The Hobbit-review Of Summer Re
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... that the many settings of the novel had to be gloomy enough to make up for the danger. There are many outstanding characteristics in this story.
With so many excellent attributes in The Hobbit, I found it difficult to find many things that were not good. Tolkien's choice of a conflict was not very creative. The plot of this novel is based upon the traditional "going out and taking back what is yours" story. The many kinks and side adventures made The Hobbit interesting, but the main plot of the story is still the dwarves attempting to reclaim their lost treasure from the dragon Smaug.
T .....
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The Bluest Eyes - A Search For Identity
Number of words: 1188 - Number of pages: 5.... idea of beauty has been imprinted on Pecola her whole entire life. Many people have inscribed this notion into her. Her classmates also have an effect on her. They seem to think that because she is not beautiful; she is not worth anything except as the focal point of their mockery. As if it were not bad enough being ridiculed by children her own age, adults also had to mock her. Mr. Yacowbski as a symbol for the rest of society's norm, treats her as if she were invisible. Geraldine, a colored woman, who refused to tolerate "niggers", happened to walk in while Pecola was in her house. B .....
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Creon As The Tragic Hero In An
Number of words: 623 - Number of pages: 3.... course, Creon begins as a powerful king, but his development through the plot forces him to become nothing more than a fool. I believe that Creon’s noble quality is linked to his role in Oedipus the King. Oedipus, after blinding himself, asks Creon to take care of his children. He, of course, agrees to. This is, without a doubt, a noble quality. Creon’s involvement in the plot of Antigone clearly shows that he is the center of the tragedy. The definition of a tragedy also supports my beliefs. This is why Creon is the tragic hero.
Second, Creon’s faults brought an .....
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My Antonia 2
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... shows that the Bohemian people were constantly revolting for their freedom. This was probably one of the reasons for the religious Shimerdas move to America, to get away from those many "hard times." "All the time she say: 'America big country; much money, much land for my boys, much husband for my girls…my mama, she want Ambrosch for be rich, with many cattle." This must have been the main factor for the move from their "kawn-tree." Unfortunately, not all the Shimerdas were excited by the move. "My papa sad for the old country. He not look good. He never make music anymore…He don .....
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Hero In Hemingways Writing
Number of words: 384 - Number of pages: 2.... of what was written on the pages. There is a scene towards the end of the book where Jake finds all of his friends eating at a restaurant and thinks to himself that he is too far behind to catch up. Jake always seems behind, or at least only a marginal player put so in his position because of his injury. He must have had relations with Brett before the injury and was a "player" before it, so this leads to the assumption that Jake purposely removed himself from being a participant. As I was reading I was trying to make connections and read into the story to try and understand if there was .....
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The Upstairs Room
Number of words: 612 - Number of pages: 3.... to stay there for at least a week because Mr. Hannink thought a German followed him. Annie’s legs were getting crooked and couldn’t walk that much so she had to exercise. She really hated to do that. After a year and a half they haven’t even seen how the house looked. And Sini really wanted a tan. So Johan let them go out. He was going to pick them up around dinner. But then Dientje’s sister came and they couldn’t get in. Annie got real sick that day. A nice doctor came and helped them. The Germans came to inspect their house but Johan made a hiding place .....
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Number of words: 2013 - Number of pages: 8.... silent, unable to speak up or even breath any words against him. ", I have had to kill you. You died before I had time--," this portrays the extent of her hatred toward him. That she was so appalled by his character that she would end his life if only she had the strength. But he died before she grew strong enough to stand up to his horrible countenance. The next portion of the poem, "Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, Ghastly statue with one grey toe big as a Frisco seal," shows how large she sees his presence. Comparing him to the weight of marble with the pow .....
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Outline On Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 278 - Number of pages: 2.... has a deep hatred for Fortunato.
2. Fortunato plans to kills Montresor.
B. The setting of “The Cask of Amontillado” leads to feeling of Goth in the story.
1. The catacombs of Fortunato’s home lead to the place of death.
2. Death is a major component of Gothicism.
II . “The Masque of Red Death”
A. Death is the theme of this short story.
1. Everyone at the party dies.
2. The Prince planned the deaths before hand.
B. The palace shows the signs of death.
1. The rooms of the palace are laid out in this cycle of death.
a. The rooms go from east to west, just as the sunrises an .....
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Number of words: 2644 - Number of pages: 10.... disputants to solve their own problem and decide their own resolution with the help of an unbiased, neutral third party.
The effects and benefits of have been well documented through several different mediums, for example, books, magazine articles, and news reports.
Author Walter A. Maggiolo, himself a veteran mediator, supports through his book, Techniques of . Maggiolo thoroughly covers all of the main aspects of as well as several of ’s specialized uses, in federal courts or labor disputes for example. However, through all of the different types of used and under all of the diff .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... modern ideas and the aged Miss Emily gives the first visual details of the inside of the house and of her. Inside was a dusty, dank desolate realm dominated by the presence of the crayon portrait of her father. Miss Emily was described as a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare: perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of t .....
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