The Grapes Of Wrath 2
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... which employed people for
government construction projects. Another program, the Works Progress Administration, later called the Works Projects Administration was created to develop relief programs, and to keep a person's skills.
From 1935-1943, it employed 8 million people, and spent 11 billion dollars. But in 1939, there were still 9.5 million still unemployed. Another program was the Civilian Conservation Corps. Unemployed,
unmarried young men were enlisted to work on conservation and resource-development projects such as soil conservation, flood control, and protection of forests a .....
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Greek Tragedies
Number of words: 1231 - Number of pages: 5.... nature.
Another kind of medieval play in contrast with Midsummer is Everyman it refers with death directly along with the metaphor "life is a precious possession." If you have many rituals, you must "invest" them wisely and use them as you should use material goods, in a charitable way. In the late 15th century English morality play, Everyman, is summoned by Death, he cannot persuade any of his friends to go with him, except for Good Deeds. Death demands the account book from Everyman and tells him to prepare for his death, and as he does he loses all of his companions. At the end of .....
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Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry
Number of words: 599 - Number of pages: 3.... truthful facts and I believe this would cause the readers to appreciate the theme. For example, the author tells of a time when a black family’s house was burned down just because the father of the house believed that a store owner was cheating him with his money. Another example of racism shown in the story is the white children being able to attend better schools and take buses to school, while black children walk. The readers may become very interested in what this entire book is about and what it was like back then. People may have always wondered how bad the prejudice and rac .....
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Goodbye Columbus
Number of words: 1924 - Number of pages: 7.... middle-class family and they live in the hills, they also belong to the country club, which is a representation of having money and living the American dream. The idea of belonging to the country club is a major part of the novel. The country club gave the Patimkin’s a replica of middle class life in America. Since the Patimkin’s were Jewish they didn’t have the opportunity to belong to a regular country club, they belonged to the Jewish one, which is why it was the closest replica of the American dream to them, because they were not allowed to be part of the non-Jewish country clu .....
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Seabrook's Family Values: Home Sweet Home
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... things differently. We have different values and morals, but are still somewhat similar to the American culture. My family tends to be more conservative for situations, for example boys. Also, in my house, the language typically spoken is Tagolog. Although, English is most often heard. When friends come and visit, they notice a difference in the environment. If one were to enter into a Filipino house, one section of the home might have an altar for religious beliefs. Even though I come from what I consider a unique background, my peers and society as a whole still treats me as a n .....
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Women In The Book Of Genesis
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... found Adam and Eve hiding from him and asked him if he ate from the tree, Adam's reply was that Eve gave him the fruit and he ate. He did not take sole responsibility for eating the fruit but made sure to point out that it was the woman's idea to eat it. Even the punishments given out to the three violators illuminate the guiltiest of sinners. God punishes Adam by making him have to work for all his food and punishes the serpent by causing conflict between him and man. But the punishment of woman seems to be the most severe. To Eve, He condemns painful, hard child births and leaves her .....
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Camus' "The Stranger": Choice And Individual Freedom Are Integral Components Of Human Nature
Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... minister, who are
seen as paragons of invalid logic and the quixotic, quasi-passionate pursuit of
hackneyed conformity.
No windmills are slain1 in this simulated existence; absurdity of a
different ilk dominates the popular mentality, one which would alienate a man
based on his perceived indifference towards the mundane, and try, convict, and
execute a man based on his lack of purported empathy towards the irrelevant.
Attention to the trial sequence will reveal that the key elements of the
conviction had little to do with the actual crime Meursault had committed, but
rather the "unspeak .....
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The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow 2
Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3.... Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow.
Ichabod Crane stayed in the village of Sleepy Hollow for only one
purpose and that was to teach the children of the area. Ichabod was a
native of Connecticut. He was tall and very skinny with narrow
shoulders and very long arms and legs. His head was small and
flattened on top. He had huge ears, large green eyes and a long snipe
nose. His school house was a low building of one large room. It was
made of logs. The sounds of children’s low voices could be heard on
drowsy summer days, like the sound of bees in their beehive. After .....
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Scarlet Letter (character Deve
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Catcher In The Rye And For Esm
Number of words: 1261 - Number of pages: 5.... different short stories. I found myself reading a story called "For Esme - with love and squalor". After completing the story, I discovered that the two stories had a lot in common with each other. It was mainly because of Salinger's narrative style and other writing technique's he uses in these two great stories.
Both of these stories are in first person point of view but "The Catcher in the Rye" is in subjective narration. Holden Caulfield is a teenager who sees the world as an evil and corrupted place where there is no peace. "That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place tha .....
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