Beowulf: A Hero
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... attacks that fateful night that Beowulf and his men are at Herot, Beowulf does not attack Grendel with a sword or any other weapon, but with his bare hands, the same as Grendel. He then wrestles with Grendel without the aide of any of his men, one on one with the monster, and tears off one of Grendel's arms. This certainly demonstrates great courage on the part of Beowulf.
Beowulf also demonstrates a very noble character. He is gracious, loyal, and above all truly valorous. Beowulf, should he have wished it, most likely could have taken Hrothgar's place as king of the Danes. He ha .....
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Dealers Of Lighting
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... dozens of researchers. Hiltzik credits Robert W. Taylor, who assembled the PARC team, with changing that. A psychologist, rather than an engineer, Taylor’s vision of the computer as a communications device proved to be a revolutionary idea. He found his chance to realize it when Xerox’s chief scientist Jacob Goldman persuaded his superiors to launch a basic research facility along the line of AT&T’s famed Bell Labs. Xerox management, more interested in marketable products than in pure science, nearly killed the center before it opened. But Taylor gradually built his team of young .....
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Why Hamlet Is Not Fit To Rule
Number of words: 948 - Number of pages: 4.... content as
Prince. Likewise, one can venture his childhood balanced and
happy. Hamlet laments the skull of Yorick, "Alas, poor /
Yorick! I knew him, Horatio--a fellow of infinite / jest, of
most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a thousand
times,.." (5.1.190-193). Also, he speaks highly of his
father and possesses a profound closeness to his mother.
This shows remarkable parenting, producing an eminently
loving, respectful and faithful son. However, the sheltering
of his life does not strike to advantage. Fueled by the
departure of his protected childhood, Hamlet's tem .....
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The Natural 3
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... for their archetypes. The manager and co-owner of the team Roy eventually rises to prominence with, the New York Knights may be called Pop Fisher. He may warn Roy, momentarily changing role models, that he should not begin a relationship with the most beautiful woman in the baseball world, because she is bad luck. Max Mercy, the sports columnist whom we first meet as guardian to the Whammer, seems to represent the morally equivocal elements of Merlin. Shaping events through his cartoons and his commentary, claiming to be acting for the good of baseball in a way inscrutable to others, but .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
Number of words: 2686 - Number of pages: 10.... reinforces the horror of self-love through her images. She contrasts the two houses, The Tower: the restaurant owned by Red Sammy, and the plantation house. The restaurant is a "broken-down place"- "a long dark room" with a tiny place to dance. At one time Red Sammy found pleasure from the restaurant but now he is afraid to leave the door unlatched. He has given in to the "meanness" of the world. In contrast to the horrible Tower is the grandmother's peaceful memories of the plantation house that is filled with wonderful treasures. However, the family never reach this house beca .....
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Comparing A Streetcar Named De
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... defect. They are mentally and physically crippled, and they want to use illusions to deceive other people. In P.117 Blanch said “I don’t want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don’t tell truth, I tell what ought to be truth.” Laura does the same thing, where she deceives her mother. She lies to her mother about going to the Business Collage, just like Blanche lies to everyone else about her past.
In “The Glass Menagerie” the unicorn represents Laura. She is different from all the .....
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The Scarlet Letter 5
Number of words: 704 - Number of pages: 3.... this passage is concerned). The "wood" being important as it had Hellish connotations in those days, as people believed it was haunted by the "black man" [Satan], making the woods (Hell) a meeting place for sinners (Arthur and Hester). The other effect being the pun on the word "dim", Nathaniel Hawthorne chose dim for a reason (it would serve the reader well to remember Author's last name is Dimmesdale), to emphasize the mood, and equally important to give a slight humor in the seriousness of the passage. Hester and Dimmesdale, after seven long years, have been unable to discuss matte .....
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Macbeth - Charting His Downfall
Number of words: 1349 - Number of pages: 5.... and what may happen, and here we see the first signs of ambition, even though it is dismissed.
"My thought ……. // Shakes so my single state of man."
The second soliloquy is in Act I, Scene IV, when the Thane of Cawdor has been killed. Duncan describes him as ‘a man on whom I built an absolute trust’. This parallels Macbeth, who he trusts, when he betrays him. Duncan pronounces his son as the prince of Cumberland and the heir to the throne. This throws Macbeth’s mind into even more confusion, as this is a ‘step which (he) must o’er-leap. He also, in the soliloquy .....
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The Lady With The Dog - Anton
Number of words: 1600 - Number of pages: 6.... However, I believe that this was an act that he showed. “When he was in the company of women he felt free, and knew what to say to them and how to behave; and he was at ease with them even when he was silent.” If Gurov regarded women as the “lower race” than why was he only at rest when in their company? In truth I think that he liked women, he needed women. The reason he puts on this “tough guy” act is because he has never found a woman that he truly loved. Every time he had met a new woman, “he was eager for life, and everything seemed simp .....
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Canterbury Tales - Humour
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... reminds you to think that Chaunticleer and Pertelote are only animals which brings about a hilarious effect. With Nicholas, a lowly clerk, portraying a higher class gentleman when in essence he just wants a sexual pursuit and the meaning of his name uses an ironic humor to show he is an idiot. With John, the carpenter, Alison, his wife, and Absalom, the priest, in "The Miller's Tale" they also put on "airs" of being an upper class citizen.. They also bring you back to the basic idea they are common people just putting on a show for each other. The humor in description is very plentiful and C .....
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