Candid Analysis
Number of words: 986 - Number of pages: 4.... differ from Candide by their pessimism (most notable Martin, who seems to be the antitheses of Candide's optimism), Lord Pococurante is unhappy with life because he is supremely jaded with what the world has to offer. He is thus Candide's opposite as much as Martin, though the opposition is based upon the noble's jaded state versus Candide's naive one. By the book's conclusion Candide is no longer convinced of Pangloss' philosophy, throwing out systematic optimism. Voltaire has thus used Candide to show the effects of optimism in practice on one's life, and also to reject the theory, e .....
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The Lottery As An Allegory
Number of words: 567 - Number of pages: 3.... at the end of the story, "It isn’t fair, it isn’t right." (238) The name Tessie can be associated with the word testy or tizzy. Which means someone who is in an angry or rebellious state. The name Warner can be seen as a literal warning against ceasing the tradition of the lottery. "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon." (236) Mr. Warner says this after Mr. Adams speaks of a neighboring village who has given up the lottery.
The objects depicted in the story are another good representation of the death associated with the lottery. All of the blackness makes the reader think of d .....
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J.D. Salinger
Number of words: 2227 - Number of pages: 9.... showed an early interest in drama, voted most popular actor at a 1930 summer camp in Harrison, Maine. Our subject later belonged to the Valley Forge Military Academy Glee Club, and Mask and Spur (a dramatic organization).
In 1934 Salinger enrolled in Valley Forge Military Academy. There his IQ was tested at 115 points, an above average score for his age. Salinger scored well in his classes, averaging a B in his studies. Our author found a place for himself as a literary editor for the academy yearbook his senior year. "While it cannot how much was contributed anonymously to this book .....
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The Theme For English B
Number of words: 271 - Number of pages: 1.... paper come out of you then, it will be true." In the paper, Hughes explains everything that comes from his heart, just like his professor wanted him too. In the poem, he explains exactly how an Arican-America man feels, acts and what he does in everyday life. The point that he is trying to get across to his professor is that he, the black man, likes and does the same things as the white man. In the poem he say, "I guess being colored doesn't make me not like the same things other folks like who are other races, so will my page be colored that I write?" Hughes is wondering is his paper is .....
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Human Nature Vs. Mother Nature
Number of words: 610 - Number of pages: 3.... is doing—leave her alone! Messing with nature’s intent is dangerous and I wouldn’t go there.
Aylmer Chillingworth, a scientist in Hawthorne’s short story, “The Birthmark,” has married a young woman, a certain Georgianna, despite the fact she possesses a birthmark upon the center of her left facial cheek. Aylmer feels that he has ignored this “ugly marking” long enough and decides he can “make her better.” “ ‘Geogianna,’said he, ‘has it never occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be removed? .....
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The Witness
Number of words: 733 - Number of pages: 3.... that the Mafia was watching every move made by Adam and his family, and the FBI couldn't risk telling the boy's mother or any other family members. Adam sat in the backseat, squeezed between two agents. He was confused, still half asleep and luckily, very quiet.
The dark car turned off the freeway and drove carefully down what seemed an unused dirt track. They were taking Adam to an FBI safehouse, to reduce th risk of being found. safe. As the car turned a corner and picked up speed, the shot was fired. A gunshot rang out through the trees. Joel looked in the back. The agent on the left .....
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H.G. Wells
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... he was born, his family was worried that he may also die like his sister Fanny, being that he was a sort of "weakling" and struggled to not get sick most of the time. His father was a shopkeeper and a professional cricketer, and his mother served from time to time as a housekeeper at the nearby estate of Uppark. His father's business failed and the family never made it to middle-class status, so Wells was apprenticed like his brothers to a draper, spending the years between 1880 and 1883 inWindsor and Southsea as a drapeist. In 1883 Wells became a teacher/pupil at Midhurst Grammar Scool. .....
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Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... them before us, to be thus is nothing
but to be safely thus our fears in Banquo stick
and in his royalty of nature reigns that which
would be fear'd tis much he dares"(Act 3, I, 47-52)
Macbeth decides to take Banquo's life because, he has a slight idea of the true nature and identity of Macbeth. Banquo knows that Macbeth was behind the murder of Duncan. What Banquo does not know is that Macbeth knew of Banquo's observations and inquiries, so before Banquo has a chance to blow Macbeth's cover, he is killed. Murder of a fellow soldier is a sign of disrespect and an evil a .....
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Achilles 2
Number of words: 1032 - Number of pages: 4.... be considered odd that Achilles is so understanding to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago Achilles was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that Achilles vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew Achilles’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield. I believe that this is not the same Achilles we saw prior to the death of his loving companion Patroklos. After Patroklos rode off into battle and was cut down by a mix of divine intervention and Hektor, grief and the desir .....
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An Analysis Of Dylan Thomas Do
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... war between life and death. The old man went back and forth between life and death as the stanzas’ last lines switched back and forth. In the end, the two last lines join together as the old man and his son accept that death is a part of life.
Next, the references to “good men,” “wild men,” and “grave men” display the three basic stages of life: birth, life, and death. In stanza three, the stanza pertaining to “good men,” the portion “the last wave by” depicts the old man’s generation as fewer and fewer still live. .....
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