Crime And Punishment - Style
Number of words: 1407 - Number of pages: 6.... obviously skewed. This prompts Raskolnikov to doubt his reasoning for and consequent execution of the crime. He knows that his theory is wrong, but he has been created by the society in which he lives, which allows him to conjure up wild fantasies and delusions of grandeur. The sympathy Dostoyevsky enforces upon the reader for Raskolnikov is held by the overwhelming signs pointing towards the notion that he knows that he is wrong in his doings.
The first indication of Raskolnikov’s need for punishment for his crime appears in his preparation for the crime itself. It is by no means meti .....
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Justice In Plato Vs. Justice I
Number of words: 599 - Number of pages: 3.... factors (or pillars) upon which justice in Plato is constructed include but are not limited to education, interdependence of a communities sub-units, philosophy, the separation of public and private life, truth, as well as no movement.
In Plato's Republic, justice is defined in many different ways, none of which seem to keep Socrates content. Cephalus insisted that justice was telling the truth and paying one's debts. Polemarchus, Cephalus' son, maintained that justice was paying one's dues. Socrates refuted their argument by using a mad man as an example. He proved that if one man borro .....
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Death Of A Salesman 2
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2.... "this is no time for false pride, Willy
you go to your sons and you tell them that you're tired. You've got two great boys,
haven't you?". After willy is fired, he discovers that the only person he can borrow
money from is Charley his next door neighbour. Willy comes to realize that Charley
is his only friend and he says "Isn't that remarkable." It is Charley's success that annoys
Willy and which prevents him later from accepting employment from Charley when he
offers it. Charley continues to lend him money although he feels insulted by Willy's
refusal t .....
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Jane Eyre - Violence
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... house and the person who did it a person has to solve it.
Finally, there is the characterization of Bertha. From the way Rochester talks about Bertha at first she seems pretty normal, but he says how she become after they get married. She turned into someone he did not know, a crazy psychopath, mad woman. Rochester wanted to hide this from everyone even Jane, Bertha cares for no one but herself. She does not care who she hurts, she proved this when she hurt Mr. Mason her own brother.
At last, the end of the novel, The suspense, mystery, and characterization are all told. The person that this .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 1598 - Number of pages: 6.... of an extraordinarily immoral and cruel man.
Whatever Steinbeck’s intent for writing such a jarring ending, he leaves the reader with a
powerful sense of the world’s immorality.
In this book there were several characters, but only a few had significant roles. I
would have to say Lennie is the protagonist of the book even though George is an
extremely critical character as well. Lennie Small is described as being a monstrous man
with the mind of a child, a shapeless face, big pale eyes, sloping shoulders, and big feet
that dragged a bit when he .....
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The Scarlet Letter 2
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... knowing what the letter means is what the novel is all about (86).
The red "A" clearly stands for adultery. Puritan society sees the "A" as a symbol of guilt, Hester's infraction of their moral code (HArt 95). Hester is given the punishment of wearing the letter instead of being put to death because she is young and comes from a prominent family. However, the pain and heartache that the "A" brings to her is far worse than being excuted. Children learn to detest Hester because shee wears the symbol of the moral outcast (Abel 171). The "A" is a sing of the community's ownership of Hest .....
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Emma - Romantic Imagination
Number of words: 1213 - Number of pages: 5.... life than Blake’s abstract vision of the great in the small because Emma is more aesthetically realistic. However, both rely on the fact that "[t]he correspondence of world and subject is at the center of any sensibility story, yet that correspondence is often twisted in unusual and terrifying shapes," (Edward Young, 1741). The heroine of Austen’s novel, Emma Woodhouse, a girl of immense imagination, maintains it by keeping up with her reading and art because, as Young contends, these are the mediums through which imagination is chiefly expressed by manipulating the relationships betwe .....
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Hamlet 4
Number of words: 3130 - Number of pages: 12.... The Shakespearean theater is a physical manifestation of how Shakespeare
catered to more than one social class in his theatrical productions. These
Shakespearean theaters have a unique construction, which had specific seats
for the wealthy, and likewise, a designated separate standing section for the
peasants. This definite separation of the classes is also evident in
Shakespeare's writing, in as such that the nobility of the productions speak
in poetic iambic pentameter, where as the peasants speak in ordinary prose.
Perhaps Shakespeare incorporated these double meani .....
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Spring Silkworms
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... is amazing how they managed to survive under such poor economy. Things such as predicting harvest by the amount of sprouts that a garlic put out, the way they isolated Lotus believing that she would bring bad luck to them just because her family had a bad harvest, and Huang's interest in Taoism, they were all somehow reflection of Mao's affection. Just around the same period of time, he has been encouraging the peasants for abandoning the worship of Gods and rejecting Buddhism. T'ung Pao hated the foreigners. Since they brought in foreign goods in, in other words, they brough in competitions .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 731 - Number of pages: 3.... also described as a "solitary bind."
Phoenix's age and color also symbolizes the bind, a golden color ram underneath and the two knobs of her cheek were illuminated by a yellow burning under the dark. Her hair was a black but with an ordor like copper. Phoenix may also be portrayed as a mother bird going out to get nurturing for her baby. The reader may visualize her grandson ad a bird in the nest for his mother. He wears a little patch quilt and peeps out, holding his mouth open like a bird. Phoenix's death portarys her undying love for her grandson. On Phoenix's journey through life, sh .....
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