"From Wrath To Compassion": Archilles As A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 337 - Number of pages: 2.... for others. This
moral change went against everything he stood for.
[Discussion of the change he undergoes]: The story shows that anyone can
change under any circumstances and that what is true today may change
tomorrow. Archilles is more of a hero by showing compassion in that King
Priam is more respectful of him because he returns Hector's body and
actually grieves with him [Example]. This shows that hateful Archilles has
a softer side and is vulnerable and shows this hidden part of himself to
the slain Hector's father [Example]. According to Greek heroic code it
would seem he might s .....
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How Identities, Aspirations, And Achievements Of Two Females Were Affected By The Aspects Of Family, Class, Gender, And Race
Number of words: 1107 - Number of pages: 5.... marriages, and the only one that lived
with her during the entire time that she lived with her parents was her sister,
who was ten years older than her, yet the closest in age. Thus it would seem
that her father had had considerable time to establish himself as the owner of
three supermarkets in New York. Her mother was a domestic engineer.
Lee's family greatly values owning material things that are conducive to
comfort. This evident in the mansion in which they inhabit, and the luxuries,
such as the extravagant vacations taken and the numerous cars, and boats, they
I was born i .....
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Hard Times 2
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... Gradgrind wished to accomplish. In my opinion, however, he was not an unkind man at all. He believed absolutely that he was doing a good deed. He was affectionate in his way; but he studiously repressed all forms of spontaneous affection and as his children grew up, it came to be realized that he was not in sympathetic touch with them. This was especially apparent with Mr. Gradgrind's two older children, Louisa and Tom. Tom became morose and discontented, while Louisa stayed somber and hopeless and neither of them like their home, which in actuality, the Gradgrind school was based on and .....
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Thomas Vs. Moore
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... as the secret of a happy life".
In Plato's Republic, the ideal society contains three classes, the ruling class, the auxiliary class, and the rest of the society as they are compared to gold, silver and bronze. They aren't said to be of less importance from each other, although they do have their different significance in the society. Plato's ideal city also includes the abolition of the family. "That our men and women guardians should be forbidden by law to live together in separate households, and all the women should be common to all the men; similarly, children should be held in c .....
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Silent Dancing: Memories Of Childhood
Number of words: 1068 - Number of pages: 4.... movie of this party…it is grainy and of short duration, but it's a great visual aid to my memory of life at that time. And it is in color - the only complete scene in color I can recall from those years.
-Judith Ortiz Cofer, "Silent Dancing"
In her essay "Silent Dancing," Cofer recounts the memories of her childhood induced while watching this short piece of film. Each scene brought about more memories, as colors and scents of the past were relived through it. Because the film was silent, however, those parts of the past had to be made up…explored by her.
When I think of the things .....
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Macbeth, Act 4 Scene 2 Importa
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... Macduff receives the message he gets raged and swore to kill Macbeth. This is how the fate of Macbeth is written and how Macbeth kind of wrote his own death warrant by doing a point less evil act of greed and lust of power. Macbeths power went so high into his head, which he couldn't keep control of it and finally ended with his life.
This scene is the one where the fate of Macbeth's life is written. Also shows how paranoid and insane he is becoming, which is somewhat something that takes some blame off Macbeth's back. The witches have most of the faults because Macbeth was a normal .....
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The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky
Number of words: 1038 - Number of pages: 4.... will develop" (Bergon 95). The Pullman train is carrying Marshal Jack Potter and his Eastern bride back to Yellow Sky. The Marshall's role in the affairs of his town has been affected and changed by his literal marriage to the East. The Marshall is only beginning to realize the effect his arrival on the town will have. The train car is the perfect symbol of the East moving toward and imposing itself on the west.
The second setting is "a world of complete contrast to the Eastern Pullman: the setting is Western, the bar of the Weary Gentleman Saloon" (Solomon 253). The saloon
Fis .....
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A Review Of To Kill A Mockingb
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3.... was about an African man,
named Tom Robinson, who was accused of raping a white woman. This case causes
many problems that they have to deal with everyday. The entire town turns against them
saying that Atticus is a “nigger-lover.” Even Atticus’ family turned against them, which
really hurts Scout, especially when her cousin Francis says “I guess it ain’t your fault if
Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify
the rest of the family-” (Harper 91).
Racism is a major theme in this story along with growing up. Thro .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Number of words: 572 - Number of pages: 3.... of any;" (Gawain, 355-356).
The poem is full of instances in which Gawain was forced to face difficult decisions. Gawain could have simply left Camelot never to return. He instead chose the option of keeping his word and searching for the Green Knight, even though he knew he had to take what was coming to him. "Now, liege lord of my life, my leave I take; / The terms of this task too well you know / to count the cost over concerns me nothing. But I am bound forth betimes to bear a stroke / From the grim man in green, as God may direct." (Gawain, lines 545-549). During his travels .....
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Huckelberry And Finn
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... gain Helen’s trust, which was a task that was almost impossible. When Anne saw how Helen lived, she knew that things were going to have to change and quickly.
One day, Anne was teaching Helen table manners. Helen was used to just grabbing food off her family’s plates. When Helen reached Anne’s plate, she refused to give Helen the food. A struggle went on for hours, until finally Helen was able to fold
her napkin, which was a big accomplishment for her. Although this upset Helen’s family at this time, Anne felt it was worth it because she was able to com .....
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