The Bell Jar And Catcher In Th
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... these people “phonies”. At the slightest reason, he would tell himself that the person was a fake. As the time lengthened, both of these young adults fell into a deeper hole of depression. Neither in which realized their mental collapses. As their conditions get worse, the thought of suicide enters both their minds.
After each character had reached their ultimate low, thoughts of suicide crossed their minds. Holden stated, “I woke up singing this morning. I mean, I was happy and all. But last night, what I really felt like was jumping out the window. All I could see w .....
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Flowers For Algernon(book)
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... upset and he begins to yell at the customers in the restaurant saying “Shut up. Leave him alone. It’s not his fault he can’t understand. He can’t help what he is. But he’s still a human being.” Charlie also does not realizethat his friends are laughing at him and not with him until his IQ beginsto increase, and he figures out what Joe Carp and Frank Riley mean by “he pulled a Charlie Gordon.”
Another reason the operation is not worth the risk is because the
operation is not permanent. Before the operation, Charlie has an IQ of 68 he can wr .....
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Writing Well Chapter 1 Respons
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... analysis of the narratives of Nina Chan, he seems to be putting too much focus on what is correct, and not enough on what makes an interesting work of literature. The impromptu theme does rely heavily on clichés in the first few sentences; however, the narrative uses so much language in avoiding the clichés that the first six paragraphs in the 13-paragraph essay – close to half of the narrative – are utterly boring and colorless. Furthermore, the “What did I see?” arrangement in paragraphs 4-6 attempts to elicit some kind of emotion and utterly fails. Assuming .....
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Number of words: 798 - Number of pages: 3.... or in rain?
Second Witch
When the hurly-burly's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
Third Witch
That will be ere the set of sun.
Although she knows that there will be darkness, the first witch is not even sure when they should meet again. The second witch mentions the hurly-burly, or commotion, that will occur along with a battle. The third witch is sure that this time will be when the sun will shine no more. All of these statements are true when it comes to Macbeth's plans in becoming king. Evil will overcome him and allow him to murder the king. A commotion .....
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Socialist Utopia In Nineteen E
Number of words: 1501 - Number of pages: 6.... leads the public to believe false intentions of revolt, as these purposes soon become exact opposite outcomes. The original designers seek to create an ideal social order out of England that is beneficial to all. Marin Kessler, a literary essayist, agrees that these “utopians…had hoped to construct a perfect society in which men and women could enjoy that ultimate degree of happiness which, it was implied denied through the folly and wickedness of their present rulers” (304). Besides being founded on the concept of a Utopia, the revolutionaries believe they could ac .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 1206 - Number of pages: 5.... but his spirit is not broken. The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad things that exist within the novel.
The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described a covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow. The dust is symbolic of the erosion of the .....
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Resume Of Twelfth Night
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... Elizabeth I, invited Don Virginio Orsino to the Palace of Whitehall for the celebrations. This event gives rise to the theory put forward by Leslie Hotson, in his book, "The Fist Night of Twelfth Night", that this particular William Shakespeare play was specially written for that occasion.
All the activities of the festival have parallels in the play. There is the suspension of normal relations between servants and masters, the equivalent of the mock "King-for-a-Day" in the festival. The servants and masters fall in love with someone of the opposite class. Olivia (master) loves Cesario (serv .....
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By Means Of Power
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... This is where her son has been shot, probably in the face. Although "blood from his punctured cheeks and shoulders/is the only liquid for miles"(9-10), "my mouth splits into dry lips"(12). With the death of her boy she is willing to sacrifice her own need of any quenching of her lips. She is "thirsting for the wetness of his blood"(14) but it is more important to resist the temptation, "trying to make power out of hatred and destruction"(18).
The power displayed in the third section of Lordes Power is that of hatred. A policeman has "shot down a 10-year-old in Queens"(21). This he justi .....
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Billy Budd
Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2.... Vere would handle Billy.
The modern concept of tragedy is that of Arthur Miller’s, that the audience feels and fears for the characters so much that it is as if they are the characters themselves. The characters finally meet their tragic end, and the audience witnesses and understands their end. This applies to Billy mostly because of his likeability. The readers come to love Billy as his fellows sailors do. He is completely innocent and naive at the same time. The readersees his weakness and comes to feel sorry for Billy the way one might for a child. The reader sympathizes with Billy .....
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Hector A Fiction Tale
Number of words: 1396 - Number of pages: 6.... completely. This was Hector's 52nd battle as lieutenant of the militia and he was proud of himself for such a flamboyant victory.
Hector was an odd man who had overcome many odds. He was born into the world as Adam Growling, the second son of sir Luke Growling IV the king's overseer of the treasury. Fate dealt him a devious blow, however, for at the age of fifteen he was stripped of his nobility and exiled from Websterland forever. The King's guards had caught his father embezzling a small amount of the king's fortune and Luke Growling IV met an unfortunate end as they publicly tortured .....
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