Julius Caesar
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2.... continues on saying about times when he saved Caesar from drowning and when he saw Caesar with a fever and he started to shake. All this tells us that Cassius thinks he is just as good or even better than Caesar.
Cassius first shows his character of deceit when he put false notes from people in the window of Brutus. This was so Brutus would think a lot of people would be with him if he killed Caesar. He also tries to make Brutus jealous of Caesar. Cassius says to Brutus (act 1,scene 2,line 43), “ “Brutus” and “Caesar”. What should be in that “Caesar?” Cassius continue .....
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Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... \"Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift, and hither shall he come; and he and I shall watch thy waking, and that very night shall Romeo bear thee to Mantua.\" (Act 4, Scene 1), he tells Juliet how everything will be all right. Unfortunately, for all his good intentions the play still ends in tragedy.
Friar Lawrence is a man who is not afraid to take risks when he feels it is neccesary to help someone. For example in Act 2, Scene 6, when he marries , he is risking his reputation as a Friar so he can help the two lovers. Also, when he says \"Take thou this vial, being then in bed .....
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A Crime In The Neighborhood
Number of words: 1339 - Number of pages: 5.... neighbor, Mr. Green, takes interest in Marsha’s mother. Though
murder is the most visible crime in Marsha’s neighborhood, it is by no means the only one,
Marsha’s father and aunt run off together and Marsha wrongly accusses Mr. Green for the death
of Boyd Ellison.
Marsha’s father had left before the summer Boyd Ellison was killed. The divorce had a
tremendous impact on the whole family. Marsha’s twin brother and sister spent the summer away
on vacation and since Marsha had her ankle in a cast, she wasn’t able to do things most kids did
during the summer vacation li .....
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Symbolism Use In: "Young Goodman Brown" And "The Lottery"
Number of words: 674 - Number of pages: 3.... the name Mr. Graves throughout her story, he is the coordinator of the
lottery. She needs not give any explanation to the name, as it speaks for itself
(a symbol of death). Various other names are used as symbols within each story,
however, these mentioned are the most significant names to the theme. The
stories each contain names, objects, and acts as important symbols.
Hawthorne uses the names to stress good people, but relies heavily on
objects to portray Satanism. The object of obvious Satanism is the staff (a
cane) mentioned throughout the story. It is clearly iden .....
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White Fang Thematic Analysis
Number of words: 934 - Number of pages: 4.... the team of dogs, and eventually Bill, in an attempt to survive the long winter. It is ironic in that both the wolves and Henry are struggling against each other for their lives. The wolves need to eat Henry to fight off their maddening hunger, and Henry needs to get rid of the wolves so he can remain living. In the end, Henry proves the victor of the deadly competition by creating a barrier of fire to ward off the wolves until he is rescued. This introductory scenario illustrates that survival will be known only to the intelligent and thus illuminates the theme that presents itself throu .....
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Ressurection A Tale Of Two Cit
Number of words: 1687 - Number of pages: 7.... level, just the same as resurrection. Dickens gives the reader a taste of being "Recalled to Life," right off the bat, when Mr. Lorry, in his stagecoach, is set out for Dover to bring Dr. Manette back to England, sends Jerry Cruncher to Tellson's Bank with the message, "Recalled to Life." Then as the coach lurches on towards its destination, he falls asleep and dreams. "After such imaginary discourse, the passenger inhis fancy would dig, and dig, dig, --now, with a spade, now with a great key, now with his hands-to dig this wretched creature out" (p.47). Not only is the term "Recalled .....
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Macbeth Responsible For His Ow
Number of words: 1069 - Number of pages: 4.... and his failure to heed the warnings of the danger mounting towards him, Macbeth
himself is the one responsible for his own tragic downfall.
Led by his overpowering ambition, Macbeth commits the greatest act of treason against his country; and when discovered, makes the noblemen rethink their loyalty to their king. Upon the discovery of Duncan's body, Macbeth announces that he accidentally killed the attendants, who appeared to be the guilty party. Responding to this, Macduff asks him, "Wherefore did you so?" (2.3.108) The first signs of suspicion come from Macduff, who
distrusts .....
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Racism In The Play School Ties
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... in emotional pain for David. David does not suffer emotionally just because of Sally; his teammates make him suffer also.
David has a tough time after his teammates know his religion. One minute they are saying he is the best and the next minute they have their backs turned on him. David is going through a lot. He had not known that his friends would do this to him. He had thought that they would not care if they found out that he was Jewish. When they know about David, they start to ignore him and give him looks. The thing that get David really mad is when David goes into his ro .....
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Paradise Lost
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... sitting here with each other, talking to each other, and being armed is the worst thing possible? I think not. What about when we laid in the burning lake? That surely was worse. What if the air that keeps those hot fires going blew seven times as hard and covered us in flames? Or if, from above, vengeance's arm should come down upon us and plague us? What if all of the holes in Hell were opened and fire shot out of every crevasse? War, I think, is a bad idea. How can we overthrow the being who knows everything and sees everything? All of our motions would be in vain. Should we li .....
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1984 Reading Journal
Number of words: 340 - Number of pages: 2.... Winston is revolted. He returns home and writes a couple more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where O'Brien tole him he would meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands and hides the diary
Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understand, it has not really changed much over time. Se .....
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