Symbolism In "The Masque Of The Red Death"
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... The tone of Revelations enforces the strength and uncontrollable certainty of mortality at the end of the tale, as well as implying the presence of a divine power of judgment without explicitly stating it. The interpretation of the seven rooms contributes to Poe's allegory of man's absolute mortality, and also offers a prime example of the ambiguity one finds in Poe's work.
The omnipresent clock in the story is a clear representation of the power and presence of time. A more interesting point of notice in Poe's emphasis is on the fact that the clock consists of only the colors "ebony" and whi .....
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The Sun Also Rises 2
Number of words: 680 - Number of pages: 3.... but when compared to an incident that takes place later, on pg. 194 beginning "Well…" and ending with "… right.", it shows how although many things had happened Jake Barnes’ feelings for Robert Cohn had not truly changed. This gives a very good example of the theme that everything comes back around again.
Another example of this appears on pg. 148 "Perhaps…about." This section shows how the main character, Jake Barnes, does not care if he truly learns anything in life and only wants to know how to get by. If in life you never learn anything, then it is almo .....
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The Barn Burning
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... survival for them.
No hope for advancement prevails throughout the story. Sarty, his brother and the twin sisters have no access to education, as they must spend their time working in the fields or at home performing familial duties. Nutrition is lacking “He could smell the coffee from the room where they would presently eat the cold food remaining from the mid-afternoon meal”(497). A consequence, poor health combined with inadequate opportunity results in low morale. A morale which the writer is identifying with the middle class of his times that same quality which in later year .....
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Oedipus The King - Blindness
Number of words: 990 - Number of pages: 4.... him into the mountains to die. However, a shepherd saved Oedipus. This shepherd gave Oedipus to Polybus and Merope. When Oedipus learned of his prophecy, he fled his home, thinking these people were his real parents. On his flight, he met Laius. He ended up killing Laius. He continued on, answered a riddle of the evil Sphinx, and ended up king of Thebes. With this kingdom, Oedipus married Jocasta. He had lived out the prophecy without even knowing he had. Thebes fell onto bad times, and a prophet put the blame on a polluter of the lands. Oedipus called on Teiresias, and Teiresias informed hi .....
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The Iliad
Number of words: 1554 - Number of pages: 6.... of Zeus; god of prophecy, light, poetry,
and music; on the Trojans' side
Zeus supreme god and king of Olympos
Poseidon younger brother of Zeus; god of sea
Chryseis and Briseis who were captured during a raid in Troy are awarded
as ‘war prizes' to Agamemnon and Achilles. Chryseis for Agamemnon and Briseis
for Achilles. Chryseis is the daughter of Chryses which prays Apollo to help
get back his daughter. Apollo causes a deadly plague in the Achaian camp.
Achilles asked Kalchas to explain the cause of Apollo's anger. Apo .....
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Winter Oak - Yuri Nagibin
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4.... and will not even acknowledge Frolov’s attempt of respect towards her. There were very powerful images present in the forest, such as the gigantic winter oak. The image of Savushkin standing in front of the Winter Oak, in utter awe of its splendor and Anna Vasilyevna realizing the beauty of the winter oak appeals to the sight, because it is easy to picture in our minds.
stood an oak as enormous and magnificent as a cathedral. The trees seemed to part respectfully to allow their older companion to spread out in full force. Its lower branches stretched out in a tent over the clearing. The sn .....
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Theme Of Beowulf
Number of words: 669 - Number of pages: 3.... risking your lives for no reason but the danger? All older and wiser heads warned you not to, but no one could check such pride."(p.39, Beowulf). This quote best describes Beowulf as a child, full of pride and not that good at hiding it. "I fought that beast’s last battle, left it floating lifeless in the sea." (p.40 Beowulf). Another quote that showed that in his older age, he had no problem expressing how good he was. A Knight , a hero in the near future, was not one to be as outspoken of his capabilities as Beowulf, even though they did both have the same roles in society and honor t .....
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The Stranger (in Spanish)
Number of words: 913 - Number of pages: 4.... Stranger empieza con “Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can’t be sure.[1]” Esto resume, completamente, la filosofía del narrador, Meursault durante la primera parte del libro. Este señor es tan apatiático que no le importa ni cuando murió su madre. “Está contento solo con el acto de vivir[2].”Pasa la primera parte del libro con esta actitud; una persona típica le da más importancia a la vida de un ratón lo que Meursault le da a la vida de su madre. Con esto viene un desafío al valor de la vida. Si no hay importancia a ningúna parte de .....
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The Chosen
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... revered in traditional Jewish culture. Danny’s revelations startle Reuven; he confesses he would rather be a psychologist than accept his inherited role as spiritual leader of his father’s sect. Reuven’s confessions surprise Danny; he reveals his desire to become a rabbi, though his scholar-father would prefer him to follow his talent and become a mathematician. Danny cannot understand how anyone would choose the very position he secretly wishes to reject. At a time when conflicts are churning within him, Danny finds Reuven as an empathetic listener who is highly intelligent yet safe— .....
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Sonnet 138
Number of words: 1551 - Number of pages: 6.... in the narration necessitate a close examination of this. The sonnet begins with a "When" clause, launching the reader on a sentence of indeterminate length and subsequently leaving us with expectation, in suspense, at the end of the line. The woman is emphatic: she does not merely tell the truth, she is made of truth. Both the nature of this truth, and the reason for her swearing it, are unknown to the reader. The immediate thought is that the speaker has challenged her in some way, and whether or not this is correct, it is certainly an unconventional way to begin a love poem.
The .....
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