Analysis Of Several Works Of Literature
Number of words: 1612 - Number of pages: 6.... the ever cynical Faust that there is a reason to keep on living.
As it is now, Faust believes that his life is miserable and that being a
part of humanity can only hinder his thirst for knowledge.
The other side gives me little trouble;
First batter this present world to rubble,
Then the other may rise — if that's the plan.
This earth is where my springs of joy have started,
And this sun shines on me when brokenhearted;
If I can first from them be parted,
Then let happen what will and can!
I wish to heat no more about it —
Whether there too men hate and love
Or whet .....
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Comparison Of My Papas Waltz A
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... his father “waltzed” him on to bed.
In “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden, the poet also
relinquishes on a regular occurrence in his childhood. On Sunday mornings,
just as any other morning, his father rises early and puts on his clothes in the
cold darkness. He then goes out in the cold and splits fire wood with which
he uses to start a fire in the house. After the entire house is warm he calls the
rest of his family out of bed. He does not get any thanks for doing this, but
that does not seem to matter.
In both poems the poets seem to look back on t .....
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The Iliad
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... to the position he claims for himself. He forgets that as leader, the consequences of his actions, also affects those whom he holds in his charge, and close to his heart.
Furthermore, instead of assuming full responsibility for his situation, Achilleus places part of the load on his mother Thetis, as well as Zeus. In drawing gods into the conflict, Achilleus further complicates the matter. Without the intervention of immortals, the victor of any contest is simply the stronger, more skilled, or perhaps luckier opponent. Once the gods are brought into the field of play, anything can b .....
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Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mis
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4.... to its mercy without allowing ourselves to relish its immediate rewards. Marvell’s sense of time affects both his characters in unique ways, and therefore unites their plight as a human cause rather than a gender based issue. Andrew Marvell expresses this point by structuring his poem into three components that propose the issues of time’s existence, its limited availability, and finally a solution of sorts.
The first section of “To His Coy Mistress” serves the task of identifying that time is a limited commodity, and thus can not be wasted. Immediately the speaker s .....
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Macbeth - Blood
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... sword is covered in the hot blood of the enemy.
After these few references to honour, the symbol of blood now changes to show a theme of treachery and treason. Lady Macbeth starts this off when she asks the spirits to "make thick my blood,". What she is saying by this, is that she wants to make herself insensitive and remorseless for the deeds which she is about to commit. Lady Macbeth knows that the evidence of blood is a treacherous symbol, and knows it will deflect the guilt from her and Macbeth to the servants when she says "smear the sleepy grooms with blood.", and "If he do bleed, .....
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Patriarchy In Fargo And Raise
Number of words: 1337 - Number of pages: 5.... rules and ritual with which she is unfamiliar with. Although she has been to University, education means nothing here; her entire world becomes that of the small compound cut off from the rest of society. Yimou's portrayal of a patriarchal society is evident through his use of mise-en-scene comprimising of uniform, hard-angled lines, consisting of rectangles and squares. The use of framing in various scenes depicts an environment where escape is impossible. Also, the use of the camera is often restricted emphasizing the lack of freedom the women have. The camera stays in one p .....
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Julius Caesar - Mark Antony
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3.... the conspirators calling them honorable men, and then slowly proving that they are not. He speaks out against them because he wanted power for himself, and unlike Brutus, he is politically ambitious and so believes that if he can take control while the state is in turmoil, he will remain in power. He was alone in making this oration, yet he was confidant in himself and courageous.
Rome began to collapse once Caesar was killed, and Antony was left without anyone to trust. He did not want to side with the conspirators whom he valued slightly. However, he felt his duty was to carry on Caesa .....
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Henry V
Number of words: 1409 - Number of pages: 6.... Hotspur and momentarily showedhis ability to lead and become a king, his father still doubts him. As his father nears death, Henry assures him that he can handle the responsibility of being the next king. His father tells him two very important pieces of advise if Henry is to become a good and just king. He must listen to trusted advisors, and he must unite the English lords through a foreign war. Shakespeare uses that to foreshadow what Henry must do to become a good king, in Henry V.
At the time when Henry becomes king, Shakespeare gives hints that the
people are questing He .....
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Race Is Ever Where
Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4.... character in the book as he has it in for Othello right from the start. What sparks off Imago’s hate towards him is the fact that when Othello chose his lieutenant, it was Cassio who was chosen instead of Iago. What made Iago angry was the fact that Cassio had no experience in war when he did and Cassio was chosen instead of him. Iago does not say anything racist to Othello's face but he has a lot to say against him behind his back. He schemes to destroy Othello and anything in his way including Cassio and Desdemona. The first time we hear one of his racist comments is when he's talking to .....
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Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... If you lived close by (which she did) you could just spend the night at home, but if not the school principles were always willing to rent dorms to those in need of them. Each dorm had a twin size bed and a nightstand right beside it. So clearly they were very small! That is unless you had a room-mate then you were allowed to have a two to three bedroom dorm which are obviously a great deal larger then the one bedroom.
When summer was over she went back home to her mother, but soon after she left Chuffy had sent a letter informing Beverly that they wished her to back next season. Of course .....
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