The Odyssey 2
Number of words: 1441 - Number of pages: 6.... to see Telemachus is to "rouse [him] / to a braver pitch, inspire his heart with courage (page 80, lines 104-105)" She realizes that Telemachus needs to be advised by a wise older man, she disguises herself as an old friend of Odysseus's, Mentes. As opposed to Athena disguising herself as just some stranger, she disguises herself as a very close friend of Odysseus, an equal, in order to seem more reliable. In the following passage Athena tries to convince Telemachus about her close relationship with his father "As for the ties between your father and myself, / we've been friends forever, I' .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Fate
Number of words: 1964 - Number of pages: 8.... sad foretold reality. Even as early as the first scene of the play, we already see some evidence to back up the prologue. "[Romeo]…And makes himself and artificial night." (I, i, 38) This passage can be seen as the foreshadowing of Romeo’s suicide. Another line said by Montague, which is "Unless good council may the cause remove" (I, i, 140), also is evidence of Romeo’s tragedy. In the first act, Romeo is introduced. His great sadness is shown right away and the theme of love is seen as well. Through Romeo’s mellow mood we see how desperate he is for love. Romeo is in l .....
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Everyday Use
Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4.... This is demonstrated from the outset of the short story, we learn very quickly that the mother (narrator) has inherited many customs and traditions from her ancestors. She describes herself as "a large big-boned woman with rough man-working hands" (485). She also describes here various abilities including, " I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man…I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing. I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain betwe .....
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Reaching For Dreams - A Ballet
Number of words: 671 - Number of pages: 3.... to opening night. The dancers taking part in this production were from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The ballet that they plan to perform in seven weeks is called “Speeds.” The choreographer of “Speeds” is a world-renowned woman by the name of Jennifer Mullers. This production contains a cast of eleven dancers and five alternates. “Speeds” is a modern ballet that explains how one moment in time is like no other, and how often things in the world change.
Throughout this book, Kuklin observes the life of a dancer. The typical day of a professional ballerina at the Alv .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... This is another large set back for the family because it may split them up. After the news of tom and al staying is told to ma she starts to flip out because she doesn't want the family to be split up. Tom explains that when the get the jalopy going again that they will catch up in no time.
Dreams may be shattered in California. The Joads are moving to California because they heard it was nice, lots of work, land and money.
The Joads start to believe that California is not all that they had hoped for when many more people say that California is far from what they had hoped. Or just brush .....
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... Hoppolyta and Titania is in love with Theseus. Their lovers quarrels provide much of the comedy in the play.
The other four characters caught in love triangles are Lysander and Hermia, who are in love with each other, Demetrius who loves Hermia, and Helena who loves Demetrius. Lysander and Hermia wish to marry each other but Hermia’s father, Egeus, will not allow it. Egeus wishes his daughter to marry Demetrius so he brings the matter to the attention of the king in hope that the law will be enforced. The law states that Hermia must marry whomever her father chooses or be put to dea .....
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Winter Moon
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... is impeccable, and makes the reader feel as though they really know the characters. At the beginning, the book can seem confusing, whereas Koontz jumps back and forth from character to character. I feel that after the reader has become accustomed to it, the switching between characters creates good stopping points. However, my mom found it annoying and didn’t like the switching.
Koontz explodes into action during the first chapter, which grips the reader and holds their attention throughout the rest of the book. The novel starts out as two separate stories: a police offi .....
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The Absence Of Truth Leads To
Number of words: 2359 - Number of pages: 9.... how I stand by you, as I should, / Avenging this country and the god as well, / And not as though it were for some distant friend, / But for my own sake, to be rid of evil." (Sophocles, 138-141). Oedipus desires the best future for his kingdom and is willing to fight to eliminate the problem causing the disruption in order. Upon the will of the gods, he is determined to seek the murderer of Laios and bring him to justice. He does not realize that he is the chaotic figure, whose unpunished act of regicide has angered the gods. Although he pledges to seek out the truth, others deceive him. Th .....
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Inherit The Wind
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... backbone of Faith. I don’t believe in the literal deciphering of the Bible, but
that it is a book of ideals that we must trust in it’s veracity. It isn’t meant to be explained!
Ironically, the thing that people are the most hungry for, meaning, is the one thing that science hasn’t been able to give them. Enter God, the means
that mankind has clung to for purpose. If there isn’t a God, does that mean
that 95% of the world is suffering from some sort of mass dillusion? There
may be a thousand arguments against there being a supreme being that we can
think of, but it’ .....
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A Man For All Seasons 3
Number of words: 2064 - Number of pages: 8.... the Pope to divorce him and Catherine also, for “State reasons.” When Sir Thomas didn’t agree with the divorce, many people turned away from him. His wife, Lady Alice, begged Sir Thomas to agree with the King, just to make life simpler, but Thomas refused. He believed the he wouldn’t go to Heaven if his conscience was not clear, and his conscience told him not to just tell the King what he wanted to hear, but to tell the King the truth. This is just a basic overview of what happened in A Man for All Seasons.
In Act I Scene 1, the book introduces you to some o .....
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