The Stand By Steven King
Number of words: 290 - Number of pages: 2.... all the people in the USA, they dont say if the whole planet is dead!! The only survivers are about 100 people that live in a little town. These people all form together to try to rebuild the nation, But theres one problem. Theres a devil like character with them. He gets this girl to listen to him, and try to kill these eight people. Eight people were elected from the group of people to try to kill this devil like person. The eight people have to go to aroung Las Vegas (in that area) to kill this person. Theres one person thats with them, and hes like crassy. When he comes into the picture .....
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Grass Soup
Number of words: 820 - Number of pages: 3.... eyes. Only when he is asked specifically about Babylon does Zhang reveal something negative about him, yet even then he withholds comments that would have surely been used against Mr. "I like to eat watery things". Convicts cannot trust criminal convicts either because it is obvious they are not worthy of anyone's trust and would partition the food completely unequally without fear of retribution. These convicts have no rectitude and are already accustomed to no one trusting them. "When it came to the question of how to divide up food, criminal convicts were not given a say" (166). .....
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Heart Of Darkness 4
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... like
Conrad's journey, was also meaningful. Marlow experienced the violent
threat of nature, the insensibility of reality, and the moral
We have noticed that important motives in Heart of Darkness
connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white
men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to
"darkest Africa" have themselves been deprived of the sanctions of
their European social orders; they also have been alienated from the
old tribal ways.
"Thrown upon their own inner spiritual resources t .....
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The Great Gatsby Character Dev
Number of words: 1313 - Number of pages: 5.... the story, but in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway (the narrator) is much more than that. Nick in this novel is an active member of the story, being only second in importance to the main character Jay Gatsby. This novel takes a very different approach in its development of the characters. Having the narrator change more than any of the other characters, this thesis will explain Fitzgerald’s unusual development of the characters and their greater significance through the novel. For although we would expect a certain, standard technique in telling a story, Fitzgera .....
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Silence Of The Lambs
Number of words: 1282 - Number of pages: 5.... is indeed a psychological horror according to the five criteria above along with other sources. The first element to a psychological horror is a villain, and the villain is The is Mr. Jame Gumb. He is a white male in his mid thirties, "most serial killers are white male, unemployed, intelligent and experience financial difficulty."(Bonata, 3) Gumb is all of these things, he is unemployed but a very skilled seamstress, and using these skills is making himself a second skin out of women who he is able to take control of and render them powerless. He is also very intelligent but is a .....
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Beowulf, Virtues Of A Hero
Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... his strength to slay the horrible demon of evil.
In his argument with Unferth he is able to turn his 'loss' in a swimming competition into a tale in which he not only swims for hours wearing a 'mail shirt' and carrying a 'naked sword' but also kills several sea monsters. Although he would seem a braggart in our culture this display, quite the opposite of modesty, was respected and even admired by the Anglo-Saxons.
His intelligence becomes evident when he opts to enter his battle with Grendel sans any weapons. His wit is obvious when he realizes that 'the monster's scorn for men is so gr .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... is an honourable man. He hath brought many captures home to Rome, whose ransom did the general coffers fill. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff, yet brutus says he was ambitious. And brutus is an honourable man” This meant Caesar was there for the people, that he cared. Yet brutus said he was ambitious and deserved to die, Anthony suggested the question to the crowd.
Act 3 scene 2 line 106“you all did love him once, not without cause, what cause withholds you then to mourn for him.” Ant .....
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Othello - William Shakespeare
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4.... to suffer with him, as he experiences emotional agonies, such as the destruction of his once reputable nobility, character and marriage to the young Desdemona.
Through Act II, Scene I, Othello presents himself to us as a grandly positive and content character,
"It gives me wonder great as my content
To see you here before me. O my soul's joy!"
(Act II, Scene II).
At this stage in the play Othello has also assembled his character to impose on us an impression, that he is a noble and prominent figure in the Venetian establishment, and respected military man and a loving husband. He carri .....
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Humanity And Politics In Gullivers Travels
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... they thought that they got the control of gulliver but they failed. they falsely believe that they can control with power of their laws, a fault shared with the europeans. Lilliputians do not question their cultural norms because they don\'t believe in any other living things exist on earth except them. and also they want to set free gulliver because they want to get rid of the symbol (gulliver) which reminds their smallness and they again want to think only abaut their greatness and being the most powerfull creature
ýn his second voyage to giants land, Gulliver shocked with the tre .....
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Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4.... about the swimming contest with Brecca. It all started after and his men arrived at the Meadhall, in the process of trying to get permission to fight Grendel, he was questioned on how he intended to fight a monster as strong as Grendel when he could not beat a human (Brecca), and was "outstayed" in swimming contest. did not get upset at all, he just simply replied:
...A cruel ravager dragged me down to the sea bed, a fierce monster held me tightly in its grasp... but I escaped with my life from the enemies' clutches, worn out by my venture...I have not heard tell that you have taken part .....
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