Symbolism 2
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... line' the symbolic line that people must cross in order to accept each either as human beings. This is an ideal goal, just as it is also an insurmountable obstacle, in the society that the play depicts. (Jacob's 1553-54). Mr. Norwood will not let blacks use the front door because he thinks it should be used by whites only. Robert tries to cross the color line to try to feel as if he is accepted as a partially white person. Robert also does this as a form of rebellion. When Robert does get caught using the door he gets yelled at and punished. All of the symbols stand for ideas, val .....
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Number of words: 700 - Number of pages: 3.... would take them to war. Clytemnestra then tells the chorus about the defeat of Troy and returning from his ten years away at war.
After a few hours finally returns to his city. Along with him he brings Cassandra, a princess of Troy and captive to . She is known to be a prophetess who tells of tragedies. gives Cassandra to Clytemnestra as a slave. When Clytemnestra tries to bring Cassandra down from the carriage she is on and into the palace, Cassandra only sits there with a vacant look on her face. Clytemnestra goes into the palace threatening Cassandra and leaves her alone with the .....
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The Brothers K
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... a Christian and all. And weird things happened. And…well…I didn’t get it.” Page 358
The dramatic realization of the fact that the war will affect a member of the Chance family is apparent in this quote. The amount of sorrow and emotions felt by the Chance family, and for that matter, all families who had children, brothers, husbands, or fathers, drafted into what many felt was a needless war. The novel brings to life what heartache many Americans had to face during the Vietnam era, a heartache that few in my generation have had the ability to realize.
Quote 3:
R .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God 3
Number of words: 892 - Number of pages: 4.... came to the realization of her sexuality as she masturbated under a pear tree. The pear tree represented her sexual desires. Janie soon found herself fond of the opposite sex, as explained by the following quote: “Through pollinated air she saw a glorious being coming up the road. In her former blindness she had known him as shiftless Johnny Taylor, tall and lean. That was before golden dust of pollen had beglamored his rags and eyes.”(11).
However, Janie felt confined under her grandma’s beliefs. “Where were the singing bees for her? Nothing on the place nor .....
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Death Of A Saleman
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... does this because she has accepted the fact that Willy is really loosing it. The relationship between Willy and Linda Loman is deeper and more complex than it may seem at first. (p.39)
You would not know the true reason of Willy flaring up at Linda for mending a stocking until Willy has flashbacks about the affair he had with another woman,(p.121) this also explains why he and Biff are not on good terms. On page one hundred twenty-one Bif sobs while he says "You-you gave her Mama's stockings!" this brought the whole reason that Willy feels guilty about his wife having to mend stockings whi .....
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The Role Of Women In Medea
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... and practice she is a representative of the two free born groups
in Athenian society that had almost no rights at all (“Norton
Anthology” 739). Euripides could not have chosen a more
downtrodden role for Medea. Here is this woman who has stood by
her man through thick and thin. She has turned her back on her
family and killed her own brother while helping Jason capture the
Golden Fleece.
“Oh my father! Oh, my country! In what dishonor
I left you, killing my own brother for it.”
(Medea 164-165)
Despite all of her devotion to her husband he has f .....
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Crime And Punishment
Number of words: 3951 - Number of pages: 15.... through an image of people who go
through pain. He presents a graphical experience of ones who do not know how
to deal with humanity and its problems. Dostoevsky himself does not give a
clear solution nor does he leave one with the certainty of faith for an
example. He says himself:
Finding myself lost in the solution of these questions, I decide
to bypass them with no solution at all. (From the Author. The
Brothers Karamazov)
Through the presentation of crime and the issue of money which is often
connected to it, Dostoevsky retells a Bible story. H .....
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Death Of A Salesmen
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... when Willy committed suicide. To understand Willy’s tragedies we must view his psyche, his Unfulfilled dreams, frustrated hope and draw parallels to our present world.
Miller shows Willy as “a protagonist who no longer distinguishes between memory, imagination, reality and desire”(121 Martin). The tragedy begins to unfold when Willy’s memory of the past occurs virtually simultaneously with his present action. Although Willy’s memory was only illusions apparently they appeared real to
him. “You can not always believe the evidence of your own ey .....
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Character Change Brought On By
Number of words: 2335 - Number of pages: 9.... man justifies and acts out any action that ensures his survival. He shows that it is not nature one should fear but rather man, nature is a neutral force that only provides context for man to behave a certain way. To illustrate this point, Dickey places four individuals, born and bred in suburban society, into wild and lawless nature. Confronted with the "uncivilized" setting around them, Dickey shows how different men can react to the same situation. The character with the most significant and profound change is Ed Gentry.
Ed agrees to venture out on the river with the hopes of gain a .....
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Thoreau's View Of Civil Disobedience
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... morally unjust.
A key point to understand is that morality is derived from the source of where we get our rights: God. The Trancendentalists believed that you could be one with God by tapping into nature and its oversoul (which ran through all of life and we could learn from it to better ourselves). While our government has committed wrongs in the past, it is the individuals job to correct those wrongs and the State needs to respect those individuals' rights. Thoreau spoke of the Mexican war and slavery, not homosexuality. Thoreau's use of morality was based on equal treatment of people .....
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