Oedipus 2
Number of words: 2086 - Number of pages: 8.... 25) According to Freud, happiness can only be reached by total instinctual gratification, or, in much simpler terms, by having sex: mankind's most intense pleasure and source of deepest happiness. However, this is impossible, because in order for civilization to exist, men must employ their energies in the service of society, thus sacrificing individual personal satisfaction. Freud states that he is strongly concerned of the outcome of the inevitable conflict produced by the demands of man's instinctual drive on the one hand, and the repressive requirements of civilization on the other. By .....
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The Merchant Of Venice 2
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4.... in case he fails. However Bassanio wishes to continue.
I pray you tarry, pause a day or two
Before you hazard, for in choosing wrong
I lose your company. Therefore forbear awhile.
There’s something tells me (but it is not love)
I would not lose you, and you know yourself
Hate consels not in such a quality.
But lest you should not understand my well-
And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought-
I would detatin you here some month or two
Before you venture for me. I could teach you
How to choose right, but then I am forsworn.
So will I never .....
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Scarlet Letter Punishment Quot
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4.... for them to be punished, then the punishment will mean nothing to them. The person will gain nothing, they will gain no knowledge from their act or their punishment. There are a lot of reasons why people do not understand the concept of punishment in the world. People think very differently from others, therefore, people will have different beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. A person might consider one thing to be a wrong action and the need to be punished, while another person thinks the opposite. They might think it is not wrong and there is no need for punishment. If acti .....
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Antigone Tragic Hero
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... and his conception of justice is too exclusive... to be dignified by the name of love for the state" (Hathorn 59). These arguments, and many others, make many people believe the Antigone is the rightful protagonist.
Many critics argue that Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. They say that his noble quality is his caring for Antigone and Ismene when their father was persecuted. Those who stand behind Creon also argue that Antigone never had a true epiphany, a key element in being a tragic hero. Creon, on the other hand, realized his mistake when Teiresias made his prophecy. He is fo .....
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Macbeth - Downfall Of Lady Macbeth
Number of words: 1066 - Number of pages: 4.... becomes full of evil thoughts. This is evident by the context in which she states that she would sacrifice the life of her own infant, if it were her wish or order to do so: "…Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn As you have done this…" [I.vii.57-59]. So enraged and overpowered by evil, that her purity and innocence (which is part of a woman) had all but depleted, and consequently she also lost her will to control herself and her sanity (sanity-later on in the deterioration of Lady Macbeth's character). She came to a point wh .....
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Nature Versus Nurture For Rors
Number of words: 1271 - Number of pages: 5.... realizes he is watching she hits him across the face. "You little shit! You know what you cost me, you ugly little shit. I shoulda listened to everybody else! I shoulda had the abortion." (Pg.4, chap.6, panel 6-7) Walter’s mother did’nt hesitate to physically or verbally abuse him. Her first reaction was to punch him in the face. This reflects the issue of a chain of a abuse. Walter’s mother was probably abused in more ways than one by her parents. Through her behavior of name calling and the rage she portrays it is most likely she was subjected to the same as a child. She .....
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Battle Royal
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... one would find that the summation of all the symbolism is equal to not only the struggle of this black boy, but the struggle of blacks at the time in which the story takes place. I think that if one were to analyze the grandfathers dying words, one would find the view of most conformist black Americans. The only way for a black person to excel at
that time was to conform to the white society. Any rebels that tried to stand up for their rights were most likely killed by anti-black groups, such as the KKK.
There was one symbol in the story that stood out especially in my mind and that was .....
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Free Will Vs. Fate In The Open
Number of words: 1036 - Number of pages: 4.... education, strong ethics and family upbringing. That a person is not able to decide his future, but it has already been chosen for him. The idea of free will can argue that “ in most cases”, in the above statement, is a key. There are people who have developed very successfully out of these urban areas to
accomplish great things and proving that a persons free will decides there future.
In The Open Boat naturalism comes into play as, once again, humans are shown insignificant to the forces of their world. As their first attempt at getting to shore fails they begin to .....
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Vision Out Of The Corner Of One Eye: Literary Analysis
Number of words: 263 - Number of pages: 1.... bus continues to fondle her, but rather than call attention to him
she would rather save face for him. She hates the situation but she wants to
believe he's a good person so she begins to make excuses for him: "maybe he
didn't do it on purpose" or "maybe his right hand didn't know what his left hand
was up to". All the while trusting , and having her trust broken.
The second phase the main character went through was the attempt to flee.
When she finally tried wiggling out of his reach it just gives him a better
angle to touch her. As she moved away, he was right there. She was lik .....
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American Dream, The Great Gats
Number of words: 262 - Number of pages: 1.... Her lifestyle revolves around money. It is impossible to imagine her without it. When observing Daisy, it is natural for the reader to experience envy. She has a rich husband, owns a beautifully furnished home, and has a lovely daughter. Who could ask for more? Daisy can. She is in love with an old acquaintance, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is an incredibly rich man, who attempts to win his love with his money. He knows that without his money, his chance with Daisy is impossible.
Excluding the Wilson’s, each character is given the easy path of life. Money brings them happiness and love. Th .....
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