The Crucible 2
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... couple on the commandments, it is evident that there is still a void between her and John. All commandments could be recited except for adultery. In the puritan culture, adultery is a grievous sin, one punishable by death. She has to live through each day knowing that John was unfaithful, and that he did not fulfill the commitment of marriage. She feels hurt and betrayed, but what Abby tries next is the most underhanded trick possible.
Abigail was placed in power due to her “ability” to spot the devil in people. She could see those who trafficked with the devil and who was .....
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The Sanity Of Hamlet
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... behavior throughout the play, especially towards Ophelia is inconsistent. He jumps into Ophelia's grave, and fights with Laertes in her grave. He professes, "I loved Ophelia, Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love" during the fight with Laertes in Ophelia's grave, but he tells her that he never loved her, when she returns his letters and gifts, while she was still alive. Hamlet subtly hints his awareness of his dissolving sanity as he tells Laertes that he killed Polonius in a fit of madness.
Hamlet has violent outbursts towards his mother. His outbu .....
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Similarities Between Primates And Humans
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3.... not have to be as cautious about what they eat. Strier also examined muriquis feces for intestinal parasite infections.
Her findings concluded that there were no parasites found in muriquis monkeys at Fazenda Montes Claros, whereas at Carlos Botelho three species were found and approximately 90 percent of the monkeys were infected. She attributed the differences to the Amazonian people. The plants eaten by the muriquis are the same species used by the Amazonian people to control worms and other parasites. Evidence also suggests that the leaves eaten by the muriquis consist of antimicrobia .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 1361 - Number of pages: 5.... the countries, but most of the action takes place in Paris, France. The wine shop in Paris is the hot spot for the French revolutionists, mostly because the wine shop owner, Ernest Defarge, and his wife, Madame Defarge, are key leaders and officials of the revolution. Action in the book is scattered out in many places; such as the Bastille, Tellson's Bank, the home of the Manettes, and largely, the streets of Paris. These places help to introduce many characters into the plot. One of the main characters, Madame Therese Defarge, is a major antagonist
who seeks revenge, being a key revol .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4.... "climber-upward?e then unto the ladder turns his back?(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar? death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome?(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its people more. This is th .....
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Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... office, and, besides, I’ve got the torture of traveling, worrying about changing trains, eating miserable food at all hours, constantly seeing new faces, no relationships that last or get more intimate. To the devil with it all!” Gregor has a great amount of fury towards his job, which eventually led to his anger towards society as a whole. The fact that his office manager showed up at Gregor’s house plays an immense role in creating trepidation and anxieties in Gregor’s mind. Gregor feels strangled by his job and is too weak to tolerate the pressure.
In addition to the pressure cr .....
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Dantes Inferno
Number of words: 912 - Number of pages: 4.... ignorant members of society who are content to believe that what they see is all that exists. Fear of change is represented by the prisoners angry reaction towards the freed, enlightened prisoner. Dante's Inferno is a detailed description of sin and its relationship to degrees of punishment. As stated in the text, "...for the face was reversed on the neck, and they came on backwards, staring backwards at their loins for to look before them was forbidden." (Ciardi, pg. 175) This quote describes the punishment for fortune tellers. In life the fortune tellers foresaw the future. In death the .....
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Number of words: 506 - Number of pages: 2.... a horse into a god. It’s almost like Alan was drawn to anything his father did not like because he did not want to be like his father. Allen is driven to all his father hates, such as television and religion. When Alan sees his father coming out of the porno movie theater, he is devastated because he is caught acting like his father.
The relationship between Alan and Dysart is one of mutual envy. Dysart envies Alan because of his passion. Dysart lives a boring life with a wife he does not love. He resents her for lacking passion, when he lacks passion himself. He is sarcastic w .....
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Macbeth - Lady Macbeth: Feeble-minded?
Number of words: 1696 - Number of pages: 7.... and determined villain, but she isn’t anything of the like in reality. She thinks that her will to follow through with her thoughts outweighs Macbeth’s determination. Lady Macbeth views her husband as "too full o’ the milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest way," (I-v, 16-17). Within the first act, she deems herself the more committing and authoritative person in this couple. She claims that "that which rather [Macbeth] dost fear to do," could be fulfilled if, "I may pour my spirits in thine ear" (I-v, 23-25). She believes matters should be taken into her own hands from the .....
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The Sun Also Rises By Ernest H
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... people, including Robert Cohn, which makes Jake jealous. This jealousy turns to anger when Jake gets into a fight with Robert and is then knocked out.
Jake relates to the other characters only superficially because he only looks at what he can get from them. Jake wants Brett Ashley so that when he gets older he’ll have companionship. Jake makes fun of Robert Cohn to make himself look better than he is by
putting someone else down. Jake also uses Bill Gorton just to keep himself busy and not get bored. Near the end of the book Jake states, “Next morning I tipped every one .....
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