The Count Of Monte Cristo
Number of words: 1016 - Number of pages: 4.... these three people plot against Edmond, he is about to become married to the beautiful Mercedes. On his wedding day, his betrothal feast was interrupted when the police came barging through the door and arrested Edmond Dantes. Dantes was accused of giving a letter to the usurper while the Pharaon stopped on the Isle of Elba and returning a letter from the usurper to the Bonapartist party in Paris. After his arrest, Edmond was interrogated and questioned by the public prosecutor, Monsieur de Villefort. During the interrogation Villefort promised Edmond freedom, but that was before Monsieur de .....
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Shakespeare And His Theater
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... silk clothes with many ruffles. Many times there were musical accompaniments and sound effects such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to simulate thunder.
The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher acting area which symbolized a porch or balcony. This was useful in the story of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo stood below Juliet and told her how he loved her. In the stage floor was a trap door which was said to lead to "hell" or a ce .....
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The Greeks Versus Their Gods I
Number of words: 1814 - Number of pages: 7.... Hippolytus worships Artemis as the greatest of all gods, while he tends to shy away from worshipping Aphrodite (10-16). This is important because it sets in motion the actions of the play when Aphrodite decides to get revenge on Hippolytus. The divine relationship between the gods is a bit different, however. Over the course of the play, Artemis does not interfere in the actions of Aphrodite, which shows that the gods, while divine, do have restrictions; in this case, it shows the gods cannot interfere with each other. (1328-1330) The gods are sometimes evil and revengeful, though, as c .....
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Pygmalion Discussion Paper
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... our desires. Men from all different times and walks of life, dream of the woman that they want, but can never have. Perfection is unattainable, even in the stories passed down from generation to generation.
With the changing times, the men look for different traits in women. In the times of the myth, men probably looked for a woman that could cook, clean and mother his children. Where as, in the harsh times of the book, men probably looked for women that could be strong and loyal. Now, men all over the world look for women that are athletic, beautiful, and smart and have a unique attitu .....
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Les Miserables
Number of words: 1332 - Number of pages: 5.... of the sudden when she is fired from her job and,at the same time, must meet increasing finances for her daughter from the Thenardiers. Fantine looks for money and does everything possible such as selling her hair, her central incisors, and then turns to prostitution. She is arrested one day but is saved by Madeleine. Fantine moves in with Madeleine and gets very sick. Fantine wants to see her daughter which Madeleine promises her that he will bring her to her before she dies.
However, Madeleine has some problems of his own. A man gets arrested under the name of Jean Valjean and i .....
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Sherwood Anderson's "Paper Pills": Deception In The Title
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2.... care about him self for over ten years. The young woman
was well off and needs to find a husband to help her take care of the farm that
she inherited from her parents. She was tall, dark, and beautiful with lots of
As the unwanted “twisted apples” are left on the tree to rotten -- so
is Doctor Reefy left to waste away. The “twisted apples” are left because they
do not keep up with the standards and are not very appealing. Reefy is not
wanted anymore because he is a “twisted apple.” He as aged and is not
attractive to the people of Winesburg. These deformed apples .....
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Spenser's "The Faerie Queene"
Number of words: 2129 - Number of pages: 8.... how
to master, the specific vices which beset it” (Evans 143). The second book
portrays the virtue of Temperance through the knight Sir Guyon. The Fairy
Queen ordered him to locate and destroy Acrasia's seductive Bower of Bliss.
With his companion and guide, the Palmer, Sir Guyon completes his mission
successfully, and after his encounters along the way, he becomes the virtue
of Temperance.
II. Body Section
In order for the reader to recognize the maturation of Sir Guyon,
Spenser leads him on a path of temptation. Thus, after conquering all of
his encounters, Sir Guyon will be a s .....
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Macbeth - GUILTY
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... I have done;
Look on ‘t again I dare not.”
Following his crowning at Scone, King Macbeth hired three assassins to murder his long-time friend Banquo, in order to protect his crown. It was after the murder of Banquo that Macbeth then turned into an unmerciful, non-repentant tyrant. This man, once heralded a hero, became the bane of Scotland and his people.
The defense has tried to manipulate facts to persuade you that Macbeth is not to blame for these murders and has placed responsibility for these deaths on everyone from Lady Macbeth to the witches, who occasionally conversed with the a .....
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Cheap Amusements
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... this period that to survive families had to send their sons and daughters into the labor force to supplement the earnings of the father, while the mother cooked, cleaned, cared for the children and manufactured goods in the home. The typical wage-earning woman of 1900 was young and single.
The young single working women experienced time and labor similar to men’s rather than married women’s. They needed to, as Peiss puts, “carve a sphere of pleasure”, out of daily life in the harsh conditions of the shop floor and the tenement. These young women found pleasure in .....
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"Things Fall Apart" Vs. "The Second Coming"
Number of words: 480 - Number of pages: 2.... apart when the center cannot hold.
At the bottom of page 176, Obierika quoted that the white man has
put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart. I
think that Achebe is trying to give William Butler Yeats some type of
recognition because in the beginning of the book, Achebe included a stanza
from the poem.
"The blood-dimmed tide is loosened, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned"
First of all, I think this means that once the white missionaries
interfere with their religion, it could encourage the whites to feel .....
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