Emily Dickinson
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... people’s poetry titles with quotation marks, but only capitalized the first word in her titles. Many critics believe she did not title most of her poetry because she was not planning on publishing her work. As Socrates said, “the knowledge of things is not devised from names… no man would like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names”(Watts 130). Dickinson said that the speaker in all her poems is not herself. She incorporates her emotions, feelings, and hints at the facts about her life although she is not the speaker. ’s poetry is .....
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Autobiographical Assignment: My Grandfather
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... went over seas in the Korean War (in the area of Persian Gulf) and left behind now two children with my grandmother. When he came back from the War, he and his family were stationed in Illinois then relocated to Ohio. In Ohio, my grandfather soon decided to retire.
They diagnosed my grandfather with cancer in July 1960, and in November of that year he died at the age of 48 and my grandmother was left widowed with her two children (twelve and seventeen). My grandmother did not have the skills to go out and get a job right away. As the time went on, she was unable to support her family .....
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Dead Man Walking
Number of words: 1052 - Number of pages: 4.... while my heart, soul, and mind slowly began to wander into the life of a murderer, but more importantly, a human-being.
truly captivated my conscience and made me think about the controversial standing of Capital Punishment. The movie appropriately portrayed two sides of the coin. Not only were we enlightened by Sr. Helen's compassion for Matthew, but we were also witnesses to the overwhelming feelings of grief and despair experienced by the parents of the innocent victims of Poncelat's crime.
Sr. Helen, unfamiliar with the life of death-row inmate, Matthew Poncelat, willingly .....
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Book Report On The Prince And
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... minutes. The few minutes were fun. When it came time to change back, the guard kicked Edward out before the boys could change back.
This was a dream come true for Tom, and Edward did not think it was so bad either until…
After a few days, Edward met Tom’s drunken dad, John. He was very abusive and if Tom’s mother tried to help Edward, John would just hit her away. No one could tell that Tom was gone because they thought Tom was Edward.
Meanwhile, in the Palace, Tom Comty was enjoying being a prince. Many servants served him and he had people who d .....
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The Godfather
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... reader finds he is well liked by his family and is seen as a hero for fighting for his country.
The Italian Mafia wedding experience just adds more understanding for the reader of just how culturally and traditionally oriented this family is. The scene is perfectly placed in the novel at a point where the reader is meeting all the Corleone family, and the scene has a way of inviting the reader into their family and into their lives. From this scene on the reader becomes a surrogate member of the Corleone family, thus every trial the Corleone's experience has a way of affecting the reader .....
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Knights In Shining Armour
Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4.... Gawain and the Green Knight performed by both Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the fact that The Green Knight went to Camelot and challenged the Knight of the round table by saying to them…
You haven’t a man that could match me, your might is so feeble … This ax, as heavy as he’ll need, to handle as he like, And I will abide the first blow, bare-necked as I sit…
Any man who walk up to the most powerful Knight in the world insult them right before you give them promise to cut your head off, has more balls than he needs. Sir Gawain also get bravery points for excepting his offer a .....
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The Concept Of Justice In The
Number of words: 1177 - Number of pages: 5.... “we ourselves had sent Hermes, the keen-eyed Giant-slayer, to warn him neither to kill the man nor to court his wife” (pg. 4). Aegisthus ignored the warning, killing Agamemnon and courting his wife. Orestes, Agamemnon’s son, killed Aegisthus to avenge his father’s death. The gods saw this as swift, fair, and powerful justice: “And now Aegisthus has paid the final price for all his sins” (pg. 4). The suitors, led by Antinous and Eurymachus, expect justice to be served when Telemachus sails to Pylos without telling them. “[The] Suitors had embarked .....
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Heart Of Darkness 5
Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4.... At times he goes into severe detail, in situations in which he is taken aback. This includes the travels through the marsh and swamp lands, the treatment of the natives, and the appearance of the new environment. When defining his surroundings he often uses transitions that revert back to the title of the work, allowing him to keep a theme of fear, death, and most significantly darkness. The setting is notably a major focus point in Conrad's work, and although time plays little role in the novel, the background encompasses much of the story line, and teaches the reader the conditio .....
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John Steinbeck: Realist And Naturalist
Number of words: 388 - Number of pages: 2.... Men tragedy and misfortune are often the result.
Steinbeck presentd scenes of great crulty and passion in his books, his characters often use profanity beacuse they know no other way of speaking, it's sort of a manerism with them. the reason for this is that profanity is often found inthe speach of illiterate people. Foul language in some groups is as much a convention as politness is in other groups. Stienbeck's characters are seldom cruel, and are more
likely to be gentle. If they commit crimes it is usually through an accident as in Grapes of Wrath or stupidity as in of Mice and Men, .....
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Farewell To Arms 6
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... on the bed and kept very still, except suddenly she would dip down to kiss me while I was doing it...inside a tent or behind a falls.” This novel is very graphic when it comes to them having sex or while he is at the whorehouses during his leave time. Many things in this novel are inappropriate for children and adults. In more ways then one, Hemingway didn’t like women very much, one example is in chapter nine where he takes page and a half to describe how a solder dies who is not a main character in the book. But in chapter forty-one, he only uses approximately three lines t .....
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