Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2.... may not have been the greatest love of all time, but it was still love.
Marriage was not kind to Mrs. Mallard, her life was dull and not worth living, her face showed the years of repression. If she did love this man, why was marriage so harmful to her? Marriage was a prison for her
There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature.
Marriage oppressed her, she needed freedom, freedom to grow and do what she wanted to do, and marriage took that away from here. Chopin didn't be .....
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Hamlet The Central Dilemma
Number of words: 1841 - Number of pages: 7.... and eventual action.
However what does appear to be the central theme in Hamlet is the revenge tragedy dilemma. This central issue is the seed that has spawned the generation of the other themes of the play. Hamlet’s father has been murdered in cold blood by the scheming and adulterous Claudius by pouring poison into King Hamlet’s ear while he slept, in order to succeed him to the throne. A ghost in the form of Hamlet’s father appears to Hamlet, revealing to him that the King of Denmark is corrupt and a murderer, and that he must revenge his death. However the ghost .....
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The Grapes Of Success
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... of the great depression. The Joad's struggle to maintain some sort of dignity and pride is broken by the tragedies they must witness and experience: the murder of their former preacher and good friend Casy, the constant harassment by the deputies, ugly nicknames, depressing camps, and a tired lack of jobs. Through this story Steinbeck refuses to let the plight of the migrants remain impersonal and distant. He gives the American people a way to understand exactly what was going on by turning the situation into a well-written story. Through his moving narrative the American peo .....
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Bless Me Ultima
Number of words: 1399 - Number of pages: 6.... the novel deals with him being raised in Spanish heritage. He witnesses three deaths and numerous conflicts between his friends. Ultima teaches him that he has to learn to make his own choices and take responsibility for them.
4) Some minor characters in the story are The Vitamin Kid, Red, Father Byrnes, Cico, Florence, Gabriel, Lupito, Narcisco, Ms Maestas, Samuel.
The vitamin kid is one of Antonio’s friends and is the fastest runner in Guadalupe and constantly races Antonio across the bridge to school every morning. Red is a friend of Antonio and receives criticism from the other boys .....
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Follow Your Heart
Number of words: 617 - Number of pages: 3.... never hurt Olga, so she had no decent reason to leave him, although her heart was against staying with him.
Another time where Olga didn't follow her heart was when she didn't go to University. Olga dearly wanted to go to University to receive a "classical education." Her father though, believed there was no point to it and felt that if she wanted to go study something, she should study languages. After Olga finished Grammar School she told her father that she "intended to go to the University of Rome." Her father wouldn't consider sending his daughter to the University, and the quote "a .....
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Arms And The Man
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... himself feel superior but also satisfy his own dependency needs. He’s content with the thought once Nelson has had the opportunity in experiencing the city he will “be content to stay at home for the rest of his life” (251). His only comforting thoughts, as he lay to sleep before the day of the trip, were not of turning Nelson into a racist, but “thinking how the boy would at last find out that he was not as smart as he thought he was.”
Degradation towards anyone, including his own grandson, is another way by which Mr.Head can feel minutely satisfied with himself. He welcome .....
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Irony In Animal Farm
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... again, something they vowed they would never do. In addition to verbal and situational irony, we can too find some dramatic irony. When Boxer is sent off to be slaughtered, the characters trust Squealer when he says Boxer is being taking off to a hospital, but the reader knows the truth. While that is a good example, the best, perhaps, is the ending where it is stated that the onlooker could not tell the difference between pig and man.
The two most prominent themes in Animal Farm, freedom and oppression, play a very important role in the novel’s irony. While the animals’ ultimate goa .....
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Ku Klux Klan The History Of
Number of words: 1283 - Number of pages: 5.... The K.K.K. tore apart reconstructing governments and established a reign of terror and violence throughout the whole war-torn South. The first era of the K.K.K. lasted about three or four years, than faded. The arose again after World War 1. The overall story starts with many generations of Americans learning hard lessons of life. These experiences led to fierce individualism, surprising inventiveness, and the thought that they could be whatever and go wherever they wanted to. Other things occurred along with these thoughts. "Frontier Justice" was an instant, private and violent method o .....
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Crime And Punishment .
Number of words: 3949 - Number of pages: 15.... image of people who go
through pain. He presents a graphical experience of ones who do not know how
to deal with humanity and its problems. Dostoevsky himself does not give a
clear solution nor does he leave one with the certainty of faith for an
example. He says himself:
Finding myself lost in the solution of these questions, I decide
to bypass them with no solution at all. (From the Author. The
Brothers Karamazov)
Through the presentation of crime and the issue of money which is often
connected to it, Dostoevsky retells a Bible story. His answer to the problem .....
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Number of words: 405 - Number of pages: 2.... father’s over-protection is evident in this passage, “We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will” (279). Her father robs her from many of ’s necessities. She misses out on having friends, being a normal “woman,” and her ability to be happy. Emily is not able to live a normal which she indirectly blames on her father. Emily is so used to having her father be there for her, she figures that by keeping his body he can still be part of her .
The Jungian archet .....
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