says we cannot allow ourselves to shut out our Lord
out of our lives. He notes, "when one has fallen, he must lie where he is
unless another is at hand to raise him up". Bonaventure is saying that
when we do shut God out of our lives and is affected by it, we must let God
pick us up and show us th .....
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The Chocolate War
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... climax of the novel was on the eleventh day of the chocolate sale when Jerry was supposed to start selling the chocolates but he didn’t.
As a result of Jerry not selling any chocolates, the other students’ sales began to plummet during the falling action of the story. Brother Leon began to feel nervous and had to go to Archie and the Vigils for help. Incredibly, the Vigils turned the whole school against Jerry and made selling chocolates the "cool" thing. Students began to look down upon Jerry for not conforming to the chocolate sale tradition. Someone even vandalized Jer .....
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Literal Interpretation In Literature
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... families, and will start a vicious cycle
for generations to come. These examples definitely show how this biblical quote
may be interpreted literally.
"The sins of the father visit upon the children" has a deeper meaning than
that described above. For example, "father" could be changed to "parent," and
these "parents" could mean "generations" that precede the children. A situation
that would represent that would be war or pollution. A second example which
illustrates how this quote may be interpreted on a more global level is
preceding generations could affect the children by mean .....
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King Lear And The Fatal Flaw
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2.... to that of a spoiled child and in his fury, divides the rest of his Kingdom between Goneril and Regan, and casts Cordelia away from him. ‘Hence, and avoid my sight!’ A fundamental part of Lear’s mistake is what he expects to hear from his daughters, especially his favorite, Cordelia.
With Cordelia cast away, he sets about trying to enjoy his old age, but we discover that his two eldest daughter’s intentions are not as entirely wholesome as we once thought. When Lear himself learns of this, what he ought to really feel is fear, but what actually possesses him is rage. The King a .....
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