Poetry 3
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... her final resting-place. She then says, “Storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind. Let me float across the sky, ‘till I can rest again.” The storm represents death and the taking away of her soul to her heavenly inheritance. “Fall gentle snowflake, cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight,” is the image of snow falling on her grave. The last stanza is, “Sun, rain, curving sky, mountain, oceans, leaf and stone, star shine, moon glow, you’re all that I can call my own.” This last section sums up her beliefs that .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 1138 - Number of pages: 5.... as an immoral person (Jones 385).
Kate Chopin’s interest in Maupassant began after her mother died (Toth 181). At that time she had moved to a new location in the city where she lived and began to make new friends who were interested in the writings of Maupassant (Toth181). She described vividly how she felt upon reading Guy de Maupassant for the first time:
His writing undoubtedly moved her. Chopin claims to have felt that he spoke to her "directly" and "intimately" (Toth 181). She admired him most for the things that made him the writer that he was. She was int .....
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Silence Of The Lambs
Number of words: 1270 - Number of pages: 5.... The is indeed a psychological horror according to the five criteria above along with other sources. The first element to a psychological horror is a villain, and the villain is The is Mr. Jame Gumb. He is a white male in his mid thirties, “most serial killers are white male, unemployed, intelligent and experience financial difficulty.”(Bonata, 3) Gumb is all of these things, he is unemployed but a very skilled seamstress, and using these skills is making himself a second skin out of women who he is able to take control of and render them powerless. He is also very intelligen .....
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Revenge In The Odyssey
Number of words: 687 - Number of pages: 3.... are considered barbarians. Homer gives a clue into the extent of the fear when he writes that Telemakhos was “irked with himself / to think a visitor had been kept their waiting…” (5). One example in The Odyssey is when Odysseus comes to the home of the Kyklops. Odysseus states:
“We will entreat you, great Sir, have a care
for the gods’ courtesy; Zeus will avenge
the unoffending guest” (153).
Kyklops just answers that, “We Kyklopes care not for your thundering Zeus…”(153). This is a big mistake because directly after this statement, .....
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The Shipbuilder
Number of words: 567 - Number of pages: 3.... thinks nothing of it. His name means very little to him. Jukka then tells Jaanus that there are no Fins living in Canada even though Jukka himself is Finnish. Jukka is now a Canadian. His heritage meant nothing to him. Jaanus would never let that happen to himself. He was born Finnish he would die Finnish.
One scene that really shows Jaanus’ idea of the importance of names to your heritage, is when Jaanus goes to court. The Judge asks him how he will plead to all of his charges, and calls him Johhny Crook, not Jaanus Karkulainen. To plied his case, all that Jaanus replies is “I .....
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Macbeth - Independence And Failure
Number of words: 1873 - Number of pages: 7.... This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other because each is caused by Macbeth's will to be independent.
According to Webster's dictionary, the archaic definition of independence is "competence" (1148). To be independent is not to be "subject to control by others" .....
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Of Mice And Men -
Number of words: 1121 - Number of pages: 5.... Lennie does not understand what to do. Lennie gets frightened and uses his strength to hold on to objects. Lennie is just like a child. He will do what ever George tells him to: "Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie's hand. George slapped [Lennie] in the face again and again and still Lennie held on. Through Lennie's actions we can see that Lennie is very similar to a child. Lennie's first instinct when he is scared is to hold on. Just as a little kid holds on to its mum or dad when they become frightened, Lennie holds on to objects.
As of Lenni .....
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Johnny Tremain
Number of words: 1077 - Number of pages: 4.... It really makes you think if you were to lose a
talent how you would feel about it and act upon it, it made me feel
Another interesting part of the book was when Johnny went to
look for a job. Johnny was so persistent when trying to find another
apprentice job. He didn’t really care about what kind of job it was he
just wanted a job, he went from place to place trying as hard as he
could to hid his crippled hand.
When Johnny started his job with the Sons of Liberty as a news
paper route boy it came to be a very interesting section of the book. It
was inter .....
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Robert Frost - Nature In His P
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... see how powerful the water is when it eats away at the cliff. The shore was lucky by being backed by the cliff. Once again Frost is discussing water which goes back to stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening by stating the water because there is water in this poem with snow Frost keeps bringing up water and snow. Water is a sign of being powerful, Frost must love having power by showing it with water. He also shows how powerful water is by tearing away at the cliff.
Third, in the poem "The Most of it" there is also a lot of nature being expressed. You can see in this poem Frost refers back .....
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The Joys Of Reading A Novel
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... since
it helps create atmosphere and mood which results in the reader beginning to
imagine himself as the character. In some novels, for example, just the details
of the surroundings of the character's location take seven to eight pages to
explain and if the detail is missed, the reader fails to imagine the intended
The extent to which a novel is studied causes the reader to lose
interest in reading the novel because some interpretations of particular moments
in the novel may not have anything to do relative to the novel. Doing things
like over-emphasizing or ov .....
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