Journey Towards Wealth
Number of words: 1036 - Number of pages: 4.... only in the present, but in the future also.
These are some things that I have learned from working at my first job. I was hired as a seasonal help, or until some of the older college help returned from school. So even thought I could be the best worker in the world I would have to prove myself to everyone. First impressions can be very important, but with the case of my boss, Ed, you have to talk to him for a while before you can begin to trust him. He had long dirty blonde (a color) hair and a beard, with an accent straight from the hills of West Virginia. But you shouldn't form an op .....
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Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... on the battlefield. Homer uses the epithet “proud” to modify the Trojan lines, an adjective that intensifies the effect of Paris’ action of retreating by mentioning its opposite. Homer further reviles Paris by calling him, ironically, “magnificent” and “brave,” thereby heightening the indignity of his cowardly retreat.
Another contrast in Paris’ character is represented in his beauty. He is known as one of the most handsome men in Troy, but looks can be deceiving, as Hector implies when he says, “Paris, appalling Paris! Our prince of beauty--/mad for women, yo .....
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The Pigman
Number of words: 826 - Number of pages: 4.... cautious about what she wears,her
influences and her peers."I have to leave for school now, Mother," I said wondering what she'd do if she was taking care of Mr. Pignati. "Give me a kiss." "Be careful...Lorraine don't you think that skirt is a little too short?" "It's the longest skirt in the sophomore class." "Just because all the other girls have sex on their minds, doesn't mean you have to." (ch.12pg.111) There for Lorrraine's mother doesn't want Lorraine to have the same bad experiences that she had but is being to over protective of Lorraine and will not let grow up.
John and his fath .....
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Comparing Two Poems
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... emotions from the readers. The poem about whales evokes sad and compassionate feelings from the readers.
Great whale, crying for your life
Crying for your kind
The poem Package for the Distant Future produces images of desperation new generations and the history and evolution of old civilisation being held on a scrap of paper.
We had a lot of things we did not like
And could have lived without
Do not invent gods
I hope the earth is nearly clean again.
This image could be seen to be rather disturbing, so to can the pictures produced by The Song of the Whale .....
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Lord Byron's "Darkness": The Faithful But Fated Dog
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... describe the stars and
create a sense of despair and hopelessness. The word "extinguished" is
used multiple times in describing both the sun and later for the loss of
fire. Men first give "selfish prayer" and later cast their eyes downward
with "curses". Both of these words portray the close ties to a religious
setting or event. The most obvious of the religious ties is line 46 in
which, "The meager by the meager were devoured". The ironic parallel to
the Biblical belief that the meek shall inherit the earth is clear. The
meek, or in this case the meager, shall inherit the destruction .....
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Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo E
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... of one man's refusal to accept what was once a proud and rich land reduced to tatters- left to ruin because of her failure to accept civil reform.
Herman Melville's work in Moby Dick was considered a classic, yet Melville died a figure with lost prestige, poor and unaccepted. When he was laid to rest in 1891, he was remembered only as the author of entertaining novels of the South Seas. It was not until 1920s when his place in America's foremost writers was assured. His works are now great masterpieces of emotion that were misunderstood while he was still alive.
Another important example is .....
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An Essay In Retrospect To The
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... man is starting the rebellion, Jan Rodricks. He is the “George Washington” so to speak of the planet earth. Jan is the one that will start the ball rolling to overthrow the overlords. Humans can only be suppressed for so long before someone comes forward to lead them to victory. And the overlord’s days of rein have been numbered.
Jan has successfully stowed away aboard an overlord supply ship and is on his way back to the overlord’s home world. He has done this by getting the number of the star that the overlord’s come from through some supper natural force .....
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The Odyssey
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... course.
Although the gods and goddesses were powerful they were also benificial.
Zeus was beneficial in the way that he helped Odysseus, “Then Zeus thundered/
overhead, one loud crack for a sign.”(p.478, 1032-1033), this sign told Odysseus
to start attacking the suitors. The way Circe helps Odysseus in warning him of
dangers to come, “Circe forsaw for us and shared with me,/ so let me tell her
forcast: then we die/ with out eyes open.”(p.459, 528-530) She warned of the
Sirens, Charybdis, Scylla, and the island of the sun god. Also Athene help
Odysseus fight the suitors and win. .....
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Philosophy - Hume
Number of words: 1913 - Number of pages: 7.... death is quite unusual, however it
seemed to happen naturally. He could only define it as a
true miracle if this dead man were to come back to life. This
would be a miraculous event because such an experience has not
yet been commonly observed. In which case, his philosophical
view of a miracle would be true.
Hume critiques and discredits the belief in a miracle
merely because it goes against the laws of nature. Hume
defines the laws of nature to be what has been “uniformly”
observed by mankind, such as the laws of identity and gravity.
He views society as being far to liberal i .....
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Dillards Delay
Number of words: 1196 - Number of pages: 5.... kicks in when you are put in a situation like this, and if you have the training you kind of run on automatic pilot. You do what you have to do and don't think about the consequences, about whether your actions are right or wrong.
I don't understand why anyone should have to stop and think about the consequences in a life threatening situation. If you are willing to risk your life to help someone, there should not be any consequences to you for being a good Samaritan. If James had not been willing to help that guy, the guy would more than likely have died.
Our society is so sue-ha .....
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