Heart Of Darkness 6
Number of words: 1293 - Number of pages: 5.... says,"…he probably felt the need at last of asserting his self-respect in some way. Therefore he whacked the old nigger mercilessly."(p. 13 Conrad) Soldiers in combat are forced to bring the evil within themselves out every time they go into battle. The scene in Apocalypse Now where Captain Willard first meets Lt. Colonel Kilgore exhibits the power combat has in bringing out the dark side in humans. The attitude the soldiers have towards their enemy in the scene shows how evil humans can be. Kilgore demonstrates his dark side when he tosses the "death cards" on to the bodies of the de .....
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Number of words: 2098 - Number of pages: 8.... eyewitnesses who
can't deal with the sight and helps victims and family members
deal with the loss of friends and family.
Norman was called one day and told that their was an
emergency and that they wanted him to come in and work. He
suspected that it was another plane crash. This guess of his was
bursted when he was loaded onto a military helicopter and took
off. He flew over the dark blue Pacific ocean and flew for what
was hours but seemed to be days. Hours and hours of dark blue
water was ended with a speck of a ship that turned into an entire
fleet of navy res .....
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Hills Like White Elephants, Ye
Number of words: 1707 - Number of pages: 7.... understate it. He tries to convince the girl to get the operation, but the girl seems bothered by this subject. However, he does not stop. Their relationship seems to be fine when the baby has not came in between them. We could see this where the guy says, “We’ll be fine afterward. Just like we were before.” The girl wants the relationship to become as before, but is in a huge dilemma whether to give birth to the baby or not. The man does not want the baby and has the choice of abortion in mind, not thinking of the other problems that would occur through operation such .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... he finds other human life. During the 15 years he builds a home and tries to survive as best as he can. He keeps track of the days by writing in his journal. He also wonders why he was chosen by god to be the only survivor of the wreck and why he was put on this island alone. He soon finds other humans but with more bad luck he also finds out they are cannibals. He rescues some savages who were held captive by the cannibals and makes plans to leave the island by means of a man made boat. This is when he spots a ship offshore. The go out to the ship and find out there is a mutiny on boar .....
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On The Subjection Of Women
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... work was done which they could call their
own Mill's response to all this is to urge a new principle of equality of the sexes;
that also means freedom for women, at least to the same extent as men have
freedom in society, since the principle includes equality of power. In 1869
women had little opportunity for success, but this was all in 1869. In today's
society women have the same opportunities as men. If they have the intellectual
prowess, and desire, a woman today can reach her full potential.
In the 21st century women determine the outcome of their endeavors. Their .....
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Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... that Quinn illustrated this idea superbly with his narrative of the aeronauts. Man
knew that he could fly but he didn’t know all the rules. And instead of leaving it be until
he did he was so sure of himself that he made his attempts blindly and came to a much
quicker end than if he hadn’t tried at all.
Toward the middle of the book my ability to accept Quinn’s ideas began to waiver. I believe this began when Quinn starting explaining the whys of man’s perceived destiny through religion or man’s need to overcome his religion. Now, I do believe that religion influences eve .....
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Grendel Vs. Beowulf
Number of words: 943 - Number of pages: 4.... actions. Beowulf told of a Grendel that mercilessly attacked Hrothgar’s meadhall killing men without reason. Grendel also speaks of this evil monster, but in a more sympathetic and excusable manner. Grendel is thought of as “the guardian of sins” and is the physical equivalent to a man that has been shunned by God. He is described as a hideous bear like ogre in human like shape. Both literary pieces tell of his extraordinary strength and size and his similarities to the early ideas of Satan. The poet in Beowulf also mentions that despite his strength and magnitude, Gr .....
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Lindo Jong
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... the Huangs were much higher in society than her family was. Once she stepped inside, however, she sees that the house is uncomfortable and imposing. Lindo was not welcomed warmly as a new member of the family. Instead she was shown to the servants' quarters which gave her a good idea about her position in this household. Her sole purpose of being the bride of Tyan-yu was to provide grandsons for Huang Taitai, her mother-in-law-to-be.
Lindo was determined to honor her parents and worked hard to become a good wife, learning how to sew, cook and clean. She had promised her family she .....
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The Pedestrian
Number of words: 1581 - Number of pages: 6.... normal in the society that Leonard Mead inhabits. "What's up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9? Where are the cowboys rushing, and do I see United Stated Cavalry over the next hill to the rescue?"(Bradbury, Pedestrian 72). To be considered normal, a person must sit in front of a television. In Leonard Mead's society, people who are different are not accepted. Leonard Mead does not follow society rules and what everyone else does in their life and because of this he is considered to be different and an outcast. People should be able to do what ever they want without having to .....
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Hawthornes Life Versus Life In
Number of words: 3480 - Number of pages: 13.... He was injured when
he was nine, so he did not go to school, which was no problem for Hawthorne who was
not a big fan of school at the time. This time allowed for Hawthorne to explore and do
many things other children could not do because of school. During Hawthorne’s early
childhood he did a lot of soul searching and finding his place in society. After he
recovered from his injury he resumed school and went to Bowdoin College. He was an
average student there and graduated in the middle of his class. After graduating he went
spent twelve years in “this dismal cha .....
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