Battle Royal Symbolism
Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3.... clear that at the time that this story was written, black men could never show any kind of attraction towards white women. This was an unwritten, but inexcusable law of society with harsh consequences. How that relates to the story is that the group of black boys are not suppose to be attracted to the exotic dancer as they are not suppose to be attracted to the idea of being equal with white people. This is why some of the boys try to hide the fact that they are attracted. Some of them cried, one of them fainted, and another tried to hide the proof of his arousal. They thought that if .....
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The Odyssey: Telemachus
Number of words: 258 - Number of pages: 1.... of Agamemnon's Murder. The story
tells of how Aegisthus paid a man to watch for Agamemnon's return from the sea.
After a year of waiting, the King returned in what he thought to be secrecy.
The lookout man relayed the information to Aegisthus and he had Agamemnon's
finest warriors become preoccupied with a small confrontation in one end of the
castle. In the other end of the castle, Aegisthus had a banquet and feast
prepared for Agamemnon. Aegisthus took a chariot to the sea and picked up
Agamemnon. Agamemnon was very happy and he believed that Aegisthus was his
friend. He returned to .....
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House On Mango Street 2
Number of words: 924 - Number of pages: 4.... the best place they have ever lived. Esperanza had to get a job in order to go to a private Catholic high school. Catholics do not attend public high schools. Also Esperanza’s father said, “Nobody went to public school unless you wanted to turn out bad.” (53). Esperanza’s job was at a photo shop that her Aunt had once worked at. At the photo shop she matched the negatives with the photos. She also has not been able to keep friends because of her constant moving around.
Esperanza is very ashamed about many things such as her name, which means “too many .....
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Symbolism And Characterization In Books
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... first meeting with Leggatt communicates a closeness between the two men. "I was almost as much of a stranger on board as himself…at that moment I felt it most acutely" (28). The Captain still feels strangely about taking control of the ship, but he feels an impulsive connection with Leggatt. While Leggatt is close at his side, the Captain begins to think clearly and prepares a scheme to keep his secret sharer safe. "Such was my scheme for keeping my second self invisible. Nothing better could be contrived under the circumstances" (35). The Captain begins to think clearly and has no do .....
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Research Paper On The Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1576 - Number of pages: 6.... to do in order to survive. However most boys disagree and think of Ralph as demanding, bossy, and an ineffective leader.
Piggy is another boy stranded on the island who helps and gives advice to support Ralph. Henningfeld adds, “Piggy is his advisor, someone who is unable to rule because of his own social and physical shortcomings, but he is who is able to offer sound advice to the political leader” (188). Piggy helps Ralph in every way he can and tries to prevent Ralph from giving up his democratic rule. Toward the end of the novel, some of the boys decide to join Jack’s tribe and aba .....
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The Characterization Of Gilgam
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... Furthrermore, his beauty and power were like that of no other man.
The poem begins by stating that Gilgamesh is an overbearing king. He never sleeps due to his over indulgence in life. Gilgamesh "keeps the city in disruption" ivolving anyone he pleases in his corrupt demands (Wolff 1). He sleeps with all the virgins before they are married, therefore, making them inpure before their husbands have a chance to sleep with them. If Gilgamesh were a mature king, he would see no reason to show he is the most powerful. He would lead his people with only good intentions and rule the .....
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Simile Of The Cave
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... our nation today are often "blinded" from the truths that are presented before them. They live their lives from day to day just knowing and accepting what is being presented to them blindly and have no concept of the reality that lies behind what they are presented. Unless these people are freed and allowed to find the truth for themselves, this is the way that they will always live their life. Plato symbolizes this by suggesting that one of these men is freed and ventures out of the cave into the light, or the world above, and sees the sun, symbolizing "the form of the good& .....
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Young Goodman Brown 4
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... in his world was not as it appeared to be.
Every person that he had a high regard for was challenged on this walk. Evil too the shape of his father and goodness his own mother reaching for him. Even if a dream, Brown could not bring himself to soil his mothers image. He had no suchproblem with Goody Cloyse who had been a mentor since he was a young child. As his journey continued in the darkest night of the year he had to deal with the fact that maybe his "faith" had not been compromised.
Subconciously, Goodman Brown was uneasy about faith. She did not want to be left alone by he husb .....
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Ethan Frome
Number of words: 627 - Number of pages: 3.... Ethan took an immediate liking to her cousin, Mattie, because she brought a bright light upon his dismal day. He seemed to have found someone that cared for him, was always happy, and could share his youth, unlike his sickly wife who always nagged him. He longed to be with Mattie, however he had to be loyal to his wife. Being married to the wrong person proved to be Ethan's first failure.
Ethan's second failure was not being able to stand up for himself against his wife. Zeena claimed that a new doctor said that she was extremely sick, and needed more help around the house. She told him, wit .....
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Beowulf: Link Between Traditions - Pagan And Christian
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... Hrothgar and his counselors make useless attempts to appease
Grendel in Verse 2. They can't offer him gold or land, as they might an
ordinary enemy. Like most people in a time of crisis they slip back into old
ways of thinking. Instead of praying to God for support, they sacrifice to t he
stone idols of their pagan past.
The Christian motifs that run through the poem contrast with the pagan
system of values that underlies the actions of the kings and the warriors. The
influence of Christianity was just beginning to make its mark in this world, and
most of the characters are to .....
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