The Black Cat
Number of words: 2702 - Number of pages: 10.... carry true stories of murders committed under just abnormal psychological pressures as those described in "" (Buranelli 76). This story begins with the narrator ,who is about to be hung, confessing what he has done in some type of
repention for his soul. The narrator step by step describes how he began drinking and then to neglect his dearly beloved cat and his wife. One day when he is maddened by the actions of the
cat, he cuts out its eye and later kills the cat by hanging it. After his house burns down and he has lost all he owned he finds a new cat resembling all to w .....
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Chronical Of The Death Foretold
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... a lot of the story took place. The Vicario twins were here since four o' clock in the morning waiting for Santiago Nasar. This is also where they first started telling everybody about the fact that they were going to kill Santiago nasar. The store was in direct view of Santiago Nasar's house so that the brothers Vicario could easily keep an eye on it. The store is also where the brothers had their first set of knives taken away by the police officer so that they couldn't kill Santiago Nasar. When this happened, the older of the two already thought that this was their duty fulfilled but the .....
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The Romantics
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... Lonely As a Cloud." It has four stanzas and a rhyme scheme of AB AB CC for each one. His was a lyric poem, describing a million dandelions in a field. Wordsworth was terrific at putting words together.
All groups took their turn at writing narrative poetry, but among them, a first generation writer, Samuel Coleridge, definitely stands out. His "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" took extreme imagination and skill. Along with the nature described, he portrays "Death and Life- in- Death," a combination never before thought of by any of these groups of writers. Animals, the supernatural, .....
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Conventions Of Drama
Number of words: 1932 - Number of pages: 8.... were immortal signified their importance and dominance. Greek drama was also based on the aspects of tragedy and dramatic irony. The tragedy meant that the play often ended with a noble person being destroyed by the Gods. The noble person was led by his own downfalls or flaws which often resulted in his death. This is evident in the story of “Oedipus the King” where Oedipus tries to outwit the prophecy which the Gods predicted, but fails to do so and ends up in exile. The interesting technique of the dramatic irony in Greek plays meant that the audience had prior knowledge of the .....
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Lord Of The Flies, Piggy
Number of words: 905 - Number of pages: 4.... like a crowd of kids” as if was the adult on the island trying to help the “kids”. More proof of his clear thinking is the fact that Ralph relies on Piggy’s good advice to succeed. Without Piggy, Ralph would be lost. As the story progresses we see the boys drift apart however we see Piggy try to retain order as an adult might. When there is going to be a fight he says, “Come away. There’s going to be trouble. And we’ve had our meat.” He realizes the intensity of the situation and tries to stop any altercation. The boys continue to dr .....
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The Deadly Social Cloud (Satir
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... taken to a sealed room where pictures of clear skies and a television playing video of people taking deep, enjoyable breaths of fresh air. This room will be pumped slowly full of tobacco smoke until the criminal suffocates and dies of this nocuous cloud that they tried to kill others with.
Some people may say to go after the tobacco industry where the cause is. Others may say to stop tobacco growth all together. These are very good ideas, but the tobacco companies have already been attacked and they still keep producing cancer sticks. The owners of these companies will fall under the la .....
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The Remains Of The Day - Digni
Number of words: 760 - Number of pages: 3.... tact.
What I think is meant when one talks about dignity is the following. Take an imaginary case. You are confronted with a difficult or abnormal situation, yet you can maintain the same level of thinking and can attempt to deal with the situation. Or, you are forced to respond to a matter, and there is the possibility of your letting it get out of hand, but you control yourself and respond instead while focused and maintaining a civilised manner. That is dignity.
As is evident throughout the novel, it is a quality inherent in all people. The author’s intention and a below the surf .....
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The Witch Of Blackbied Pond
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2.... to sit down, the family separated into two groups, the men would go to the left, while the women sat to the right of the aisles. Then the Priest would talk about that Sunday’s lesson. Then they went home, and had Sunday’s dinner. Then her uncle would read out of the Bible. Then they would go to bed.
Thirdly, the people never like people that never followed the rules. One day when Kit was working in the field, see was told a story of an old Quaker woman that lived by Blackbird Pond. A Quaker was people that didn’t come to Sunday services like the Puritans stated, and wouldn& .....
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Macbeth - Kingship
Number of words: 1627 - Number of pages: 6.... this Tyranny, paranoia sets in on Macbeth who sees many ghostly visions of people he sent out to be murdered. Scotland greatly suffers under his reign, this turns Lady Macbeth mad, and she eventually commits suicide. Macduff, eventually goes to England to ask for the help of the noble king Edward, who is highly respected for help to overthrow the leadership of Macbeth, and so the Anglo-Scottish revolt sees Macbeth to his death and Malcolm the son of Duncan is proclaimed king of Scotland.
Macbeth is the main character in the play and starts the play as a very hard fighting, loyal soldier whos .....
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Hard Times And The Nineteenth Century
Number of words: 2255 - Number of pages: 9.... this period. Although, you can not discuss labor relations without bringing focus upon the class society of Victorian England during this period. I will use the Norton Critical Edition of Hard Times, the Sources of the Western Tradition, and the Communist Manifesto to support my analytical interpretation of Charles Dickens Hard Times.
During this period Dickens wrote for a weekly publication called Household Words, each issue dealt with a different social problem of the period. Hard Times began as a serialization in this weekly publication. In Hard Times Dickens writes about the h .....
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