The Story Of An Hour: Pain And Suffering From False News
Number of words: 380 - Number of pages: 2.... home not knowing what all went on. As he entered the house he was shocked at Josephine's piercing cry. At this point Richard tried to block Mrs. Mallard from seeing Mr. Mallard, but Mrs. Mallard saw him and dropped dead.
After you, the reader, reads this story, the author leaves you in a state of "awe". You have no idea why Mrs. Mallard died. Even though you knew that she had heart problems you don't know for sure the real reason of her death. The doctors said that she died from heart problems but the last sentence states, "she had died of heart disease - of joy that kills". This .....
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Charley Skedaddle
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... Charley was too young to be a soldier he became a
drummer-boy for the army. He trained and worked hard to be a
good one. He may have been physically ready for his first
battle, but emotionally he was not. I don’t think he really
knew what killing a person involved. All of his life he
watched the people he cared about be taken away from him.
First, it was his parents, then Johnny, then Noreen and now
it was about to happen again. This time it was about Gem,
the only person who took an interest in him during battle.
Gem was killed and this caused Charley’s anger to peak. He .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... it most unwillingly… Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections? To congratulate myself on the hope of relations whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own?" (Austen, 142-145). Unfortunately for Darcy, Elizabeth only gets slightly insulted. Her refusal of Darcy was initially because of his treatment of Wickham and his actions toward Jane and Bingley's relationship. Elizabeth's prejudice shows in her actions towards Darcy too. She says, " From the very beginning, from the first moment, I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners impressi .....
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Biting The Apple
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... from the Garden of Eden. After their expulsion, Adam and Eve face the hardships that God places upon them. Since Adam and Eve know good from evil, they can understand things which they never imagined. In Anthem, Prometheus and Gaea submit to the power of the Council. However, after Prometheus stumbles on to a cave that holds the secret to the "Unmentionable Times," he changes. Along with Gaea, Prometheus commits the unpardonable sin: standing forth from the mindless human herd. For this forbidden sin, the Council condemns them to a life of service. Instead, Prometheus and Gaea run awa .....
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The Scarlet Letter (forest)
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... his deep love for Hester and where she can do the same for him.
The forest is a place where freedom can be established. Here, nobody watches to report misbehavior, as they do in the settlement. Here, people may do as they wish. The forest seems to beg Hester, “Throw off the shackles of law and religion, come to me and be matterless”(Hawthorne 176). She takes advantage of the forest’s “offer” when she meets up with Dimmesdale. She openly talks with Dimmesdale about subjects that would never be mentioned in any other place but the forest. As they sit on a .....
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Roger Rosenblatt's "The Bill Of Rights": Inescapable Dilemma
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... or was otherwise going to be born into a
possibly unhealthy environment? Isn't taking away the opportunity to live
life morally wrong? There are many more questions that face the doctor as
well as the mother of the fetus. So, as the mother and the doctor are
faced with this dilemma, sometimes what they feel is morally correct is
not legal- as abortion is illegal in certain states.
Another example of an inescapable dilemma is guns. Should it be
legal for man to have the power to purchase such an item whose sole
purpose is to drain life in general; let alone human life? With the many
s .....
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To Kill A MockingTo Kill A Moc
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. (p.17)." Scout is treated like it is her fault that she knows more than the average child did. She learned earlier than others so she gets punished unjustly. Tom Robinson is also one who is discriminated by a biased community. Tom is found guilty by the jury in his case against the Ewells (p.211). The guilty verdict is a direct result of a racist community. Tom was never given a fair chance in the trial, even though that the evidence was proving him innocent. People that are born differently often get mistreated and are discr .....
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Analyzing King Lears Tragic Fl
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... to his inquisition by saying, “I love your majesty/According to my bond and nothing less”(1.1.100-101). Out of pride and anger, Lear banishes Cordelia and splits the kingdom in half to the two evil sisters, Goneril and Regan. This tragic flaw prevents King Lear from seeing the truth because his arrogance overrides his judgement. Lear’s arrogance also causes him to lose his most faithful servant, Kent. In addition, in the first act, Lear’s arrogance causes him to refuse to listen to Kent’s plea to look deeper into the true hearts of his two eldest daugh .....
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Out, Out
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4.... poem, "since they (the boys family and the doctor) were not the one dead, turned to their affairs" shows how although the boys death is tragic, people move on with their life in a way conveying the idea that people only care for themselves.
Frost uses different stylistic devices throughout this poem. He is very descriptive using things such as imagery and personification to express his intentions in the poem. Frost uses imagery when he describes the setting of the place. He tells his readers the boy is standing outside by describing the visible mountain ranges and sets the time of day by .....
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Great Expectations The Book Ve
Number of words: 3333 - Number of pages: 13.... he has never met when suddenly a convict, later identified as Abel Magwitch, threatens to kill Pip if he doesn't bring him a file and wittles (food) the next morning. Pip did steal what the convict wanted, with much fear of his sister, and brought it to the convict the next morning, but found a different convict who ran away, soon after, he found Abel. Subsequently that afternoon, the convicts were captured. Later on, Joe's uncle Pumblechook introduced the boy to Miss Havisham, an eccentric lady, who would have Pip come over to play cards with her daughter Estella. Estella was later fou .....
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