Romeo And Juliet- 3 People Who
Number of words: 1066 - Number of pages: 4.... to marry Paris. I think her mother should of been on Juliet’s side, because she's her mother and she has experience in marriage and should know marrying someone you do not like is not a good idea. Also, another betrayal by Lady Capulet is that she teaches Juliet to judge men by their money, their social rank and their appearance. For example, she recommended Paris to Juliet because he is rich, good looking and on the Capulet’s side. This is not good. Because Juliet really does love Romeo, and when her mother says things like that, it really makes Juliet upset, because Romeo .....
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Out, Out-- By Robert Frost
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... sentence of the poem, "since they (the boys family and the doctor) were not the one dead, turned to their affairs" shows how although the boys death is tragic, people move on with their life in a way conveying the idea that people only care for themselves.
Frost uses different stylistic devices throughout this poem. He is very descriptive using things such as imagery and personification to express his intentions in the poem. Frost uses imagery when he describes the setting of the place. He tells his readers the boy is standing outside by describing the visible mountain ranges and sets the .....
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Analysis Of 1984
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... of devastation and hopelessness, fabricated by the Inner Party to suppress its followers. These people live in a society that is ruled by totalitarianism, and the aim is to give the greatest good to the smaller number. As indicated by “Cliffs Notes,” on pages 34 and 35, the main character, “Winston, like others, is expected to do his job efficiently and receive no reward but the opportunity to live austerely for the greater good and self-perpetuation of the Inner Party.”
Told in third person limited, the reader is only allowed in-depth knowledge of the protagonist, Winston. Winston .....
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Into The Wild
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... Chris went on his journey into the great forest of Alaska and 4 months after his body was found decomposed. Krakauer the author views this boy’s challenge as an adventure to discover nature on his own without the help of anyone or anything. He wanted to go on his own journey . What I think this book is saying is that there are people in our world who rebel against modern human civilization. These people don’t feel comfortable in modern society and feel that isolation is their only way to feel at home. This book is showing how a person uses their stubbornness and free will to go against s .....
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Oedipus 4
Number of words: 1155 - Number of pages: 5.... in their treatment to an innocent man.
The aspect of sightlessness is first mentioned in the discussion between a soothsayer and Oedipus to find out the justification for the punishing, "…murdering sea," that Thebes has been thrown upon. The city is being punished by the gods for an offense that has been committed by a criminal who does not know his crime. The question of justice arises and is dismissed just as fast because, "...justice is a concept. Muscle is the reality." The action of the gods may not have seemed fair, but, to coin a phrase, "life isn't fair." From his birth, O .....
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The Diary Of Anne Frank - Book
Number of words: 1051 - Number of pages: 4.... only known
surviving footage of Anne Frank. This is a great way to
describe a portrait of Anne’s life, character flaws, and
everything else. In order to enjoy this piece of literary
work, you must first learn the importance on Jewish culture.
This work is like no other of any Holocaust books. This is
actually a way to experience the painful experience the
Jewish people had to endure during this awful and evil
period of time. This story takes us into the eyes of Anne
Frank. The Holocaust in literally brought to life. This
literary work truly shows how Anne Frank was a martyr of
racism and .....
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E.e. Cummings, Poem, Anyone Li
Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4.... ringing might have something to do with them becoming adults, since I do not see them relating to any other parts of the poem. The bells seem to be an important part of the town since they are mentioned in the second line of the poem and those exact lines are repeated in line twenty-four, sixth stanza of the poem. The bells are related to the children and their death, because they only ring when the children are mentioned. The portion of line two which states "many bells down", is possibly referring to the death of the children and somewhat the death of anyone and noone. The reference to .....
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An Example Of Good Writing: Zinsser's "Simplicity"
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... the essay it is easy to understand. He uses
everyday words not dictionary words. No one wants to read an essay that every
other word they have to stop and go look it up because they do not know the
meaning. This causes the reader to become frustrated and they also tend to
loose interest. There are too many other options presented to people today that
already stray them away from reading.
By asking questions in the essay it keeps the readers attention. In the
essay Zinsser asks, "Who is this elusive creature, the reader?" That question
causes the people reading to stop and think, cou .....
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Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... nothing. -pg. 502, lines 43-52
She didn't lie to get her out of trouble nor blame her accused actions on someone else. I think that this would show and tell people not to be afraid to say or do what you think is right. Antigone would be a good role model for many people. She wanted to do the right thing for her dead brother. Yet her idea of the right thing to do didn't agree with some people such as Creon. She didn't care about anything else except to do the proper thing, giving her brother a proper burial. She wanted to do the unthinkable- to go and disobey a law that had just been .....
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Beowulf 6
Number of words: 820 - Number of pages: 3.... is his obligation to stop Grendel from killing anymore. Beowulf leaves to go to Herot to kill Grendel. He is mostly being praised for his long journey to face this terrible monster. Beowulf says, "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not" (677). Beowulf feels that he can defeat Grendel even without a weapon. The first night, they have a celebration in the mead hall, and the warriors fall asleep in the hall. Grendel makes his usual nightly visit and finds many victims waiting to be killed (725). To his surprise, he meets his match, which .....
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