Number of words: 1664 - Number of pages: 7.... focused on embodiment and monstrous reproduction. Together, these two discourses create a dichotomy of good and evil, with the female body as the site of their conflict. In constructing 'good' maternal desire as essential to humanity, the film offers a comparison with an opposing human trait, presented as potentially as destructive as the threat of the alien itself. This is the ideologyr epresented by the Company, a profit-motivated, exploitative enterprise whose disregard for human life, and the values that maternal desire encompasses pose a comparable threat to human survival in this film. .....
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Slaughterhouse Five - Humankin
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... in The Great Gatsby was to fulfill "The American Dream" by one thinking they are better then the others; with the concept of having fame, wealth, and being good looking. Reality is that you cannot be happy without being happy with yourself. In the novel the character's were not happy with themselves. Eg. Gatsby who was a mysterious man, did everything to impress one women which was Daisy, with his nice house, expensive clothes, and big parties. Gatsby wasn't happy with himself, everything was an act to show off to Daisy that he had money. People universally are just content with themselv .....
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Spelling Of Emigre Russians
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... Preliminary Work
This phenomenon captured my attention three years ago, while I was living with a Russian emigre student. I would ask her to correct my Russian homework each night, but she often corrected my homework rather poorly, as her spelling was less than stellar. She claimed that since leaving the Soviet Union 6 years earlier, she had only spoken Russian and having almost no reason to write in Russian, she had forgotten some of the most basic spelling rules. Further, she claimed that spelling in Russian was different than spelling in English. This last comment puzzled .....
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Red Dress
Number of words: 417 - Number of pages: 2.... She would never be sure of herself when she is called up to the blackboard. Her "hands became slippery with sweat when they were required to work the blackboard compass." She would also envision the worst case scenario, that she had her period prior to being called to the front of the class, even when impossible. This shows that her self-esteem is really low, and she could not deal with the dance.
The dance was an experience in itself. Her attitudes towards the events in the dance also show her attitude. When she met Mary Fortune, she was "grateful for her attention, her company and her ci .....
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Short Story/Film Analysis
Number of words: 920 - Number of pages: 4.... that she is Mrs. Frank M. Hartsell, Lucy's ex-fiancee.
This made Charley uncomfortable because he had rivaled Frank for Lucy's hand in
marriage. A story that began as a second honeymoon for Lucy and Charley, became
a jealous contest between two men. This reminds me of the movie, Grumpy Old Men,
because of the unofficial mini contests that the two men have with each other.
Comparing the film and the book, they were very similar except the sequence of
events were different. In the story, The Greatest Man In The World, Smurch was
jealous of the fame and accolades of Charles Lindbergh. On .....
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Aspects In Marianella
Number of words: 987 - Number of pages: 4.... florentina, i heard my dad was here. Florentina does not answer him. Pablo didn't have to visit Teodoro or Marianella .Pablo: It is not important to me to stay blind after i have seen. I had a dream that that you were looking for me. To your side were very ugly girls. Why are you beautiful? Creí that you wish to be at my side. My cousin, and wife of my soul. Florentina: what? No,no,no. Teodoro, Pablo is crazy. Say something.Teodoro: Pablo..... go to your room!
Pablo: you are the boss, Teodoro. As Pablo was leaving, he sees Marianella on the couch. He looks at her. Pablo: My God! She is .....
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The Imperial Woman
Number of words: 1262 - Number of pages: 5.... be viewed by the Dowager Mother and the Son of Heaven. She could not disobey the command. Yehonala wanted to marry her third cousin, Jung Lu, but the Emperor of China chose her to be one of his concubines. His mother opposed this decision because she noticed Yehonala had a strong spirit. Concubines were not meant to have ambitions, they were meant to be pretty and serve the Emperor in any way. Yehonala’s cousin, Sakota was chosen to the Consort. Earlier, an older Sakota was Emperor’s chosen one, but she had died. By tradition, the Emperor must fulfill his duties to the dead Conso .....
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To Build A Fire
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... It reads, “After some manipulation he managed to get the bunch between the heels of his mittened hands. In this fashion he carried it to his mouth...” At this point, the man’s hands are so cold that he can no longer grasp objects, such as matches. In order to get the matches he has to use the heels of his hands just like paws. This also shows his increasing relationship to the bestial characteristics.
As the story, proceeds it is also obvious that the dog is picking up more characteristics that are human. These characteristics such as sense allow the dog to steer cle .....
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Critique Of Joseph Conrads Hea
Number of words: 1142 - Number of pages: 5.... strongest device and example of this phenomenon is the transformation of Mr. Kurtz, the director of the Inner Station. In this essay, I will explain and analyze Kurtz’s “de-humanity”, and how effective it is in achieving Conrad’s goal. This “deconstruction” of Kurtz culminates with his utterance of the phrase, “The horror! The horror!”, as he lay dying. Yet, first we must explain what Kurtz was before he stepped over the edge.
From the moment Marlowe arrives on the coast of Africa, he hears tales of an incredible man, who runs a trading po .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... home; and considering Mr. Collins character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast…" Collins isn't wealthy, but all that Charlotte wants, he can give her. This marriage is by far the most convenient of the novel. Another great example of a marriage of convenience is Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. This convenient marriage is not as easily seen, though one notices how formal they are with each other. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet don't seem to like each other at all. This seems to be very far from Jane Austen's view of .....
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