The Art Of War
Number of words: 1421 - Number of pages: 6.... You don’t see any "pretty pictures" of war. I’d like you to find one pretty aspect of war. There is none, so therefore, war, as a subject for art, is hardly ever pretty. The stories that they write, the paintings that they paint, the pictures that they take, are usually horrific scenes. Only rarely do we see pictures of triumph (i.e. raising the flag at Iwo Jima) but those scenes take place only after the aftermath.
It is also no wonder that many war artists actually use their talent only during and after war. They use their art as a place for catharsis. Only .....
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Shakespeare And His Globe
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... silk clothes with many ruffles. Many times there were musical accompaniments and sound effects such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to simulate thunder.
The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher acting area which symbolized a porch or balcony. This was useful in the story of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo stood below Juliet and told her how he loved her. In the stage floor was a trap door which was said to lead to "hell" or a ce .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... force, Piggy's name reflects is superior intellect, Simon's means listener and Rogers means spear. This gives a clue to who could be the leader and who might survive and why society on the island broke down.
While reading chapter one, the reader can discover one of the many themes of the story. The need for civilization is the most obvious one. With out civilization man tries to define himself. Maybe that's why Jack Merridew in civilization is the leader of the boys' choir then is the leader of the tribe. How ironic that in the beginning the characters are described as well-educated young b .....
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Short Analysis Of Macbeth
Number of words: 1575 - Number of pages: 6.... ambition is extraordinary throughout the play in a way that Macbeth is very courageous throughout the battle that occurred. When Macbeth was given the title 'thane of cawdor' he felt that he had power over everything which made him more powerful, In act 1 scene 3 when Macbeth said to himself Glamis, and the 'thane of cawdor', the greatest is behind. He said this because he is now the king and by saying the greatest is behind, this meant something like he was going to rule the world.
At the start of the play Duncan and Macbeth win the victory for Scotland. Duncan rewarded Macbeth for .....
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Unwritten Rules
Number of words: 1477 - Number of pages: 6.... against African Americans during that time period. Historically, the 1930s was a time period when black Americans were made to feel as if they were subordinate to the majority. Cullen and Soyinka both reveal how black people were put down during this time period.
In this time period during which "Incidents and Telephone Conversation" occur, segregation of black people and white people was the social norm. In the majority of public places black and white people were forced to use separate facilities, among other things. Segregation was common in restaurants, schools, and businesses. "Segr .....
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Of Mice And Men 2
Number of words: 1933 - Number of pages: 8.... all the workers slept and lived. Steinbeck described the
bunkhouse being, " a long, rectangular building. Inside, the walls were
whitewashed and the floor unpainted." Later he says, " Against the walls
were eight bunks, five of them made up with blankets and the other three
showing their burlap ticking." So far we get the idea that the bunkhouse was
not the most beautiful place to live in, one of the only forms of entertainment
in the bunkhouse was playing cards. Steinbeck described this setting with
images of light and darkness next to each other. As Steinbeck said outside
there is .....
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Voltaire's Candide: "All Is Not For The Best"
Number of words: 1117 - Number of pages: 5.... achieving total happiness. On his journey, he
faces a number of misfortunes, among them being tortured during army training,
yet he continues to believe that there is a "cause and effect" for everything.
Candide is reunited with Cunegonde, and regains a life of prosperity, but soon
all is taken away, including his beloved Cunegonde. He travels on, and years
later he finds her again, but she is now fat and ugly. His wealth is all gone
and so is his love for the Baron's daughter. Throughout Candide, we see how
accepting situations and not trying to change or overcome obstacles can be
damagi .....
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The Sword In The Stone
Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2.... people who had always 'ruled' him.
I think that the Wart was a better person to Kay and although he may not have been superior to Kay, he certainly had a better personality and was kinder than Kay. With Merlyn's 'education', the Wart learned not only how to lead well, but also to be a better person, and Merlyn taught him much about how to treat other people with respect and to relate better with them. When the Wart meets Robin Wood and Maid Marion, he learns through Marion that women are no different to men and should be treated equally. He is also taught the pointlessness of violence when .....
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Billy Budd
Number of words: 681 - Number of pages: 3.... having Billy and Claggart meet in private where Claggart can openly accuse Billy of this crime. Fortunately, Claggarts attempt to destroy Billy for mutiny fails because he is struck down by Billy in one blow, ending the matter, but opening a much more serious one.
Claggart is also seen as attempting to destroy Billy due to his evil nature in general. Nothing depicts Claggart's evil nature better than the way he looks. His cleanly chiseled chin and cunning violet eyes that can cut lesser sailors with an evil glare. His pale yellow skin and jet black curly hair; they all contrast his charact .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... places the poem in relationship with Anglo-Saxon alliterative poetry, an important part of the Gawain-Poet's cultural and moral heritage. Both in the poet's use of alliterative verse and in his characterization of Gawain, it is apparent that Gawain has much in common with the Anglo-Saxon hero, such as Beowulf. The strange, hostile world he encounters upon leaving Camelot, the many tests he endures, the crafty machinations of the Green Knight, and the sexual temptations that can so easily overcome a man - impress us with the realization that Gawain is an honorable fellow, subject to weaknes .....
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