Romeo And Juliet - Comparisson To West Side Story
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3.... they were both very successful in their day. West Side Story is essentially the same play that was revived in 1961. Like Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria are of opposite "families", They fall in love and their love is forbidden. Maria is Puerto Rican and Tony is Irish. In West Side Story they don't get married but they do have a torrid love affair. The hate between the two groups was modernized to racism and not as many of the main characters die in West Side Story.
One of the major differences is that Maria doesn't die, she is left alone. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet kills herself a .....
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A Domestic Dilemma
Number of words: 1355 - Number of pages: 5.... you could only realize how sick I am - how bad it is for all of us." He pleads with Emily and tries to calm her often, but underneath his calm and passive mask Martin’s fear and worry for his children causes him to despise Emily’s behavior. "His youth was being frittered away by a drunkard’s waste, his very manhood subtly undermined." Two events that worried Martin the most were when Emily was making cinnamon toast for the children, she accidentally used cayenne instead of cinnamon. Their son, Andy, took a bite of the toast and cried because it burned his mouth. The other mistake that .....
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A Dolls House, Theme Of Impris
Number of words: 820 - Number of pages: 3.... out as he says: “ Nora I’ m saved!”
In the entire play, Nora is in fact THE one and only real one imprisoned. She has no rights to do anything; she is “a bird in a cage”. Kristine gives the exact figure of Nora by saying: “ A wife cannot borrow without her husband’ s consent”. She is also imprisoned by law because of her forged signature and is therefore “aggressed” by Krogstad, the man who lent her the money in the first place. She has been convinced that males are kings of the society she lives in. She even tells Kristine about t .....
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American Criticism In Short St
Number of words: 986 - Number of pages: 4.... culture. Generally speaking, racial criticism in American society has progressed in many ways.
In Langston Hughes' story On the Road, there are quite a few examples of explicit criticism. This will be illustrated with a series of quotes, along with a brief explanation of the meaning or reason for stating that quote. On page 471 in the "Introduction to Literature" book (this book contains the short stories), Sargeant, who is the protagonist of the story, says, "I know it's a white folks" church, but I got to sleep somewhere". Sargeant spoke this line after some white people yelled at him for .....
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Lindo Jong
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... house that the Huangs were much higher in society than her family was. Once she stepped inside, however, she sees that the house is uncomfortable and imposing. Lindo was not welcomed warmly as a new member of the family. Instead she was shown to the servants' quarters which gave her a good idea about her position in this household. Her sole purpose of being the bride of Tyan-yu was to provide grandsons for Huang Taitai, her mother-in-law-to-be.
Lindo was determined to honor her parents and worked hard to become a good wife, learning how to sew, cook and clean. She had promised her .....
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Islands As A Narration Of A Yo
Number of words: 1491 - Number of pages: 6.... and
connotations that those songs carry. The boys’ innocence is emphasized here, as these
are ‘adult’ songs and it is only, generally, children who sing on car journeys until their
voices are gone.
Even before boarding the boat, the boy begins to notice how ugly age and
adulthood can be. He notices the “gnarled knees , the spreading sweat stains on their
shirts and sagging wrinkles of fat on their thighs.” (129) At one point, he sees “one of
the Germans, an old, bony man” get down on his knees and then vomit over the pier
edge. The boy sees this, but still rela .....
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Greek Literature
Number of words: 1572 - Number of pages: 6.... comedy that we see today. Greeks enjoyed comedies that made fun of politics, public figures, and social issues.
The literature in our country obviously grew out of the Greeks' style of writing. Our alphabet which we base all of our language on came from the Greeks. The way that we talk and write comes from them. Our source of entertainment comes from the Greeks. They invented the theater and comedies. The average person watches a television comedy every day. A lot of people also go to the theater for entertainment.
Ancient Greeks' and Romans' art is called classical art. This name describes .....
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Euripides Medea
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... opinion is one that supports the Gods and the laws of the heavens. Her reasoning is set by her belief that if someone were not given a proper burial, that person would not be accepted into heaven. Antigone was a very religious person and the acceptance of her brother by the Gods was very important to her. Creons order was personal to Antigone and his edict invaded her family life as well as the Gods. An important ideal in Ancient Greece was the belief that the government was to have no control in matters concerning religious beliefs. In
Antigone’s eyes, Creon betrayed that ideal b .....
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Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... use both aspects of determinism, it is usually the story from 1809 using the scientific determinism whereas in the present day, they use more of the religious view of determinism.
In the first story, a scientific view of determinism is shown through Septimus and Thomasina in order to introduce to the reader the basic ideas on determinism and science.
³No more you can, time must needs run backward,
and since it will not, we must stir our way
onward mixing as we go, disorder out of disorder
into disorder until pink is complete, unchanging and unchangeable, and we .....
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New Hreligion And Medieval Lit
Number of words: 2239 - Number of pages: 9.... be passed on through sermons and mystery and morality plays.
Although they both have the primary mission of conveying biblical messages, mystery and morality plays have considerable differences. The "mystery" in mystery plays refers to "the spiritual mystery of Christ's redemption of humankind" (308). Mystery plays were typically written in "cycles" (a series) that would begin with the Creation, chronicle the major events of the Old Testament through the New Testament and the Last Judgment. The mystery plays "endeavored to make the Christian religion more real to the unlearned by dram .....
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