Sonnet 72
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... is a Shakespearean sonnet with no characteristics of a Petrarchan sonnet.
Temperate moderate
Darling very dear
Lease the term during which possession is guaranteed
Date the time during which something lasts
Complexion colour, visible aspect, appearance
To decline to diminish, decrease, deteriorate
Untrimmed not carefully or neatly arranged or attired
Fair beauty, fairness, good looks
Eternal & .....
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Belief Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... the flag in the heat of a battle. The other characters also believed in what the fought for in the end of the book and for example the loud soldier who (believed that he wasn't afraid ended up changing and becoming a nice person as well as a good friend. He learned that what he originally believed, which was I am not afraid of anything wasn't what he truly believed. He was terrified; he even gave the youth his will.
The Union or blue sky with sun, believed in what they fought for. They believed that a state cannot succeed from the union and a state cannot make a law null and void. In t .....
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Analytical Essay On The Grass
Number of words: 1213 - Number of pages: 5.... and authority over the other characters. The wall paper is a vertical stripe to convey a prison like feeling and the colours are green and gold, the colour of money. As Collin puts it in the film, " She was the richest person in town... and it did not make her an easy woman." Being the richest person, she has considerable power over the other characters in the small township, one being the sherrif, as shown when she instigates the party to bring Dolly home, and to stop the revival meeting. Even the road she lives on is named after her- Talbo Lane. Verena is extremely domaineering over t .....
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Water Symbolize (the Stone Ang
Number of words: 239 - Number of pages: 1.... a few pills and says, “Here have some water.” (256, The Stone Angel) Water is used as an aid all the time, to help digest certain things. In this case Hagar is taking a two-ninety-two and a sleeping pill. Water just makes it taste better and it is easier to swallow. At the end of the novel, Hagar drinks a glass of water right before she dies. “I wrest from her the glass, full of water to be had for the taking. I hold it in my own hands. There.” (308, The Stone Angel) This symbolizes that Hagar was dying in peace.
All over the novel, one will find that water .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... “Miss Eudora Welty often takes ritual action very seriously-especially the most simple and primitive rituals of home, or private rituals which comes from repeated performances of an action of love”, Old Phoenix’s down the worn Path. (70).
The conflicts were put in the story to show us the inner feelings of Phoenix. She was able to endure hardships and yet stays focused on the task at hand. This tells us while she was growing up she over came many obstacles. Kreyling says, “usually Welty reserved for her black characters the functions of this vital, sure and faithful, ways of liv .....
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Love Poetry
Number of words: 1589 - Number of pages: 6.... fun would have to one of them. In the poem it demonstrates the sophisticated wit which Donne approaches seduction in his . The poem is arguably a performance designed to show the reader how cleverly thought an argument could be twisted rather than a genuine attempt at courtship. The poem is made up of three stanzas each one having a different argument to put across. It is an extended metaphor with the flea and its actions compared to the narrator and the mistress. A flea goes around his daily business by landing on unsuspecting culprits and then sucks the blood from it. When had enou .....
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A Gathering Of Old Men
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... predator that attacks unnoticed, but to Medea death is a trophy. For Medea death has a value of importance. A friendship has been established. Death is Medea’s friend. She uses it as a weapon to get what she views as justice. "Then if you have a dog eyed enemy and needed absolute vengeance . . . Unchild him, ha? And then unlife him"(23). Medea believed with great depth to get vengeance upon Jason. She wanted to go through with her vengeance and hurt Jason as Jason hurt her. Jason left Medea for another woman thus leaving her miserable and craving for revenge. Thus, she w .....
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Leguins Omelas
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... if the first part of the text is truly conceivable. The theme then takes over asking if one could accept the conditions that Omelas “happily” lives under. The plot then allows enough room for the reader to imagine the living conditions under which the child lives in with “a little light seeping in dustily between cracks in the boards.”
The characters, though not drawn out in much detail, have such personalities as to make them recognizable in our own lives. Le Guin utilizes broad terms such as “the youths and girls, the merry women, old people and master .....
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The Great Gatsby 4
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4.... history through the interpersonal relationships among his characters. The situations in the lives of the characters show the worthlessness of materialism, the futile quest of Myrtle and Gatsby, and how America ‘s moral values had diminished- through the actions of Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Gatsby’s party guests. Despite his newly acquired fortune, Gatsby still cannot afford his one true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything which is important to Daisy. "..Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby’s insistence on being able .....
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The Intention (motivation) Of
Number of words: 1177 - Number of pages: 5.... Oedipus solved the riddle, and the Sphinx killed herself. In reward, he received the throne of Thebes and the hand of the widowed queen, his mother, Jocasta. They had four children: Eteocles, Polyneices, Antigone, and Ismene. Later, when the truth became known, Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus, after blinding himself, went into exile, leaving his brother-in-law Creon as regent. The central theme in this work is that one cannot control his/her fate, whether the intentions are good or bad. Oedipus, the main character in this play is motivated to find the truth, and his intentio .....
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