The Author Of Her Book
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... any error in the poem, but in lines 15 through 17 she realizes that this cannot be done because it is already in print. Finally in lines 19 and 20, a mother’s unconditional love shows as she sends her child away with admonitions. In the end, Bradstreet leaves her child with the thought, be known for your own value.
A second step in analyzing a poem is to identify the main idea or point of the poem. In "The Author to Her Book," Bradstreet uses an extended metaphor to emphasize her dissatisfaction with the publishing of her poems (ll 3, 7, 9, 10), but tells how she cannot turn her .....
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Macbeth 6
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... example that proves evils powers.
2"Bring them before us, to be thus is nothing
but to be safely thus our fears in Banquo stick
and in his royalty of nature reigns that which
would be fear'd tis much he dares"(Act 3, I, 47-52)
Macbeth decides to take Banquo's life because, he has a slight idea of the true nature and identity of Macbeth. Banquo knows that Macbeth was behind the murder of Duncan. What Banquo does not know is that Macbeth knew of Banquo's observations and inquiries, so before Banquo has a chance to blow Macbeth's cover, he is killed. Murder of a fellow sol .....
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Critique Of The American Dream
Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... Bub Mell. Perley noticed that like Sip Garth's home, Bub Mell's home had a strong and unpleasant odor. There were holes in the steps and the walls were crumbling. There were six children, Bub's sick mother and his father living in the house. The father did not work and basically depended on his children to work and support the family. Bub worked at age eight even though he was too young. These can be compared to the conditions presented in Roger and Me. The woman who slaughtered rabbits was very poor and lived in a run-down home. All she knew was that she could breed rabbits to sell for meat .....
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Number of words: 960 - Number of pages: 4.... other the world seems to accept this alliance.
But Brabantio`s comment tells us that everything is not all right: (I.iii.293-4) "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:/She has deceived her father and may thee." By disobeying her faher Desdemona has shown herself able to betray the person she is supposed to love and--according to Venetian norms--obey. The phrase "look to her" suggests several things: that Desdemona needs to be watched closely, in other words; she cannot be trusted, or that should notice what a deceiver looks like and lastly, if looks at her he may find that she is n .....
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Ariel By Sylvia Plath
Number of words: 1200 - Number of pages: 5.... over her body and releasing its energies for her own ends" (Bundtzen 233). While the outcome of the poem is positive, "Plath turns on herself, identifying with her oppressor, and sadistically punishes her body in the process of
recreating it" (Bundtzen 237).
Plath did not see the rebirth process as a pleasant experience, but one that is expected of her "I guess you could say I've got a call" (Plath 245). She, however, sees the benefits that come from her suffering and continues the process again and again. “Fever 103" is also about a women releasing herself from a man, but in a di .....
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Reflection On Dead Man Walking
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... my heart, soul, and mind slowly began to wander into the life of a murderer, but more importantly, a human-being.
Dead Man Walking truly captivated my conscience and made me think about the controversial standing of Capital Punishment. The movie appropriately portrayed two sides of the coin. Not only were we enlightened by Sr. Helen's compassion for Matthew, but we were also witnesses to the overwhelming feelings of grief and despair experienced by the parents of the innocent victims of Poncelat's crime.
Sr. Helen, unfamiliar with the life of death-row inmate, Matthew Poncelat, willingl .....
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Gimple The Fool
Number of words: 1052 - Number of pages: 4.... Gimpel served the purpose of bread maker and as in all societies he served also as the scapegoat. Gimpel could have been an integral part of his society but instead he was untrue to himself and he was lost. The townspeople treated Gimpel much like the court jesters of the renaissance period, turning the baker into the village harlequin. Although the target of many pranks and antics, they were not directed at him for intentional harm. He was the target though due to his accessibility and convenience. Instead of seeking Gimpel out for his talents as the baker, Gimpel’s neighbors sou .....
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Character Study Of Claudius Fr
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... actions Claudius took when he killed King Hamlet, Cladius then regretted he killed Hamlet’s father, as he realised how evil his actions were. However, he expressed these feelings in solitude in III, iii, ll. 36-72. “O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven; it hath the primal eldest curse upon’t a brother’s murder...” When he is in public, he acts as if he did know anything about it.
Claudius is a round character. This means that the reader is able to see many different aspects of him; he is a three-dimensional character. For example, in one scene, you see him .....
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When You Are Old
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3.... she is old and has wrinkles around her eyes. She is “nodding by the fire”, taking “down this book” that she reads slowly. She is reading a book near the fireplace. She is also dreaming “of the soft look” her “eyes had once, and of their shadows deep.” Therefore, she is thinking about the times when she was young and had soft look in her eyes and her deep shadows in her eyes that she used to have.
In the first four lines, Yeats describes from broad thing then he goes into details. Being old is the broad description, and he explains what an .....
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Lean On Me
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... known as “HNIC” – the “head nigger in charge.” His absurd manners are strongly disliked by his fellow colleagues. He insults teachers in front of students and fires them when they do not comply with his harsh rules. The first disturbing aspect of this movie is Joe Clark’s personality; although he changes around the school, he does it in a bizarre and vicious manner.
Another bizarre aspect of the movie is how the director, ---, portrays East Side High. After there is a time change from the 60s to the 80s, East Side transforms from a nice, well-kept, and clean school to a graffi .....
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