Kurt Vonnegut--slaughterhouse
Number of words: 2173 - Number of pages: 8.... no longer be heard. "Why me?"- a frequent question asked by survivors of war. Vonnegut was tormented by this question and through Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist in Slaughterhouse Five, he attempts to reconcile the guilt which one feels when one is randomly saved from death, while one's friends and loved ones perish. Billy Pilgrim's own life was spared, but was never able to live with himself knowing that so many others had died. The feelings of guilt which emerged from his having survived the bombing of Dresden and from Billy's fortunate escape from death under the shelter of the fifth S .....
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The House Of The Seven Gables-
Number of words: 899 - Number of pages: 4.... The story of The House Of The Seven Gables streches over two centuries. It's the classic scenario of two rival families, in this case the Pyncheons ( weathly aristocratic puritans) and the Maules (humbler paupers). The story of these two families begins with Matthew Maule, who owned a certain amount of land and built himself a hut to live in, in this new puritan settlement. Maule was a hard working but obscure man, who was stubborn and protected what was his. His rival arrived at the settlement about 30 to 40 years after Maule had been there. Colonel Pyncheon, an ambicious and determine .....
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King Arthur And Beowulf: A Comparison
Number of words: 547 - Number of pages: 2.... dignity. Immense care and respect was
imposed into the weapons of the king. The noble King Arthur utilized the
arms of his time, opposed to Beowulf's unarmed way of battle.
Described as the strongest man in the world, Beowulf voyages across
seas slaying evil demons with nothing but his bare hands. "…Knew at once
that nowhere on earth had he met a man whose hands where harder." In the
confrontation of Grendel and Beowulf, our hero brings forth a force greater
than the unmerciful dragon. Weaponless, Beowulf slays the dragon with his
divine tools of god. "And was instantly seized him .....
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Madame Bovary 4
Number of words: 271 - Number of pages: 1.... seem important and gives it “dignity” but at the same time ridicules her fantasies. Bersani also writes that Flaubert detaches himself entirely from the community that he writes about. Although there are parts of the book that displays the narrator as a member of the society. For example in the start of the novel the introduction of Charles seem to me made by a person who was involved in the action. There are other parts when Flaubert seems to know all the innermost thought of the characters. In other word Flaubert portrays his narrator as one who is all know and one that .....
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Gullivers Travels 2
Number of words: 1324 - Number of pages: 5.... in perspective for the reader. The main purpose of Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels is to exemplify the two extremes of human nature, as well as show what position on that spectrum we humans should strive to achieve.
The “positive” extreme Gulliver encounters on his arrival to the island is the Houyhnhnm, a horse ruled by reason. Gulliver almost immediately admires these creatures as well as everything about them, especially their speech: “…their language approaches nearest to the High Dutch or German, of any I know in Europe, but is much more gracefu .....
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Anointed King
Number of words: 1346 - Number of pages: 5.... point of view it could be argued that God is somewhat responsible for the state that England is in, because they believe Richard was chosen by God. Within Richard II , God is believed to be forsaken so that England can become a great kingdom again, and this is done in hope that Richard’s wrongs can be made right by Bolingbroke. Richard’s opposition - York, Bolingbroke, and Northumberland - believe that what they are doing is done to regenerate the badly tended “garden”. They want to replant it with Bolingbroke as king, and this they believe will restore .....
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Comaparison Of Crucible And So
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... between the two couples can be described in the same way; they are very uncomfortable around each other. Orin is similar to Abigail Williams because they are the ones that are having the affair with either Laurel or John. Both of them also try very desperately, with no success, to maintain their relationship with the person they are committing adultery with. Some of the characters in these two stories have something similar to the character in the other story.
Jack Sommersby and John Proctor made similar decisions prior to not confessing or denying the crimes they were accused of comm .....
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Battle Royal
Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3.... says of his racial equals, "I felt superior to them in my way, and I didn't like the manner in which we were all crowded together into the servants' elevator"(175). The boy undergoes a realization that he is, in fact, not a Booker T. Washington as he plans to be in life, but merely a common black man who is in disagreement with his own race. He comes to this realization after being victimized by the white men and forced into battle with men of his own ethnicity.
As a result of the ethnic battle, the boy ultimately lives up to the expectations of the white men. He expects to live with "his .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... and various new buildings had been added.
One of the major characters in the novel, , is Nepoleon. Napoleon, after driving Snowball, another pig who was trying to take over the farm, off the farm, took over. Nepoleon says one thing, and does the other, takes other peoples ideas, and he is the biggest liar on the farm. Nepoleon took the freedom of the animals, that they had gained from the revolution, and twisted it so that now instead of being enslaved by the farmer, they were enslaved by him.
In the novel, , the animals speak with a Russian accent. For instance, the word "comrade" is used o .....
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Review Of A Time To Kill
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... men are white, and the girl and her father are black. Thus begins a tale that might have been an examination of vigilantism, and might have been a story about the possibility of equal justice under the law for.
Carl Lee, the father of the violated girl, has planned revenge knowing that the boys will get off for being white, has told his defender Jake of his vengeance. As an officer of the court, Brigance might be expected to counsel Carl Lee about the inadvisability of such an act, and/or to warn the police of Carl Lee's intention. Brigance does nothing of the sort, he just goes back to d .....
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